Young and old show gay p ride By KAREN ROBBINS Special to The Champion Colourful balloons and flags swung in the wind. Folk music spilled out from large speakers. People casually chatted on picnic benches, strolling through the park or grabbing something from the barbecue. Halton'a firat Gay'Pride Day, held at Bronte Creek Provincial Park June 3, wcnt off seithout a hitch and even managed to achieve thc 'family atmosphere' that was hopcd for by organizers. About 100 people - young and old, gay and atraight - gathcrcd in thse park to hear writer Sky Gilbcrt rcad froin bis latest works, to mcct thc creator of the "A Day in the Life" comic strip, Finnean Cole, and to enjoy thc sunny aftcmoon. Evcnt organizer Kim Abbott of the Halton Anti-Homophobia Commnittec said shc was imprcssed by the positive atmosphere. "It's important to celebrate and affirm that wc do cxist in Halton r egion, that onc in 10 people are gay or leshian and wc have fami- lles and none of us look any differ- ent from ayone who is heterosex- ual. We juat want to have anme fn and to enjoy cach other's compa- ny," she said. Ms Abbott, whn was named the "moat visible leabian in Haîton region" by Extra Magazine, said having the event in the park worked out better than having s parade - like other regin have donc - in terma of safcty and aile- viating conflict. The committee rented the park space, which was designated as pri- vate prnperty. If anynne had dis- turbed the event, they could have been forced to leave. This prnvidcd better security than parades, which are put on in public places where preserving participants' aafcty is much more difficult. Melanie Hannah, a Halton Regionai Police officer assigned to Georgetown and a member ot the organizing committee, waa at the event on duty to help protect peo- pie against harsassment. "For the people to feel sale is one of thse most important thinga for us. If they don't ledl sale they wnn't attend, an we don't want that," Constable Hannah said. "There had been anme people thst wcrcn't ton pleased about the fact that it was being held, but I think the majority of people under- stand that we're juat here to celc- 'brate," she continucd. Increasing swareness about gay and leshian issues was alan a major theme at the event. Sponsors like the Halton Regional Health Department had display bootha providing information about gay issues such as discrimination and suicide. It alan gave out free sain- pIcs nf sunscreen and condoms. "We're not shnoting for special attention," Constable Hannah said. "We juat wsnt people to become more acccpting and to realize that we are juat like everynne cIsc." Constable Hannah alan pninted out that Use event is a way of giv- ing people who are gay or leabian in Halton a chance to socialize and develnp contacta in thc community. She remembers whcn she firat ".came out" that it was very diffi- cuit to meet other gay people. Startinq Tuesday, Milton's Champion Kids are invited to join our club for children of ail ages. Memberships are free and include special discounts at participating stores. Watch for a membership registration form on the Champion Kids page in Tuesday's edition. Champion Kids wiI be published monthly featuring games and activities for great prizes. Cbamptwn à' FILMING NOTIFICATION DATES: Friday, June 16th (12:00 Noon to 5 a.m.) Monday, June 19 (12:00 Noon to 5 a.m.> PLACE: Duffemin Aggregates Quarry, Dublin Uine Filmning wl1 he for the Canadian television show "Relie Hunter'. The ffllming will taise place within the Dufferin AWgegates Quarsy pmopesty SPECLAL EFFECTS: Frklay, June 16th - Between 9pmn & nhidnight Soine of the scenes wiil require specia effects; that would create lo,» level noise, a smafl firebA-l, and a imited amount of smnoke. Thse quany floor xvii also he lit up for ffiming. The entire special effects scene may last up to 10 seconds. in tihe event that the scene needs to he reset, it can be done within 30 minutes. Ail safety precautions Wvin be followed irscluding the presenoe of Halton Regional Police. May we take this opportunity to thank you for your attention to this notice and for your co-operation and understanding. QUESTIONS: Please contact thse locations Dept. Relie Hunter 416-368-9948 FIRECORF VII PRODUCTIONS INC. 373t Front Street East, 2nd Floor Toronto, Ontaio, Canada Sharleen Weadge was the Iucky ofMa~FEea~winner of thm ie 4 tickets to F1yern~0~Wonderland. Sharleen (right) È, receives her tickets RURUGTONPOWE CM£from Champion O.E.. &BRW TRRAdvertising Rep (905331-600Adele Read (Ieft) ZbMt (Canabian (Cbampt'on