Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 16 Jun 2000, p. 16

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June 16, 2000 SDate/ne I've been rida, and I've been poor. Rich is better. If you are like maay women, yoa may flot he preparing adequately for retrement, evc though you know that long-range financtal planning ns important for your future necuaty. Balasring a carrer, a home and child-reaning often leaven lte time for tavenîmeun coantiler - ation. SWhether marrird or single, cvery woman nhoutd have a venîrd interent ta mtndtng her own financial future. Today, whether yoa are near age 65 or a memher of the hahy-hoomà generation. mont of your retrement arcome wilt prohahly depend on your own resoutea. After aIt, with inrreased tîfe expectancien, you could he npending up to a third of yoar life ian. retirement. Peuple now fnnd they muni work heyond thte unoat retiremeat age ta supplemean traditional soures of arcome. According 100a 1998 Gallup pol, only 26% of women have a fiuancial plan, rither fortmai or informai. Women have good reasonu ta ha con- rerned about achieviag a acre retrement. Berause the average woman han received lower puy. her nuvingu muy ha lent. The 1998 Gallup poli alno found that, campared ta 14% of mca. hy age 65 only 4% of woaren had acramualued avec $100,000 ia their RRSP portfolion. RRSPn are anc of the best tan breaks uvail- able ta Canudian inventora. They allow eligihle individunîn ta make lus-dedurtihîr rontribu- tiant of 18% of the previaun year'u caard inc:me, or $13,500 (whihever tisens). Iran aay penion adjunîmnent. Since tltcy ulaw yaurs moc ngo natan-deferred batttey represnt the mont effective way to aefor ~ retireant. You ra rontrihate ta yoar RRSP uge 69. An thin point yau mort hagia withdmaw- iag folly taxable retiremeot ancome via an appmoved reûrement arcome optiaa if yau winh ta maintuin the ta nhattered saans of your reg- ittered astets. If you have a poune and enpert their incame ta ha lower tIta y-, nrOf dorig retirement, yanu m:y wiah ta ranaider dirtiag yaur ron- tributions ta a spounol RRSP. This is an easy and effective way ta achieve anme "inrome splittiag" during mûtrement for tan purpoteS. Yan ran direct any umoont tIt yau arr eligi- hIe ta rontrihote ta yosr owa RRSP toao npoual RRSP inteud. Yoa utill gel ta person- ally rlaimi s tus dedortion for tise ansaunt yo rastrihute, but the plan ns awaed and ron- trolid hy your apouse. Sureys show that women are hesitat ta teck finrniol-planaing assistace. Remember. knawledge is money. Better romprelsensiait af a RRSP allows yau ta muke dha tigha finanrial moyeu. 'lite halp of o Finanrual Consultant moy malte you feel mare romnfoetohle, han donÏgo on the advice of joat anc petuon. Gel more tho anc opinion and, mont of ail, tantt yaur int- ilion when shopping for a Finanrial Consaltant. By looking around, yau'îl gel o hetter sente ahout who is hast suited ta adiles your aeeds and rerognize yotar priontien. Finally, whether or nol yoa gel ftnonrial advire, nltimately, dhe reuponnihility foc your RRSP remains seith you. Sa. dont( let youesetf dowa. you owc il ta yoorself ta make sure you'rr fiaally equippeil for tha retirement you've woticed ta hard for. K. Surina Purdy, USA, is o Financiol Cannaînant toilh Merrli Lynch Canada servutg the hiton oud Georvnos oreort Site specializes in Reirentenand Ins'estuent Management Stronegies for High Net Worth lmlividuali. For farater iuformation ornao ai 4:30 p.nm., piéau aUt e from DATELINE on page 13 Children uged 3 10 5 yeurn are invited to 'Creation Station' from I to 3 p.m. ut thse Milton Community Resource Centre, 917 Nipisning Rd. Participants creale nomething new every week. Projects include a wall ha nging, a mobile, a game and a centrepiece. Caîl the centre ut 876-1244, ext. 12, to register. The Milton and District Horticulturul Society holdu its, monthîy meeting ut 7:30 p.m. ut the Royal Canadian Legion, 21 Charles St. Guent speaker Christopmar Andrew discusses clemutis. th exet NO COST - NO OBLIGATION IN-HOME EVALUATION! Our llWnd homne wr oem nùn wl cone to yourhomand eW'u.afe your oenfra air nee&i anti rqulrmentx AUat &O CMS and wh" NO ORIJGTIOI FUthMIore, pdlorto Irsfatn we wN perfon a oerM luht gai Skulaton ta entire acairMf sOnkg oIoM enMU OUIMASARTOSA11SYYORHOME CMFOR MO CIR YOU &CEPIII4 VAUE AYMENS UTIL A JULY2001 * N OACseDae o details THE "RSELECT' SERVICE TEAM Provadng cutnem witft " Experienoe (20 years each) a Fact@ry rained * ConMeiti pnices * ult u W Mai utu, ltlcTomuw s P *8%" %M. n#rdg.oUrUg 4361 Harveter Rd. Salae Enrg1~ (905) 632-1377 b2UUaOaEr.on, Georgetown Markelplace Mali (905>876-1020 @Tm Tra&jr fAMILES tuerutai H<dding N.V. Uwd under lIreast9hy dyty ManugenmaiGnisaundu, IrcaidEnheidgSenluc. NwmearneMIR MSrwurdmîle haoeeyPOspnnîan elWiNe puci dMwices wih Enlaidge HiSerian Tuesday June 20 A Purent Support Group meets ut 7:30 p.m. ut Pinelandu Preubytenian Church, 5270 New St., in Burlinglon. Thiu non-clenominational uelf-support group with trained leaders helpa parenta of trou- bled children. For details, caîl 1-800-488-5666. Halton Community Legal Services holda its, annual general meeting ut 7 p.m. an Hughi Fouler Hall, 43 Brown S. The gueun speaker in Jack Fleming, a clinic funding luwyer, former staff lawyer in Hailton and author of Reaidential Tenancias in Ontario. Caîl 875-2069 for more Organizer requesting people sign Up flow Participants in the second annual Soap Box Derby July I only require a helmtt and courage as cars can reuch upeedu of 28 ken/hour, suys organizar Jirs Dunhuen. Mr. Dunham along wîth the Milton* Optimist Club arc supplying the cars for the family avent, which will gel underway ut 1:30 p.m. There will be two catagories, adultu (ages 16 yars and ovar) and juniors (agas 15 years andi younger). Participants muat ba able to reuch the brakea and atear the cura, Mr. Dunharo information. Halton Healthare Services, VON Hulton and the Alzheimner Society for Halton-Wentworth pre- sent 'Underslanding Alzheimser Disease', a Semn- inar ut the Galaxy Banquet Hall in Oakville. Dr. Patricia Lepage, a noted puychiatriut, leada the pre- sentution, which beginn ut 7 p.m. Cal] 338-4379 to reaerve a seat. The Milton Seniors' Activity Centre hostn a bus excursion to Ouhawa's Purkwood Estute (Col. Sam McLaughlin's home) ansd the Cullen Gardens and Miniature Village in Whitby. Caîl 875-1681 to said. In keaping with the family avent focus, the entry fe for juniors is to have a parent or guardian enter the aduit clous. There is no entry fac chargad for adults. Neither clous has to puy to use the cars and each drtver participates in two races. Tha races will start ut the top of the hilI on Mill Street with the adultu rsce ut 1:30 p.m. followad by the juniors rsce. The avent, which will go ahaad us planncd ran or uhine, in cxpccted to finish ut about 3:30 p.m. To regiatar, to, sponsor a car or for more information caîl 399-1663 aliter 5 p.m. or on weekends. >-loap Box Derby to be *heid on Miii St. July i

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