The Canadien Champion, Tuesday, June 13, 2000-15 HUGE HO$-rA5 Ij 9 Instant Hosta Garden Choose from 2 gallon 1Ig Paddy, REG. $2499 blue Doy, Sum and~ Substance, Elegan. 4" GERANIUMS NOW $1&99 r-i ADOZEN OR $1 49 W ý ,RW 4EG. 'Î Ê 0f teni garten1er u5e soil from Vthe qardin Vo fill their planiterg anti winiow boxes anti wontier why their plants clon'V perform. The rea5on g Vthe gartien 5oil compacVs Voo tiehtly in the container not allowinq Vthe moots Vo fiourish. Terra has5 qreat ,container soul mixes that are ight, but holti ~moi5ture andtil~I drain if over-watered. MMRR DURUfGTON 5" bdrqýO ,& a nwO~M arw oron Hwy #5 W>m Drnt toeetand &AM pUne - ffl 3U-3M2 TEMR WATERP»W 5emnnnteG&dn Trin&GBwtay Am jWeon the cwonrFHyl6 at 5th Conoe66kmEat - (991M9 49TRRmmLToN.NOW OPEN! 5"&wiýe,&Mmi HICK'5YEWS 2FOR *300 REG. $221% « "A,9 IGRO VI COVER5SALE 3O%OFF NOW $1.b8To$54.99ARA REG.$2a69EACHTO$4929AnAT Chooe from Vinca, Paohysandra, Englieh Ivy and more PROFE551ONAL GROWING MIX 2FOR $1000 I MON TO FRI 9- 5AA & eLN -G 5L 3GN E.JN 4HTL U5 UE2T G