The Canadien Champion, Tuesday, June 6, 2000-11 VAmalgamating Halton would be a big oaht __ - - -scoop? We'd mis take, says Regional Chair Savohine By KAREN ROB9INS Special to The Champion If it's flot broke, why fix it? Tbat'tt the reasoning.Halton Regional Chair Joyce Savoline uses in rejecting overtures to amalgamate the four municipalities that comprise Halton - Oakville, Burlingson, Milton and Halton His - into one large municipal body. Speaking to about 60 people at thse Canadian Club of Oakville May 17, Ms Savoline said tbere's no point in disrupting a syutem that works. However, ube would conuider amalgamation if the provincial government appearu bent on splitting up Halton andi distnibuting portions to other oegtons. Halton is currently conducting a governmental review andi plana to bave public meetings on the issue, but Ma Savoline saiti ube doesn't want restructuring to interfere witb important issues such as traffic. Her speech entitled 'Municipal Restructuring - Wbere Do We Go Rrom Here?' dealt wiUs the imyths andi misunderstandings of regional governanc. One of the myths site trieti to dispel was about the Greater Toronto Services Board (GTSB). She saiti, despite erbat some politicians dlaim, the GTSB, whicb was set up 18 montha ago wiUs Use amalgamation of Toronto, doesn't neeti greater powers to function well andi sboulti not replace a level of government. "If you give Usemn more power over services, poli- ciea anti infrastructure, you may not bave Use services andi bigb quality of life that we enjoy now," she saiti. There are 41 members onthe board wiUs 110 votes, wbicb are divided by representation by population. Toronto bas 55 votes anti Halton region bas eight votes. Ms Savoline suid despite the difference in numbers, Halton is quite effective as Use meetings. -I can promise you, we battle wiUs our brains. We work with them, influencing Usemn to belp Usem under- stand our policies, our way of life heme," she satid. Even tbough the board bas only been arounti for 18 monUss, Ms Savoline said it bas been active, particu- larly in tennis of transportation mattera. She saiti the GTSB was set up as a coordinatin.g body - not to become a level of govemment. "Eliminution of one level will not lower costo. Insteati you will lose services. It will flot make gov- emments more accessible or responsible," she saiti. Ms Savoline also saiti any restructuring of goveru- ment should be done slowly. She citeti as an example the region's decision not to accept a section of est Flamborougb into tbe region. She said Usey were flot given enougb time to look into the implications of oucb s decittion, so they turned it down. "We would bave bati more information if we were buying a bouse. There is a neeti to do it rigbt." Rather than join the new super city of Hamilton, Flamborough residents were given Use option of divid- ing itself ttp between neighbouring regions. That plan bit a stumbling block wben Halton refused to sccept its portion of east Flamborougb. The Province is now mulling over the fate of Flambormugh. When asked about erben the final decision about Flambomough is expecteti. Ms Savoline siti she cantt even guess. "I will wait for the premier to make up bis mind," she uaid. For the firttt time this faîl, residents will élect the regional chair directly. Ms Savoline said she intends to mun for the post. love ta, hear story idéas. Ca/i aur newsraarn at 878-23411. SEND DAD TO GEl HIS HEAD EXAMINED. AF,ÉE PRÀ"Vffff~REU~Ai. 400 MAIN ST -, 876-1976 ((ORNER 0F MAIN ST & HWY 25) MILTON MoNl-FRI 9am-9pm * SisT 8:3Oam-6pm Cia Spodi kma $17.00, FUg/llglult km $36.0O. I.ahÀ slupi, hk.tW d stymy. Aduit (uts IlAdult (uts Porms $ 4 S1.00o j 0" 10" $9.000FF Mu VU la lza WV' Va Mr w mu w w W wwwww ~~jjj'sightest IUeas B3EST ENTRY MIDSIZE CAR IN INITIAL QUALITY IN THE M1*~1*AIMIYiAUUU. S. 3 OUT OF THE LAST 4 2000 LTIMAGXE iYEARS -JO POWER ANO as ASSOCIA TES [$21 498* iGeta.vîlFinci M1- *155-HP 2.4-litre angine'- 1 00-watt AMIFMCO audio systeis - 4-speed eutomuatc transmission. Air conditoning - Remuote keylesu entry systein wcAS punie alarn - Duel airtiagu'- Powser wvindows, mirrors, dour locks, trunk relase, and more.. 2000 Maxima GXE: "Car of' tii Vir A ward Winnar for Sast NalvFamily Car" (mare thon $2.00) S2000 Maxima SE:, "Car of tOn Vair Award Winnar for Sait Naw Sports Sa A.-.Nf.n" M fC. - 222-HP 3.o litre V6 englue.- Auto mailc transmissiOn' 6-speaker 120-watt AWMIMCD witti cassette audio uyttemn. Autumetc climate-control uir conditioning - Asti- theft system - Heated puower drivers seat - Remnote entry -3qý system. and more Drought to you by North End ough, 1san *37S-41 Nisq. Frt. & Taxes extra. See dealer for detalle on qmial rate financing and lease offer.61 Martin st. DRIVEN ELT