A Metroland Community Newspaper Vol. 141 No. 26 Tuesday, June 13, 2000 Voted #1 ~I for Bout 48 Pages $1.00 (GST ancluded) vCitizens concerned about inmate release policy at Maplehurst jail By IRENE GENTLE The Champion The prospect of former prison inmates rapping on car windows to ask for a ride out of town is a chilling one for many residents. But tbat's wbat seema to have bappened to a family friend of reaident Don Crowder at the Steelea Avenue and Martin Street intersection. "She waa at the stop light there and someone just walked out and tapped on ber window and aaked for a ride," said Mr. Crowder. Now he'a wondering wbat will bappen when Maplehurst Correctional Centre is transformed into one of three provincial super jails. "There's a number of people who are concemed about the release policy," said Mr. Crowder. "What is it? What happens?" Since the correctional facility bouses two types of inmates, there are two types of release policies, said Maplehursi superintendent Iain Leithead. The firat are sentenced provincial prisoners serv- ing no more than two years a less a day in time. For convicted inrostes who have served their time, a firna release policy is in place. "With these fellows who are here on sentence, clearly we know when their discharge date ii," said Mr. Leithead. When it arrives, a jail employee escorta the inmate to the Milton GO Station, and ensures tbey board a*bus out of town. But the facility also holds those awaiting trial or sentencing - called remand. Remanderi inmates can be releasedri bail as any time, or have their charges dropped altogether. Then tbey're not escorted out of Milton. "tt's not possible at the moment to do that," said Mr. Leithead. T'hough remanded inmatea may be chargeri with a host of crimes, a bail release means the court bas judged the accused sale to reenter the community, * ee JAIL on page 2 TIP 0F iE MONTH: Uo.u.bIkma mldibuum~~ilqr *d my &dulmi - remedy ba aqui~bâmtiiVIUfl7P kiw à-dlS.3 h p bac lI iew m Vw i*dv k8m mim kbmlbiM b éOM duo mi ca by la .ma ~ hdhfdbabaa1mi~IiUell udio. im w akem Ou.wd iagmieg hmi eapwim euty ha aumeodm b meaioiiaiiiedIiiPtbhaieme UWLYVGWAGOOPTA8lMUIGWAILZTAEZVOt«ANI Con fit ........ 6 Com munhty ...... 8 Business........ 16 Dateline........ 17 sports ....*....27-28 Classifid ..29-31 Cashway e Connon Nursery- *White Rose a Fortlflos- *Chamber of Commerce Phone Book (Rural) 1Selcied orsen WeY Vol. 141 No. 26 Tuesday, June 13, 2000