28-The Canadien Champion, Tuesday, Juna 6, 2000 Ram rir shinSet AE WANTED AZ drivers, flaf bed work. for Southem On Ljcensed s at. ra , s.- inel PRICER/WAREHOUSING D)ISPATCHERI INSIDE SLS tanio and Michigan. Also 2 tank dnivers. Expenanc 1199 WINSTO 10, CIL BLD aut - 3im poiin,4 r/pefr. Home weekenda. Cail Basf T ramifer Electricians 199mi WNN. fMyil Ri./Uiaeu- BLD. __ Ful____ pstin,42__ St. Lawrence Cernent mnc., la presenfly lookng (519)853z-5773 or 14004-62-1470 Required for large 1 Gami e.orgyfeow idMe rncludling evary Saturday, tc work f0 hire a Dispatcher/ Inside Sales Clark un a WANTED: Counter PersonlUan . Training pro- construction job Gereonnour vacalving area. coniraci basin to work in a fast paced vided. Smio engine mechunie. Bnng resumne o caeinBrngton. New rady ta finish bandcrafted fureiture. Mlain dlutias include pricing merchandisa eiwirosmeni. caI Wayna/Hatton Rani-Ail, 375 Siestes Ave. 878- PLEASE FAXI RESUME: drobes. Night tables, Armoire. Q ocra can- and malniainlng a warehouse area. lt da addt hadhv omnt loi . noabalItabe, Blanet tbs, tV/VcR stnd. Ahplicntso muai ha ane co- manate d Collage education or aqaivaleni espenesnce, WAREHOUSE Pit; Genaraf dutias, anme hesvy lift- (0)8773 es agazine rabcks, t err abind Htch& tbUlntoais or be organized, euth sirong isterpernonal atolls lrtg. Possibla shift workt Oeil 905-876-9990 or fax (9) eMagazine abes. Ctrociet, & c "d tals-058899 buffet. China cabinets, Corner, cabinets, Aflbafipckgtancdd. and computer fiersie.9087-91 Bookcases. Plant stands, Quilt rocks. Sofa ta- A aull b : package 404 la8cul. l yoa are iniarested in tai olpotuniy, DRIVECAS "r' Bslnmege or Pick up an application forra ai torward yoar resume to: RER Biga truck and take lt wlth yout Schuyler Home Hardware S.Lwec otn n.RQIE tOrders welcome) 385 Steeles Ave., Milton Humain Resouce Department FULITIME 2391Lakehor Rd.W.,Steel uxperlencê Mississauga, Ontario, LSJ 1iKi proerrod. Reqoired for Thc Kensingtona s ixury Fax resume: Donut Baker & Mulffin Baker required. mû,~ reent resîdence în Oakvile. Dates (905) 847-9099 Oveigh Conte Hlp equredfor irTELEPHONE SALES ta ictude: administrtive support, answer- 100pm - 7:00 amn shift Yo havt r.ndepth felephone saes experience. Y illg tctephone iaqoîries. coi.rduatlllS BUE BEACON TRUCK WASH 10 now bir- Witt train. Paid training. Uniforme suppiied. ar optani n rxfyepnr ~tlpe tor and general marketing support. Ex-i ig fait lune 12pm-Sea 8an-4pm, ad peurt Reenumeration baaed on esperlence. aeulytindndpsnf mlodineehn cellent wrutten and verbal commoucstloto tm p-1p.Apply la peraon to: satan and bave a vrifieble stable empisymeni record skîtts and profucîency în MSOffuc FAE iecacs Th sccssülaplcatsmutbeflxile 50 Hy.25Nrt, ietn o ai lenst tee yeurs in titis f ield. Nom peu art seeking reqsîred. Sabrait resumne to toSR irec a dais- higbly notuvaird anud able te work weekeads. 575Otrot.Mto a carier sbire peur training and osperieoce cao be Fa:o9ms84.92 tboe onand locaied Your motuvatuonel skutîs could eau- you n 80 Market Dr., Mltbon useif and comptesated te lte fu. E-mail: jeanne.marisusug@Irc.ca in Georgetown, raquiras average bosrty wage of itetweea $ 10 te $16/br We efier an exciliog, moetm mork etoireomnent et ltean iendae e- Pieuse apply in persan ai 40 Chbhl Drive. liadioî idgi et Intemel tecbntoley miith telly peid tM c-Ytois Rater sith 5 yeara NoPoe£li lae predecf and systeros training, Abter training, on- ,.!n~XEesparience. Fas 905- ýJtargit earniogs mill te $5,000. per mootit iocludng e 877-4410 Afin: Lois PERMNEN FUL TIE sustatialbas salry.Fraser ff 7 f f~ 'LOT ASSISTANT &u CLEAN-UP PERSON We are www.l r.i, Nortit Amtrica' su mu LokigResponsîble parson wîth a vlici driver's niarket lead ase i e e.Onta1rio. If you are Us ferfStranlmBusiDripick-upcancaksnd 8e abîlîW 10 3243; (local) 849-1343 eller 2pm, Monday~ -) #R b~ CARING home environ- -IMUm W& offer frle of l trganIssio r ick-u trcis sequre ad 10 hoghFia, n ut reeec #FBTS. is Iookin for aI ment bas room for pra- un kaaploi car dean our tiret interview for the positon wilI ba ava rrs chooler or infant. Re- charge on ke o ascen ytlpoe laeb rprd a c cets Spis. 876-4415. Dwaln McGlivray ut Milton Chrysler 10 becomea eveluabla member oi our mer- LOVING daycare pro- RA A A N kebing toara. Applîcents w Il bo requiradito vidar neaded for 1 1/2 1 87-887 RA ADA INNdemonsirae proficîency on Quark Xpress yar old. Part tîma. po&CONVEN11TION CENTE- Dakville &Photoshop software. IPIaase celi 878-1247. Auteotie noailclea-UpPersn eIl Bnqut PoterPieuse appty in mu-lOng te Routes uvailuble in the Milton Arum ATheieBtaICenU era / ueutPISm Canadian Champion SUMMER poeition bhitory. AppliCent must te înîrgeiic witit titie P/T Nlh uitar (FniISut 191 Muin Street iwo cbildren on a faim. (905) 877-2251 inesioeereyntasF11tm îi Milton onturIo Must swimt. Sonne mea- 15willnans to d vaiet of tak.Fl e IlLetCok4Ne Laidlaw Transit is an Equai Opportuniiy Employr positien. * qj/~M Iî"r-kends. Drivin? an assai. Appl to:Il avai/ MRAduhilsraitreIli 854-239?. nrquired for the Milton area Fx1018595 A Ahlit 1 wort wibh seniors and physically c w le Ontaruo's largest family owned NOFtCrerEp- diel epe "05 S. al Couri Rd., Miton COR EME DfINTS refrîgerated carruer bas openîngo et our rO ast a ee xlo- dri ing p aeopl allowac Pilscoanit Car ond Truck Rentais Mîssuega terminal for:Cus eindt requires raioa&nnhstc / / AZ Drivers haelo pou plan your ce- Culi Pum or Car O 878-6403 or Warehouse Matertal Packagera, people, Milton & Georgetown locations tfeno m NgtSi estr Fundad bp HRDC. Pax 844-5656 Shlppes/Recelvere Great growfh potentiel otfae fto n igtSit Fer more iniormebionlie Requîred lmraediebely You muet have a valid drivers licensa. Applucents rasi bavc a good attitude end rogîsier cait Graca af InMlo raPleasa subrait resumne 10: an excellent drîvîng record. Entry Level ( 9 O 5 ) 3 3 3- Fax: (905) 432-2253 progra aveilable for qualified 3499/(905)878-1240. 'àQualifications: e-mail: pîlindaII@diacountcur.com epplîcants. We offer a stable work eilondable environracat, gond eqeîpracnt, excellent *Dt nr/First Chitoce Heircutiers Oulmilli's Premier mages and benefits. Pleese apply 10; Enursfl ar ie*okitry/coapue askull .- STYISTS Salon & Spa requines Driver Services TIRED of meeting pao- Exec e nots- requirad. Muebingopysclodton busp uocatiors in Bul STYUILSTS Erb Tr-ansport Led. pie mite aren't mit itep lopythi Ms ei odpyia odto Witit or mititout 1889 BrialiO Rd. seam? Cai Misty River Milton, Introd.isaua O LWuctions et 228 Muin Street, Milton *Must have osen car Mîtr aidw. cleotîle. Mtisiaag O 3C3 159156424 0 ea For those inberesbed, pIeuse fax Excellent pap structure APPLY IN PERSON AT Cali: (905) 670-89 (51s)65g4204 întere reaumes bo: The Alliance Croup eit 905- sii umso Iages Imb') or Fax: (905) 670-8467 long-tarm raaiinsbip. based upon exp. Bosi- QUALITY Inn in Milton Pattm ahesrqie. Needa hard working, retiable, honeat & îquiprseot prout fd. redire ont ekepeo.SERIE 01~OWvIttI AIl shifts people 10i service naw conîracîs. No ctieoteleo tcSOlry. Futand art lima pesi- $en,0d, 905575713 A piy mithin: Part-lime 10 start; Tuesday, Thurs- $300. Sîgoîog Bonus Fl n attm oi atd 0-5-73 228 Fain St., Milton day and Sunday avanings evary peif upon comptetior sftrions inctudiog mea- M ERIAL HANDLER Stop CarTitet Selt. li- prbtuappro kirds. Applp in person cansîd ricylcar. 905- Oei (519) 853-2327 te Quatity Inn, 16 lii$6Ho r 457-5713. Generai Maintenance parson required et: -Cali Robin or Breofa, Cbishotm Driva, Mitton M KDS KDaie <U5) 319-3155 or fax rasume lu Large progressive company Iocated (Z cc c1 te K D IOr (M0) "89-700 1905)878-9701. -in OakvitIe. - AGIS 2+ PERMANENT pert fima THE Herrop Restaurent aIfEto: Wanted for TV & Movia lobs! positions for camera carrentîy bis fltfima & Qaicton:1988 Cadittec-e Aprx hsw py 20/ot. No Paesit Men/Woman 16-65 yrs. store. Mature persons. part fima Kitchen Peri- e*5 years courrier talance eoperiînce. braes & tires cold a/c, - Nededforsame Noextas.many nom parts, neefs Apree memhrs/wk - nldd P5Y $0mob 1 eddfrsmtN srs Waakends and some tiens and Dieitwanbing :t Chîrnical background. soma moiti. $1000. Leave a message for Ken ai 876-FiTT Parents Cali (418) 221-3829 nigits. Dmop off risume positions avaitabte. Wa xeec vceia pouto. -<017-73 le itn hot Mttr st thora iniarisiad toi * Familiar with .SQO. procederes. - 1988 Citevy Sitoeado Mati. dativer rasumas in par- -e Ktiisvlidgi nf 'Responsible Cari". Picti Up. Reguier cab, OSAOSRIRE EXeine PERSON needef te sor ts 345 Siestes Ave., - Familiarity wil b WHIS loadaf, tint, bu -h Runs Amyua nrei esn .tn owr AR T LS Shetp sitgon main- Milton or hy tes to O0 LCL: malt. Asking $4800. inafsgae nionet eaecfetytnnedrond TOme (90)86-97 CALL (905)873-7954. Arce pou apelergtion o pee wanioing. e ertlsnc Auiian s 905876497 A_ n unePf i-ateef enviaenu WeVLL eu- currrsi (90t. Apicns eia5) 842-4402 1997 Mercerp Sable, FIt P/t Short Order Ceoks We nifer greai commissions; career advancî- hudhv xein WIstfnee.AporcltitrseEelnt odto, P/T Ssndey te Tbumsdey 11 -7 Disbwesher/ mini treeghout Northt America; fleible mork t h mowera, mwesi- ptp in parson et 243 or 1ineO4-Elaed, Vi, Nem lires Mitnneheurs and e sslid bînefit program. ars etc. Pull lime or part Main Si. E. Mitisida an î-8.~45s bO e. 90-54-865 F/T P/T Store Clertis TO ARRANGE FOR AN INTERVIEW, time. Phone Sam-Son Restaurant. 1-8-6-35OO 0-5-85 Apply in persan: Flfth Wheel Truck Stop PLEASE CALL KYM: (905) 8494808 Paeta 876-3993. .....