Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 6 Jun 2000, p. 7

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TeCanadian Champion, Tuesday, June 6, 2000 -7 SO UR READERS WRITE Wearîng Seat beits is the Iaw and it could save your lite,, says reader Dear Editor: Gordon Vinkie stated in a recent letter to your paper that seat beit use should be a personal choice. He was obviously angry that he had received a fine for not comply- ing with the law. The cost to the communi- ty, the family and the individual them- selves is enormous when anyone is involved in a serious accident while flot wearing a seat beit. In Ostario in 1996, which is the Iast year statistics are available, there were 135 peo- ple killcd while not wearing seat beits. About 355 people suffered major injuries - - brain damage, paralysis. About 780 had minor injuries -- broken bonies. These sta- tistics are from the Ontario Road Safety Annual Report. The cost to the reat of the taxpayers of Ontario in 1996 -- for hospital care $125 million and for non-hospital costs and rehabilitation care $125.4 million. The cost of motor vehicle collisions including lost productivity, aIl the direct and indirect costs for 1996 comtes to a staggering 19.2 billion. These figures comne fmom a report called the Economic Burden of Unintentionat Injury in Ontario. Look at your fine as a smrait pay-back to tbe rest of us, Mr. Vinkie. If you wear your Seat belt to avoid another ticket, it may save your fle. The saddesî effects are ai thse family and personal level. If you happen to survive being thrown frors your vehicle, paralysAs and brais damage are among the many injuries you may receive. You could wake up with tubes in every body opening, inca- pable of movement asd usable to perform eves the simplest funiction for yourself. Do you really want your family sitting by your bcd day after day wondering if you witl ever gain consciousness? Thse OPP bas two demonstration items that may convince you to buckle up. Ose is a rollover vehicle, which demonstrates how as unbelted person is tossed around as the car rolîs over. Event if one person is belted, an unoestrained person cas serious- îy injure the other. The other device is the seat belt convincer, which simulates the cffect of a very slight collision. Wear your seat belts. It's the law and it could save your life. Jean Woods Milton Road Safety Commutte. Have yoar say. Fax ltters to 878- 4943. Yes, Conservation Halton should be reviewed Dear Editor: What do we bave a conservation authori- (y for? ht seems to ravisis nature and thse environment, instcad of protecting and pre- serving lt. We have lived in beautiful Campbcllville for 40 years, surrounded by forests, lakes and parks. Ose day we west for a walk to our favourite spot in the bush and got the shock of our lives. The spot, mostly the neighbours property and always so well taken care of, looked like a war zone, as if a bomb had bit ii. A total of 129 beautiful, hcalthy 60-foot trees had been taken out with thc consent of Conservation Halton from the middle of the forcst, adjacent to a wctland. The unwantcd tops branches and stumps were scaticred ail over. We couldn't walk os the far side of our land because of the mubbish littered about two metres higis across our patis. Shoutd the neighbours sot be consulted before allowing this type of destruction? After costacting tise owners, Conservation Halton, the contractor and the Town, it took onc-and-a-half years and many excuses before our propcrty was clcancd up, white nothisg was dose about our new neighbours' mess, wisich still looks like a war zone. Yes, it's time the action and administra- tion of Conservation Halton be reviewed as James Ssow, former MPP, bas said. Boyke and Dlcky Deumer CampbeiviIIe NisKAR AUTO SERVI& PETRCANADA r IName:_ IAddress:. 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