Rural home gutted in blaze F 'iec Onlai c Fire Marshar s Office has been unable to deter- mine the cause of a blaze that destroyed an unoccupied Trafalgar Road home Thursday. "The cause is undetermined because of the great extent of dam- age," said Milton Fire Department spokesman Captain Mark Cross. Il's a total loss." A neighbour called the fire deparinient shorily aller 1 p.fli Io report flames and smoke coming from the framed bungalow. AIl three Milton stations responded to the blaze, said Captain Cross. The Oakville Fire Department was also on the scene. Because the home was unoccu- pied and sat back from the road, it's unclear how long the lire had been buming before it was noîiced, CapLain Cross said. "The flames had to been really large before someone noticed it," he said. Tenants had jusi moved oui of the 5157 Trafalgar Rd. house local- cd just north of Lower Base Uine. The owner had been renovating. No damage estimate was avail- Jail lias received .Tories hoki c~. ~barbecue at iew LUIIIpIdIILSu -tram CITIZENS on page 1 he added. Curreni esese policies will likely stay in place when the $79 million transformation of Maplehurstinto a mega jail is completed, likely by next spring. But exceptions will be made if thse remnanded inmate is judged mentally disturbed. In those cases, staff will ensure the person is safely hooked up with the appropriate commut- nity services, said Mr. Leihead. "We'll gel them to thai location even if it means our own staff iaking them there," he ssid. "Certainly that's something ihai concerns me. We want to make sure." Tbough rare, Mr. Leithead is sware of ai least iwo com- plaints regarding former inmales approaching residents. When construction is complete, thse Maplehursi mega jail will have Uic capacity to hold 1,200 maie inmates. About 200 of ihem will be serving provincial sentences of up to two years leas a day in medium security conditions. TIse remainder of Uic male inmates will be swaiting sen- tencing in maximum security. When female inmates arrive ai Maplehursi, about 150 will be sentenced. Ali others will be on remand. Inside the Quality Inn oumt7ýMLuIOVa C'".hudleigh -s Chudleigh's apple faim îurned into political paety central Sunday when mem- bers of the Ontario PCs celebraied their fifth anniversary in power. Festivities - bosied by Haion MPP Ted Chudleigh and attended by hundreds of party supporters along with several cal> inet minisiers and MPPs - were high- lighted by an address from top dog Premier Mi ke Harris. TIse premier touched on thse cessons why the party first swept mbt office in 1995 and uts successes since Uien (including, he said, wide-spread job creation). He also offered thanks to PC supporters and their familles. "Basically, it was an apprecistion day for the party," said eveni organizer Breti Kelly. The picnic drew roughly 800 visiiors, but no proiestors.