20 - Thse Canadian Champon, Tueadav. June 13.2000 Da teline *front DATEUNE on page 17 Friday lune 16 Evcryone is invited to iFull Moon Women's Hesling Cirdle as 8:30 p.m. For more information cail Karleen as 875-2408. It's Springridge Farta Day for the Milton Seniors' Activily Centre, 500 Childs Dr. For $3.25 seniors can cnjoy coffce, muffins and an old-îime wagon ride. Meet at Uic centre as 2 p.m. Saturday lune 17 You're invited 10 a Victorien Tes with The Hat Ladies. Burlinglon's Linda Francis and Norms Shephard commentale and model 50 of their 1,000 hats ai Si. David's Preabyterian Church in Csmpbellville (Guelph Line and Hwy. 401.) Call Norma aI 854- 2156, Noreen aI 854-2479 or Gail at 878-5944 for details. .Boston Preabytenian Church, which ia located at Thtnl Line in Halton Hilla, hosta the Rost Beef Dinner from 5 to 7 p.m. Tickets coat $12 for adults and $6 for children aged 6 to 12 years. Children aged 5 ycars and undcr are admilted free. The coat is $30 for a family wiUi children under 12 years. Entertainmcnt is also providcd. For tickets, plesse cail Donna Partons as 854-2362 or Audrey Peddie ai 878-3749. The Milton District Hospital Auxiliary hosta ils 201h annual Strawberry Fair from 8 a.m. to duîk at Uic hoapital's grounds, 30 Derry Rd. Tise day kicks off wiUi Uic Optimial strawherry pan- cake breakfast aI 8 s.m. The Strswherry Parade begins ai 9:30 a.m. heginning as Delacourts and ending aI ic iseospital. There is a barbecue, a markctplacc wiUi baked goods, a white elephant sale, a raffle, cntertsinment and more. wP CIL SUPPOR thne -4e FcnjU Sunday lune 18 Boston Presbyterian Church celebrates its I 8Oth anniversary with a worship service at 1l a.m. followcd by a Iight lunch. As part of thc service, a dedication marking the recent restoration of the hiatorical cemetery is held. Everyone la invited. Monday lune 19 Thse Halton Hill Anaphylaxis Support Group presents 'New Research Findings' at 7 p.m. in the community room of the Georgetown Police Station. Cal Susan at 877-1179. Children aged 3 10 5 years are invited 10 'Creation Station' from 1to1 3 p.m. at the Milton Community Resource Centre, 917 Nipissing Rd. Participants create aomething new every week. Cail the centre at 876-1244, ext. 12, to register. Local army. cadets keepoing very busy The Milton Army Cadets got their feet wet courtesy of Whitewater Tours over thc Victoria Day weckend. About 20 cadets from the 2990 Lomne Scota Corp in Milton lesrncd leadership and'tcamwork on a whitewalcr rafting adven- turc in Uic nation's capital. And soon 10 cadets and two officers will be off 10 Holland 10 take part in a four-day, 160 km march. Thc specially-chosen cadets will participale for lthe first lime in a march dcsigncd for regular troopa from sround lthe world, including NATO allies. Back a1 home, Uic cadets will be found aIl over lown, lending a hand wilh upcoming summer events such as thse Optimisl Club's Annual Fishing Derby for handicappcd kida, the Scottish Festival, and Canada Day celebrations. uRESMNtS URLINGTON'S JUNE 15-18 4 Stages Four Fabulous Days of Music in the City! 1 1 ZFA Il11 Z m1 T1h Jim Cudidy Bond Thurs. june 15 -8:00 pmn Festival Stage Julian Auslin Fri. June 16.-9:30 pm Festival Stage Sot. Ju!n 7.:3O pm Stage East Sun. Cune 18.3:30 Pm Festival Stage Fni June 16 -9:30 pm Stage East WId Srwberries Sot. June 17 -8:00Opm Stage East 54*40 Sot. june 17 -9:30Opm Festival Stage Millennium Tribut. Tour Sun.June 18 -3:00 pm Stage East Fealturing: Spice, Backstreet, Britney, Christina & Ricky and so much more ONTIifJO more to dçsoewr .9 1 ;e ýA EXTRA FIRM SUPPORT