The Canadian Cham i nday, Ju-ne 9,' 2000 -3 Canadian Aliance debate Sis quick-nwitted and civil MT fý! iýR By HOWARD MOZEL Special to The Champion The Canadian Alliance Party itself is what will sal- vage this country, say its leadership contenders, flot the celebrity status of who- ever wins the top job. Policies, flot personalities, were front and centre at last week's Alliance debate at St. Volodymyr Cultural Centre as the fOve candi- dates for the June 24 leadership vote tackled everything froru over- taxation to abortion. Ontario Minister of Municipal Affaira and Housing Tony Clement was a strict moderator who kept the evening moving and enabled the quintet - Preston Manning, Stockwell Day, Dr. Keith Martin, Tom Long and John Stachow - to altemately informn and entertain the capacity crowd for more than 90 minutes. Contrary to the ics who are heg- candidates to engage in a k n o c k - drag-out Petnann hrawl, Mr. Day promised instead to "knock out" the Chretien Liberals in Use next federal election. The June 1 dehate was quick- witted and civil with the five candi- dates focusing on their own strengtha, flot their colleagues' wesknesses. Mr. Manning said that Use coun- try needs a leader alresdy known on the national stage and helieves his seven-year "apprenticeship" in Ottawa is invaluahle. Mr. Long maintained that a leader should say the saine things no matter where they are in Canada, not pander to individual groups. The party must he an inclu- sive one, he continued, and if not, tse Alliance won't win and won't deserve to win. Dr. Martin, who recently spoke in Milton, characterized lsimself as a "bridge builder" who can also bring people together through solu- tion-oriented politics. Mr. Stachow said that if individ- ual MPs truly represent their con- stituenta, it doesn't matter who Use leader is. Mr. Day said people have told him they expect four thinga from a leader: trust, respect, experience and communication with al Canadians. The theme of inclusion was threadcd ail through the dehate, with Mr. Long saying he's con- vinced there are millions more e e PRIME MINISTER page 11 introducing an event 1with out-of-this-world savings. UFOs..Unbelievable Finance Offers..Right now at La-Z-Boy Fumiture Galleries. O Don O Payment O Inte f«bo 12monihs or No GST * dIsp sofas from $ 1 ,099 rscining sofas from $8991 9 loather sofas from $1 ,999 0.449 - Coiein for a ..- FREE ,139 Safety Video & Activity Ktt r.cIine,,from $399 o«caaîooastablsfrom $499 IBURLINOTUN PUWIK ILtN1KL Q.E.W. & BRANT STREEI (905)331-7600 Mon-ni 9:30nm-9 pin,aW. 9:30 am-6 pn, Sunl.1055m-5pin