Correction (hie A cutline je Tuesday's Champion contained incorrect infonnarion. It was oepoufed diat pmeeeda Imni the Miton fireflghten' head-ahaving fundi~iser Saturday went to Camp TrlUium. Titis ta true. but the camp is dcaigned for clukiren with cancer and their familica, eut underprivileged childrvn as WM WnUCD. lite Champion apologiasa brIbe earor ami any a&tociaed incoavensence b may have vauaed. believe... in ke1pin~. Anvone. Anywhere. I S-. s.. j e e. e s EARLY SUN PROTECTION TeaCh chîldren and teenagers proper Sun protection. Damage caused by sun exposure accumulates over the course of a lifetime and one severe childhood or adolescent sunburn will double the risk of developing skin cancer later in life. Share your knowledge of safety in the sun with your friends and encourage them to practice it. Halton Healthqirç and K. Sarita Purdy, MBA Fmnanciai Consultant 1905> 450-6041 1 886 745-9919 sarît~purdy@cs.mi.cOC 6.50%* Provinoe of ontarto Bond CalS K. Sarita Purdy. MUA Financial Consultant at i 888 745-9919 for your FREE Govemment Guaranteed Intereat Rate Report ~MeniIILynch Merrili Lynch 131 Main Street North Brampton, ON 16X 1M9 Merrili Lynch Canada mc. Member - CIPE. Based on issuer and terni. Rate as aI June 9, 2000, subiect to change and avaiiabîiity OPEN HOUSE I June 13/2000, 7-9 p.m. rijuIuliAivi TEMIUfl~ * Low student-teacher ratios * Group and îndivîdualized programmîng * Qualified and experienced teachers * Gymnastics and indoor/outdoor physical education program * Music instruction theory & practical * Handa on computer program * Language studies n English, French and Spanish * Science & Mathematics * Creative Art Program * Ministry Approved Student Progress Reports * Curriculum based on the Ontario Ministry of Education Guidelines * Before and Aller School available * Transportation Avaîlable Lynn-Rose Heights Private School 567-3553 7215 Millcreek Dr. (North of Derry) e. e* **i e e e e e. s e *'I ;**O