The Canadien Champion, Tuesday, June 6, 2000 -13 ,-Halton's accident rate is relatively low: report By IRENE GENTLE The Champion Congestion is at a peak on Halton roads, but the region is stili a relatively safe area to drive. Tisat's the conclusion of a regionai road sys- teris report presented to Haiion's planning and public works committee recentiy. The report showed ail continuous east-west routes in south Halton, inciuding provincial higiswaya, were ranked as severeiy-congesied during six peak morning and afiemnoon traffic hours. Despite that, Halion's accident rate remains reiatively low with the majority of per capita accidents taking place on rural roads. Two new constables in Milton Halton Regional Police in Milton welcomned two new con- stables to its ranks recently. Constables Mark Dienstmann and Duncan Way were sworn in during a cere- mony at the Haiton Regional Centre on Bronte Road. They joined 10 other new recruits assigned to either Halton Hulis, Burlingion or Oakvilie. Constable Dienstmann was boni and raised in Montreal before moving t0 Vancouver 10 work with Air Canada as a flight attendant. During that turne he aiso obtained bis pilots licence. A second career as an officer in the Canadian Armed Forces Army Reserves saw Constable Dienstmann command a piatoon during tise ice storni relief efforts in 1998. Constable Way is originally from Streetaville, but now lives in Oakvilie. Before joining police, Constable Way studied business at the University of Mississippi and graduated froin fanerai services ai Humber Coliege. He worked as a fanerai direclor in Toronto and Oakviile. Whiie at the Ontario Police Coliege, Constable Duncan enjoyed intramurai sports and was a panel guest on a deatis notification forumn. Constable Duncan volunteers with the Haiton Victorian Order of Nurses and enjoys camping. Lilke~~ toteC A KUMON firanchIs is a rewarding way 10 help chidren learn valuable skiis-and for you to earn extra income. Tisere are over 30,000 students enroiled in Kumon Math & Reading Centres across Canada--over 2,500 000 in tise worid' Wie are seeking candidates for Kumon's unique part-turne francise opportunity in tise MUTON area. For information, Pleas caill 11800 ABC MATN. * KUMONf MATH & READING CENTRES a W *M eli a *i1 "Our safety record is generally good," said Halton's director of long range planning and transportation aervices Ho Wong. "We only have a few locations tisat require modifications." In terins of siseer numbers, tise mosi accident- prone intersection involving regional roads seas ai Trafalgar Road and Leigiand Avenuelloquois Sisore in Oakville. Overali, seven of tise top 10 accident intersec- tions were locaied on Trafalgar Road. "But," noted Mr. Wong, "tisose numbera don'i take int account tise amounit of traffic going througis." To remedy tisai, tise report also liats the top 10 troubled intersections as defined by accident rate. On tisai scale, Milton isad a isold on six of tise top 10 siots, including tise number one spot ai the Tremaine Road and Steeles Avenue intersec- tion. Tihe accideri rate of road segments were also looked ai, wits Milton repreaented seven turnes in tisat top 10 list. But only two Haiton sites are above wisat's considered to be a normal safeiy level, said Mr. Wong. Currently, 1.5 accidents per one million veisi- dles is considered typicai. Only No. 15 Sideroad in Halton His and tise Steeles and Tremaine intersection in Milton exceed tisat. But tise slice of land froin Guelpis Line to Regional Road 25 needs furtiser study, said Mr. Wong. "Miai wisole section secins to have a big acci- dent rate," ise said. 'Tiat's tise area we want to target." He noted tise purpose behind the study is to isolate trouble spots and find oui isow to fix tisei. But accidents are caused by a siew of fac- tors, not tise leasi of wisich is isuman error. 'You can't predict accidents because tisere are isuman factors," said Mr. Wong. "Driving under tise influence, we can't do anyîising about tisai. Tisat's driver educatiori." Wisat tise Region can do is focus on issues sucis as sigisilines and pavement conditions. "If thée pavement is tooi smoots, it can become very slippery," said Mr. Wong. z IFE f BATURDAY lUNE ~'1 ~w w--- w--------- - -- _ FROM 10:30 AM TO 3:00 PM AT MILTON CHRYSLER DODGE JEEP 81 ONTARIO ST. NORTH. JUST 1 BLOC NORTH 0F THE MILTON MA LL SPECUAL EVENTS: * e Display of P/T Cruisers e P/T Cruiser Test, Drives * Classic Mopar Car Show e BBQ & RefreshmentsC eNo Purchase Entry Draw for Prizes e"Bonus" - Everyone receives a collector can of P/T Cruiser pop culture root beer (whfle quantities last) 1MO?$A~ UY 878-8877 one block north of the Milton Mail A à a Mir»0 f#I/ il v iv