Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 13 Jun 2000, p. 29

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The Canadien Champion, Tuesday, June 13, 2000--2i Classified CLASSIFINO 01 BON S! HOURS ~A 9:0 M 500PM AL 11"lassified A-dS 9:OOA-5:OOM LU annear at... ÇL Il Il a1 1' Ii ANNIVERSARY Bi __Teelideno JACK & DIANA MCOGALL wuld like you to join them as we celebraste their 50TH WEDDING ANNIVERSARY on Saturclay, Jiane 17, 2000 ast 7:00 p.m. ast The Downastairs John MeMaster University Campus I Besi tvi.vh" îînlîj Casht Bar - Briffùt <t 10):00 For directions pease cati Chris & Trssh McDousl (905) 631-7991 6 IIADFIELD -Rnger & Eleanor happity announce the arrivat on June 9, o00 f thaîr tenth granitchilit, 8-pound Andre2RO bert, in Grace Hospi tel, St. John's Nemtounitland. Parents Phull p &Teresa, andt big brother Taylor, ara ail ecstatic. Kein andt Helen Crozier formerfy 0f Milton ara pteased f0 ennounce the birtfl of their siaf h grandchild MaideleIne Lyla Margaret on May 16, 2000. Prouit parents ara Jessica (nea Crozier) andt Dan Henitrika of Toronto. Thritted tcfs dime Nasse and Grandpe are Barbera andt David Hendrika of Toronto. LALONE -Eit & Senitre (sas) Fletcher of Mitan are pleassi tof announce the birth of their itsughfer Danlelle Margaret Faye meigh- ing 7 has 131 oz. et Miffon District Haspitai on June 2, 2000 et 1:06 pcm. A nem siater for Michael, Daniel, Tyler, Nicolte, Dillan, Devait asdthVe 1sf e ChantaI le. Thanka ta Dr. Sherca & ait 088 staff. REDDEN, Donald "Don" Suitienly on Ssturitay; June 10, 2000 in fils 63rd yesr. Beloveit patner est compemios of Mergsret. Lovesg faither of Mchael andt hie mife Km;e Jeffrey anit hie ite Tracy. Loving Poppe af Taylor, Alexanitra anit Msckeyf e Ha miii fis fonitly remembereit by fie brothera, restera, nephema, nces ait fenda. Friands msy ceti ef lIm Turner & Porter Peer Chapal, 2180 Hurontenio St., Miessauge, (Hmy. 10 North a0t Q.E.W.), trois 7-9 pcm. Tsay. Fuserai ser- vice in th1e chapel on Weitnesitsy, Juire 14, 2000 sf 3 pcm. Crmtin For those mfio miefi, reniembrances ray be mate tomte Neat ait Strake Foundallon.- sh imae mheion sOi bsiel Anpmvo fcor bi l cfimmi sadi c b.e inseron Am li M ainc the11 CWO esdS opamiai bSs ll ami aienlin of tu*l om coa to " d"ma lii Swa roduced the. volc ai the osADLNuaEf FORm TUEaAY & FNAYie PAPEA nomaum Fddas 3 Pcm laTUNodaY noi *dada.oday 3p.-_ loi Feday W-j &Y là-- SEAN WELSH Front littie trikes to big bikeaf - Ride safety and be careful - Love, Mom, Ded Jennifer and Barney RHYNOLD, Elva Lorraine Paafiiy et thse Mias -District Hospifal an Sunitay, Juna 11, 2000. Lorraine Rhynoîd in har 75th year. Balayait mite aI the fate Hevelack Rhynold. Lbving caViar aI Greta Greanho ait fier hus- band Oait Wilson. Shiley ait fier huebenit Glîbert Donaliao ait Chartes Grasnhnm andt his mife Esther. Deer granitfer of Terry, Melissa, Chrishina ard Jessica. Sadly cissit h fer brotharsan esistera Jack l'homne nI fi, Carol Thama of Toronto, Doug Thoma aI Nuestet andt Pet Moore of Ottama. Faraily ait f rienits cey visit et thie MoKacsie-Kacher Fuserai Home 114 Mais Strast Milton froc 2-4 pis soit 7-9 pis Tueatay endt 2-4 pin anit 7-9 pas on Wsdnesay. Fuserai Service Thursay, Juna 15, 2000 et 11:00 ac froc tIsa Fuserai Haras. In lieu of tlomera donations ta tIse Mifton District Hospitel Foundatios or lIse Victorien Oriter aI Nurses moult ho appreteteit by thie fadel. L47Lar er veaton, 7-8 June 12, 1990 Vrai ment smey mite faremell Vrai sait gooutuye fa nons Besits your grave I affer stand Myhssrt bralcen ait lonely Tif mceet ga ait 1 cen test yaur Tauct ait sas your smniîcg lace. I mitf love yau alresys Manne Wewish ta thank aur familles,? friends and neig hbau rs for cards, grfts and flowers and for îdayl makîng aur ~U 5Oth Wedding Anniversary a Ven/ Memarable Day. S Thank Yau Alex & Margaret Murray "Boston Presbyterian Church will be csiebrsting ifs i 80th Anniversary on Sunday June the lSfh wvifh e worshîp service sf 11:00 s m. and e light lunch f0 foîîow. As e part of the service a dedîcation wîli 'tae place rnarking the recent reeforation of the hratonic carnetery. Ail are invited fto i us on this epeciel occasion" NOTICE 0F ANNUAL MEETING Notice is flerehy givea Iflat thle aossal meeting of Miltes Millenaaooe Commnsty Residences (MMCR) wiltb hl iai Hugfl Fauter Hall, Miltas, Ont. anTsursday Jase 22, 2000 ai 7:30 pin for thle parpoe of oeceîving Reports and Fias ai Statecesis for thle peniod MULTI-FAMILY GARAGE SALE 8 A.M. -12 P.M. SATURDAY, JUNE 17 813 AND 815 MERRIT DRIVE] SAT. JUNE 17TH 8:00 AUM. - 4:0 R. 141 TREMAINE RD. MILTON (N. cof Steelea - forraer Toms Lina> Ram nor Shine Retiring front home daycare- Fumishings, high- chaira, stroliera, carseats & toya galora, antiques, collectiblea, chine, avon, houaehold items, bunkheits, central vac, tant, 5 speait bike, Weekeniters and lota more.Soaething for evaryone! BERGSMA'S PAINT &,WALLPAPER 2ND ANNUAL CLEARANCE Int/Ext. Mistints, Disc. Wallpaper, Stain, Paint and Moral REAR PARKING LOT 0F BERGSMA'S PAINT on MARY ST., MILTON SATURDAY JUNE 17 8:00 A.M. - 11:00 A.M. ANNUAL YARD SALE SAT. JUNE 17,8 8AUto 2 PM Many end of the tise, iicontinued & ctear- ance items. Join us between 10:30 a.m. & C:0pm oUtR D P.O l 1.0 1:0pm OUHTR Dog&P.Oty10 28 Bronte St. N. Milton (corner of Bronte & Main St. E.) THE UNITED WAY OF MILTON 110W hrng Drivera. AIl sew applicatins milI be fInvites you to attend the cossidereit. Alan re- 10 ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING quired f naide Staff. Eveninga andt mea- THURSDAY, JUNE 29, 2000, 7:30 PM kenits. Apply in peran COMMUNITY ROOM any day after 4 p.m. f0 HALTON REGIONAL POLICE STATION 17 Wilson Driva (et the 400 Childe Drive, Milton cion Dr.), Mit. sard Business f0 be preaented: Report on Business and Efections Wiso p .),Milo. t EVERVNE WECOMEEARN $200, $300, RSVP 875-2550 by Juna 20th $oo or more par weak, Voting Pnvileges toaeny pason donefiong $5 or more duning 1999 assambling product sn the cocloif of your own home. Senit a sef ad- dressai t ampeit envel- RREWOOD -Spning pnica 175.00 Bush Cort Del -Dundas St. West Suifa All haritronit aplit 12' or 16" maple, nefi hickory op 41Rf 0 .PH. 8-0 cherry. 878-8251. CEDARS for heitges ca. Ont LSf< 2R8. $4.50 andt up. Caîl J. GARDENER To tae Newman (905)691-0303 charge of aIl garitens ~~re~~~fnran Kteenie ysotfrsa for a major 11 R mAl ýtcorebuilt Klregnh-equeatnan faolity. Du- drastefie driver, 4' cmer teck, goodt condtion. fies involve plastîng est $1900. Phone 632-006 affer 6pm. me staining ai flower BUYISELL steafiffta parch rifta oelîng dfts, eleve- FREE effaena Cali Las« bada sait shrubs. Alan fora, cootera, beda, etc. Call >97 (905 (905)330-214 ncludes transsing up CARPET Cerpat. 1 have neyeraI thousenit yards of sema0530-14. s ihho aSu nere Steinceafer and 100%/ nylon caretf f miti oer- backgroun Fa re- jpa yu tiving ma ot haIt for $349. Price induites sume fa l05827-63 cet pet;d est insftalan. (30 q. yards). Steve LID etarn AUTOMOTIVE Parts Bus pacson. Appfy in relsuritar reuiras n 1t1o: 243 Mesn St. fmtnai fectnry labourera due ta grnmth. $9,00 Hr. ATTENTION INTERNET USERS ta steit. Fax resume f0: flS GARAGE Unticifeit Acces anly $15.95, greaI toa etr- 878-3012 (John) CUS vice ait support froc a e Càsr SURF IlE NET.86-64tI 11 ~873M 76264t 4 sient. Hasts Stetionery LUit. 182 Main St. Milon. Apply in pacson wifh Res- auras ta Mr. Steve Ba- nia Tues -Set. MACHINIST Dynamie individuel requiretf for custoc fabrication aI composents for festin g apparatus. Minimum 2 yeera aspanience. Fa- milier mith ail cechine typas. Seiary caracen- surate mith asparience. Cai to, arrange appoint- cent: (905)693-0866. SMALL office in Miftas requirea a itetal osient- ed parn, 3 deysMe for generai office tuties sccounifing & date entry. Fax resucne Cynthia 9:0>-693-0013 maL SEAON. mDep~mu lit @on., todmyf Requires 20 profession- il A Drivera. .34- 104/mile. Dispetch lo- cations - Marthara, Efo- bicoka, Boitas, Cane- daAJS rus. Ne qup)- ment. Gond miles. OeIl 1-800-811-9873 for imore itetails or Fax: 905-415-0529 PART tice ferra help wentait. Choosa your 2mn houra. Must ha ex- =einci mith fea ce- hiary lel 854-9833 PERSON neaietai help wifh*grousit mais- tenance ituring summer moniha. Applicanss soulit hava esparianca witti cmera, meedeat- ara etc. Full time or part tics. Phone Sec-Son Ferr aie 878-3903 SAMPLE Semer re- quirait must ba able ta sm homne itecorfanfi- ion apparel Rams. Es- parience s rasI. Pisase tas resure fa Sanitra @ (905)854-3277 SAN Diego Gifla, store of aIl seesos, seeka Assistant Manager, for aur Miflon Mai location. Esperiance praferret, but miii trais suiectet candidate. Apply sn par- son mfth resuca, Miltas Meil. STOPP Dry Ciesers has o openinga for part Uime courtier heip. Ose shiftisl 4 P.M. - 7 RM. Mndia>s f0 Thurs- day. One shîft is 4 haura aetav on Sot & Sun. WANTED AZ dtrivert, ffat bet molrk for South- em aei ait Mich- r 5. Alsu 2 tank drivera. sEperiance prefarret. Home maskenda. Caei Bast Transfer. (519)853- 5773 or 1-800-862- 1470

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