32-Tha t~anadian Champion, Tuosday Juna 13 2000 f Automatic Lawn Sprmklers Save tîme and money and protect your landscape investment. Terry Rowley Mechanical hic. 925 Main Street East, Unit 3 878-1979 *...mteu' IVAI,.4k21,D. * 9 A & i ~llER-BOND MASONRY * Block Foundations *Chinmey Repair *Retaining WalIs Free *FfrepIace~ 'General Masonry Womk Cou Steve MeDougali R7R~zL1Q1i ! !! I IlZ~~r-~ Specahzrng in Cuits. PItted DELREX flhpi Whadows sud Fascla <nul AIsoffl<n~ liough CallST75383 between 9am & 9pm N YEAR werrre~ WARRANTS ON WORKNANSHIP CALL ANY TIME MOBILE MECHANIC/INSPECTOR * O REGULAR PPACE $99 95 i CHECK FOR DOD5NPAINTREPAIR ELEC TRORICS MECHARICAL TRIS RECALLS INSURANCEAIER HISTORY 410 580 1682 Concept CaL~inet~ IC PAINT WORK KJtohoe, & Vanlt2j Cabinets F~1REE A~atsatCalslneto N Accassarles 5tOrS Fbcturee wllh a iiew Ç~joton ~ ~ Apartment ~ House ~ Business kitchen Seniors Diacounts! 785 Main St. Eut, Unit fl 8789177 Serving Milton, Georgetown & Acton ,~ Ovu Resido HARI? Tel: (905 4252 Hendorson Road RR. No. 1, Milton - LOT OYE ir 50 Years Expenence intial & Comniercial )IMAN ROOFING CO. LTD. 876-0958 nos: <905> 878-3447 Fax <905) 870-0936 Pr.. 5 1-877-667-4958 Natural Gas & Propane BBQ's BBQ Parts ALLM~11 S. MOOSU Terry Rowley Mechanical mc. vwT 925 Main Street Enat, Unit 3 878-1979 Guliongas tUb! TOWN & COUNTRY WINDOw CLEANING * Eavestrough * Siding Windows (,*II ~o - ~ - ~ - __ g~rL.~A ~4tuu Satlafactloi FuUy Insured & liendedGmrantood 12 YrL ot Professionai Experience ~m F8e s.~j'.~qou SEPTIC TANK PUMPING Robert Noble Ltd. 180 ft of hase for crossing Iawns 3 radio dispatched trucks to serve you Don't wait for trouble - Pump befor. trie too Iatel (Should pump aN teast every 3 years) Neyer use coloured or double ply toilet paper (519> 853-0500 Acton Answering Service 878.6869 - OViN 20 VEARS EXPERIENCE' L 3'4~o~e o7~a/é Quality Custom Homes Additions - Renovations CommercaI/Industrial Construction Froc Estimates (905) 826-0892 R&R Gamajs Doors - Elecisie Openers Sabs, Srvlce mmd lstlUaU.m ll4ndows, Enirance Doors, Stomi Doors, Patio Doors TEL: 519-8532114 (ACTON) ~J r.m. contracting Itd. "RENOVATION SPECIALISTS" Realdential & Commercial - 'Additions * Bathroo.ns 'Roc RO~ms * Garages 'Docks Ieod 878-8620 Fiofs~enc.s I S.W. Pùvins~-~ j ~ Re~a~o~Ovts Caramia Tuas Hardwaad lac Raams Dathraams (905) 876-4023 Ste., Studa Drap Caillaga -i me.,. mn, M.A.R.C.H. MECHANICAL Parts for Washars * Dryors * Ranges * Freezers Refrigorators * Dlshwashers 785 Main Strest East ~61 138 Acrosa from the Go Station I Il M.A.R.C.H. Saler Furmce Systema * O.., Propane and leat Pumpe - Air, Oround *OtdC FUIIUCS Weter Source. * 511gb Ufflclenoy Air Oentral A Rosas Air Mitera & Humidifiera 785 Main 8t,..t East *44 ~R ,c~ossr'o B75-2700 <SAI F51 Terry Rowley Mechanical me. Air Conditioning Sales & Service Heat Pumps * Furnaces VIII! 925 Main Street East, Unit 3 v~gooM 878-1979 LNOX ~1 I [III III] Dk'U I - 'I