4- The Canadien Champion, Tuesday, June 13, 2000 REMEMBER Dia DRVEFATHER'S A Accredited Test S n a u e1t & Repair FacilityS ndy Jne 8h VACATION M-4 PICTURE WILL 1H18 SUMMER? it may be time for a cooling system check-up! AIR CONOUTIONINO SERVICE Have your air conditioning systomn inspocted and sorvicod today by a licenssd LEFC. facility. Licensed Technician on duty for both R 12 and the new R 134A Freon rI1u's .0 TITON O MILTON IN THE MATTER OF THE ONTARIO HERITAGE ACT, R.S.O. 1990, c.0. 18 AND'IN THE MAlTER 0F the lands and premîses at the following municipal .address-in the Province of Ontario. NOTICE 0F INTENTION TO DESIGNATE TAKE NOTICE THAT THIE Councîl of the Corporation cf the Town of Milton intends to designate the exteri- or only of the building at the foliowlng municipal acjdress as a building of historical and architectural significance under Part IV of mhe Ontario Heritage Act, R.S.O. 1990, c.O. 18.* Municipal fiddmrss:' 58 Victoria àtreel, Milton, Ontario REMOUS FOU THE PROPOSED DESIGNATION: This grac!ous residence constructed in the late 1 800's.Is bUylt In true Victorlan style, wit steep pifches and gables, gingerbread-trim and elongated, mullloned Windows. The interlorretains Ifs original hardwood floors and carved woodwork, along with 1 2 deep moulings. An original wooden staircase complotes the perlod interlor settinc.. ANV PERSON MAY, wlthln thirty (30) days of the flrst publication of this notice, send by registered mail or deiver f0 the Clerc of the Corporation of mhe Town of Milton, notice cf his or ber objection to mhe proposed designation togehr wif h a statement of mhe reasons for the objection and ail relaevant tacts.- If such a Notice cf-Objection is recelved, the Gouncil 0ftme Corporation cf the Town of Milton shaIl sefer the mat- ter th hConservaItion lw v1W8 for a hearlng. DATED AT MILTON fhls 13th gay of June, 2000. MoI1en Uisi Town Cierk, CNorportionl of the Town of Milton BIrownStreet UWtmnQtarto LOT 5H12 Through passage of the Energy Competition Act, the Ontario government is infroducing competition and consumer oholce into Ontario's electrical energy industry. With Ontario Hydro's resfructuring in place, attention now tums tomte municipal level. Milton Council has opfed to creafe a dynamn- ic, "for profit" corporation f0 be operated for mhe benefif of mhe citizens of Milton. We have been retained to assist in mhe recrultment and selec- tion of eight outstanding indîviduals te acf as the new Milton Hydro Corporafion's inaugurai:. BOARD 0F DIRECTORS The Board wuli play a significant role in guiding Milton Hydro's evolution from a hydro-elecfric commission to an independent, commerclally oriented energy company. In addition te maturify, judgement and infegrity, the ideal candi- dates will possess significant private sector business experi- ence, demonstrafed leadership abilities, corporafe board experience and an awareness of public policy and regulatory issues related f0 mhe business of the Corporation. Collectively, the ideai siafe of Directors will represent a broad store of knowlédge and expertise across a variety cf relevant Industries and functional capabilifies. Ouallfled Individuels are invlted f0 express mheir inferest In writing, by June 16, 2000, f0: Gary McCracken, Metzler & Company,, 2 Toronto Street, Suite 500, Toronto, Ontario M5C 286; Fax: (416) 955-0418. E-mail: swhelan@mefzer- co.com Whie we thank ail intorested parties for their submisslons, we regret only selected candidates wili be contacted. For further Information on the new Milton Hydro Corporation, pieas visit ii. -Whutýs New- section at iw.w.town.mifton.on.ca -w/Be our guest Miii Street homeowner Garri Faggion <ieft) and friand Bey Grant <dressed In period costuma) greal guesta during Saturday's HisiorIcai Homes Tour. Tha bouse, buit In 1881, was oe cf six local homes and Knox Preabyterian Church fe- tured In tha tour. Proceeda from the annual avant, organlzed nd sponsored by the Milton Histotical Society, go toward the restoration of the Waliî Biacksmith Shop on James Street. Photo by GRAHAM PAINE -~ lii H iîTj1