8 - Thea Canadien Champion, Tuesday, June 6,200 tn ïmpon Vts8tus St -28-&8- ....... rA e* .... lu MIT Wellsprinjg House Serene haven for cancer patients By HOWARD MOZEL Special to The Champion The first thing that strikes you upon entering Wellspring House is the light. Not light from the many elegant fixtures donated by the builders but the natural, healing Sun that pours in through the many windows - illumination that's perfect for warming the spirit, says Wellspring exec- utive director Lynda Morrison. t's just unbclievablc what the builders have donc," shc said. 'Me benefactors Ms Momrson praised nclude the Metrontario Group and Mattamy Homes Ltd., which donated the construction cost of the premisca wortb an estimated $300,000. Countîcîs otb- crs have also adopted the new satellite facility, says decor co-ordi- nator and long-timc volunteer Liz Thomson. 'It bas been cmbraccd with total entbusiasm," she said. "It's diffîcuit to ask for thinga but the people of both Oakvillc and Mississauga have been quite generous. There has been no nega- tivity, just a lot of community sharing." Adds Ms Momrson: "We'vc been unbclievably btcsscd. We'vc had more than 100 people volunteer to work in the bouse." The end result of tbis goodwill is a facility tbat wilt serve the aima of tbe Wcllspring Cancer Support Foundation in spades witb activity areas, a librsry, support roms and more. AIl tbis will play a part in Wellspring's rote as an innovative support facility slatcd to open sbortly in Oakvillc's Uptown Core Park. Tbere, cancer patients and their families will receive com- fort, support, practical information and mucb more. Wellspring's success rests witb Uic bigb quality of its 30 sup- port programa - ai of wbicb are predicated on the same principle of peer-to-peer counselling. Tbis empatby goca. a long way, espe- cially for recently-diagnosed individuals. Tbere are no medical treatments of any kind. Tbe main activity roomn - including a gas fireplace, vaulted ceiling, Frencb doors and plenty of windows - is large enougb Welispring's main actlvity roomn features a tireplace, vauited celiIng, French doors and pienty of windows. From left are Welsepring executîve director Lynda Morrison, Dîrector Helen Brent, Peggy Budd of Wellaprling com- munications and Uz Thomson, Iong-tlme volunteer. for at least 12 people to practice yoga. Eveiyone is welcome to the peer support moom without a refer- rai. There people can talk and receive support fromn volunteers wbo can direct tbemn to appropriate programas. A volunteer will always be on duty at the front reception desk during bouse bours. Then tbere's tbe kitchen. "Here people can make tbcmselves at bome," said Ms Morrison, wbo explans that the mind and total can take longer to beal than tbe body. "St can be a port in the stormn." In fact, Ms Momison continued, patients often feel to comfort- able at Wellspring that tome bave been known to slip into sleep. Wellspring House also includes a library, bandlcapped wasb- room and another upstaims support roomn witb a commanding vicw of thc park and the pond. There's alto a second-floor art tberapy room. Thse basement is large enougb to bold meetings and any cancer-retated group is welcome to use it. Altbougb the bouse bas two offices, botb are small so tbat the majority of space is dedicat- cd to fulfalling the Foundation's mandate. After the July long wcekcnd, Wellsprtng's bours will be 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mondays to Tbursdays and 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Fnidays. Two wine and cheese receptions have been planned for ail tbosc wbo belped sec tbe bouse tbrougb - tomorrow and June 15. The officiai opening is sebeduled for September 21. Wellspring was establishcd in 1992 to belp fîtl tbe void between tbe cancer care systemn and support services. It's now located in the non-institutional setting of a coach bouse in downtown Toronto but usage numbers soon dictated expansion in a "com- munity focused way," said Ms Morrison. The programs are open to ail cancer patients regardiesa of where they live. The Oakvilie site - whicb ia associated witb Credit Valley Hospital, tihe designated cancer treatment centre for Halton and Peel - is one of two pilot projecta. The other is linked to Sunnybrook Medical Centre. Wellsprlng's peacerful se ttin g boasta a vlew of the pond. ¶~l~ U etr" COGECO 14 Programming Schedule - June 6th, 2000 - June l2th, 2000 10au 11a, Num PNgd hl Ion, SOum, NM PhJ hi s08u, 11su Osa PMJd M! 10a, Il1., Num ..A ~ 7 ~ '53O,taO,7:Opa N* W 530.6:3073»p PWaedi 50,6:30,73Opm Pkgedlin! 6 6.O0» Srm*Msia e»Pa C* etecoam M www.cogecO.ca M» T5L5cà SM 7M sap ti -w60P NOs' 7:0 Acton xçAwd U) IV9C~ 519.53-1270, or 853-4700 seature thls week:"SportsZoti Uve" for we.idy Uve Local Sports Info - Monday, Sp PN5 i'trissasý ne hI. SpaSonN 155 M. --w