24-The Canadien Champion, Tueaday, June 13, 2000 If you have any questions tnese professionals can answer, please write to:. "Ask The Professionals" do The Canadian Champiom 191 Maim Street E. Milton, Onrtario L9T 4N9 Krlstsn FoIuy 15 Martin St. 905-693-9594 Muxne sStnoIy 'Providing a Narural Way Io Betrer Heaith and Wellness " Q: 1 den't eSt a l.it, but wlien 1ICdO, 1 hilnk 1 nu"e heulitcholcea EU dueet his, Mywlight Just ke.fl cr.eln tipi Whut unm 1 dolng wrong? A: Moat people thlnk fiat ta oe welUst, fiey need ta est leus. The problere wifi fie approsci la M fithey cut down an "bacr toods, but neyer incresse fis «goae7 toada. Most people wha have a welgtrt problern actully UN~DEB.EA.I. rather flan QYSEa.I. The body needa certain amounts 0f tuW (tood)i a n on every day. tl we dontl gel enough aftfie Rl0lHT fuels in dafy, aur bodis slow down as fiey try ta conserve what INe tuai we du give fient This in tum cast slow down aur reetabalc; rate, ressting i n welght gain, sncf/or a lada ot energy. Proper eating habits on a DAILY BSS are crucialtfor long- terre welght bas. At Herbai Magic, we underataird fis, andf have deslgned s sensible, wet.balanced esting plan fiat uses only your own grocery store bought tooda (no shakea or pre- padraged measle). Sate, ait nsturel herbai supplemnents are uaed to fielp contrat appetite and booat metabolic rate, ranarg R easier ta adapt toa heaiflier eating Iestye. The trainsd hestis counselora at Herba Magic know how hard t la Ici break aId habits, se one-on-one couniseting and guidance le praviled esch sndf every viaiL For more information, stop by or cati us at Herbai Magie, 15 Martin Street (Carriage Square) 693-9594. Muxine Sfanluy ha a B.A. ln Soclology and un S.S.W. ln Social Work. She ha uror*ud wfth dhm Herbai Magic progrum for over tour yuura. anda la a trulned nutrfidonai counaulor. Krlatin Foloy ulso ha a B.A., an extenaive background ln herbais, andl lau aruinual nutrlllonul counauliora welL THEF NATrURAL CF/O/CE The Natural Choice in Health Food Laurie Vaughan-Sherman C.R., A.E.C., T.T., N.U. 190 Main St. E. Milton 875-1342 Q: 1 have heard that Apple Cider Vinegar .is beneficial in weight loss, is this true? A: Apple Cider Vinegar is a versatile folk remedy which has been around for over 100 years? Lt is absolutely true that it is a healthy addi- tion to any weight loss plan. It is also a remedy for many other ailments. Apple Cider Vinegar has excellent minerai content (especially potassium) and because of this is able to normalize the body's acid/alka- uine balance. Therefore aiding digestion, promoting elimination and healthy bowels. Apple Cider Vinegar has successfully treated a large variety of both human and animal ail- ments. The recipe to aid in weight loss is to take 2 tsp. of apple cider vinegar in 1 cup of tepid water, one haîf hour before each meal. JCONCEpTSl.1Fn Teh: (905) 876-0940 -uSetr Fux: (905) 876-2934 420 Main Street Eat, Milton, Ontario L9T 1 P9 Q:What issberreflciary? (PART TWO) A: Luit monts wr diocasord basic lermo relating 10 Brneliciory drsig- salions. Ibis monits we wiii discuss morr stroagîr issues. Dasignoling o brnrficiary is soi thsainr as appointing on heir. Your prubaîrd will allocstrs your suris brlwean your bern, ofiar taie and probste fées ara paid. Insuronce ond other regislerad usaits, which cas have droignaîrd brarficiariri, are trraird as 'osiside of yoor milI" snd con hypuss probate sud in sorar circamsancr (bey bypuî istaxiation o. Tthis mans Ihat your fsmilyos pnivscy con be uosured siace there is no public record of mho recrived tise desigatd ossons. Failare lu changr your brneficiary cas alîo bava dire conorquescas whera ther desigsatad brneliciary moy ha lisîrd uas adacesd pareni orsa formerr spos. la tha finit casa, the assri may becoma pari of tissi par- rai's rsais. subjaci ta flair miii (sud probalal white in ths att5er cuse, whare you ilsink tha1 you are laking cura of your fomily, theausaits may an foci go to someourn aIse for ihaîr tirnefit. Knomiug who ad hom yosr brarliciorirs ara lisîad sud clussilied is ver>' importont. Fuilure t0 dasiguoa a beneficiar>' or drsignatiag your esisir ras a 1hlie suons milI ha subjeci su proba, ion and public ravira by anyoaa miso mais la look tisem ap. Overtureiag your benefi- ciar>' dasiguatios alter your deats requiras a count order ond ra>' ont>' ha possible udar cartais circurssancru. Euîoîr praservation is criiical ta the ordrS> ioiargeaeroiionsl ironsfer o! weats. Moury Concepts con assisi yoo an clorifyiag mis ansd isuw your hanaliciarirs ara lîsird ond an riuîriziag tisa tas coasaqueucas ta, yoar nsita ond haurficiorîrs. Fiease caîl 876-0940. Affiiaed wsh Mouy Coopts G0,p Cpitl Cop ad NF. Insura Agencyt ell Seniors on1 WATeH 420 Main Street East Unit C, Suite 414 Milton, Ontario L9T 5G3 RoadWes(905) 691-3312 "Seniors on Watch" are a group of retired Milton active professionals whose main funiction is to make sure you have a worry free Holiday. In order to do that wie patrol your property at vary- ing times and take the necessary steps to discourage intruders. Also, we are experienced in pet care; there is no doubt in our minds that if they could talk, their choice would be f0 stay home rather than being boarded out at sème kennel. In our time, we have looked after the welf are of cats, dogs, f ish, birds, and iguana's. Lastly, plant care is another one of our functions; maybe you have plants that you've given loving care and attention to over the years, surely they don't deserve to be neglected at this time. Please cati our office today in order that we may custom arrange a program for you. Our fees are modest, as a matter of fact, they have been drasti- cally reduced for the summer, some as much as 45%. In addition vie are easy to talk to and there is no charge to arrange a program. Referrals and testimonials are available upon request. lIa Lu RT Massage Thinep Bn T Q:Whet la a trlgger point? A: A trigger point is an extrernely sore point or lump of hardi- ened muscde that cent cocur as ropy bands throughout the body. Tnigger points can roter pain ta oCher parts ot the body sndf have recognizable pain pattemn. They cocur tfsroughaut Ide as a stress response teaoveruse and repeti- tive motYion trauma, aIrains, or the physiologica eftects of lorrg-term emotionai anaiety. The bodys response tai acute pain is muscte'guarding'(lightening) around the paintul site. When muscles are in a state of sustained tension they are contrscting even tf yau are not. This wortring muscde needa more nutrition and osygen, and produces moe waste tan s muscle at rest. This crestes an ares ot musclei starved tor food and Iladed with wastea fiat iritate the loca nerve endinga causing pain. Circulation as unable ta raplénrati fie ares because of the high density of the tissue. Such an ara is s trigger point. Pain from trigger points la usually steady, dutl, deep, and aching. t-owever fie inlenaity can range tram mrsld discore- tort ta incapactating. tf s nerve is trapped fie pain oaa be buming, sharp, and lighting-tike. The affects ot low-baca pain ot musculer engin cant be as bad as, or worse flan Iow-back pain tram s hemialed drak. Ta relieve tsgger points, fie massage flerapast vwit employ techriques fiat ai toasen and atretch fie fascia and pro- moite an increase in locai circuletion ta restore proper baiance and healfi ta fie tissue. Please caO Ftyani or Aillean ai the Mton Therapeutic Massage Clinic, 87-0800, for any questionsO regarding ragisiereli mas- sage therapy or 50 book an appoiolmeol. Mothero Day gt certiticateo available!