4-iise ôânadian d~àspio u~sday,~y30t ~Ô00 - . - Accredited Test HID~N~ ACCESSI~IES Bicycle Rack HIT Tow Bars & Draw Bars Wiring Kits * Weight Distributing Hitches C~JicII~ * Hitch Security Locks AIR CONDITIONINO SERVICE Have your air condhioning system inspoctod and sorviced today by a liconsod C.F.C. faciIlty. Licensed Technician on duty for both R 12 and the new R 134A Freon rMi'i~ MALL and National Mail Shows piesent A POSITIVE LIVING SHOW Exhi bits w make life easier~ safer, heait hier and more enjoyable! May 31 -June 3 PLUS ONE DAY ONLY! sic rs and~b ~ B~$~IflV4G SIDS FOUNDATION (Childs Dr /Matn St Parksng Lot) at rMiuu~ MAIL Escarpment CountryTM Tourîsm Partner Sheçpisg Heurs: MeedmytO Fridar .9:30555 p.m., Ssls~day 9:30 sm. teS p.m., Sunday sean teS p.m. 55 Ontarlo Stret S., Mîlto. (905) 875-3900 Th I ba th go ju ah St 51 dc in K Il N g tI s Il Y s Champion 3ack out of the contra- nd liquor deal and suifer consequences was the arning David Fiorino ~e the three partners în crly summer of 1996, a ry heard Friday. Dominco Sacco, whose partner- ip incîuding tise deceased ephen Andreopoulos, 36, et srrie and Jim Pearson, îook lise snd during tise ongoing first- grec murder trial of Mr. Fiorino, T, of Brampton in Superior Court Milton. During assistant Crown Cisaron .err s questioning, tise jury iseard ist Mr. Fiorino, formerly of lilton, bld tise parîners ise was etting 500 cases of alcoisol from se Helîs Angels motorcycle gang nd once tise deal was in motion, se parîners isad 10 continue or psy tise consequences.~ Tise jury iseard tise tisree inen met Ar. Fiorino îisrougis s mutual asso- iste. Mr. Fiorino bld the partner ise ;ouîd gel tisers 500 cases of sîco- ioî at $100s case. Mr. Sacco toîd tise jury tisaI tisey jsuaîîy only received about 30 ~ases from one source, with tise costof$I35 per case. CORRECTIOI NOTICE Un our May 24-30, 200 flyer, the following err occurred: The HP Pavilion 86 Computer System advertised on page should have specified the monitor s flot mcli in the package price. We sincerely apologiZe any lnCoflVefllBflCS ihîs have caused aur valu customers. 1Crawford Lake isn't ehosen for Olympics Crawford Laite sa ne longer a petential site for tise areisery for may ed competitionîfTonsstO fecelves tise 2008 Summer Olympica. Instesd, BrosSe Citait Provincial Park wilI be home te tise fiveto seven-day cenpetittos5 Wisiîe Bob Btsrehelt~ directer of conservation land services for Conservation Halten, thougist Crawford Laite was s per- fect site for tise venue, lie wisised tise provincial park success. He said tise arcisesy conspetition wouîd have fit perfectly witis tise site tisaI botasta autiseistie native long isouses. Toronto is competitlg against 10 other cilles for tise Olympica including Beijing, Paris, Osaka, Seville, Bangkok, tatanisul, Kuala Lumpur, Cairo and Havana. Tise winning city wilî be announced in July, 2001. Mi "Wemetallbis $ deinaudi. We~lid everything h. wanted wtodo.TbIItlSWbY t what bas happened now bas slwcIoe4 everybody." . .oe ACW Mr Fiorînos deal was an excel- lent one, Mr. Sacco said. A second meeting was arranged ai a doughnut sisop iii Maple. On addition to tise tisree partners, Mr. Fiorino brougist a man ise mIro- duced as Tony. Earîier in tise trial, tise jury heard that Tony was Raffaele Valante, a former employer of Mr. Fiorino wiso was used to intimate tise part- ners. Details of tise deal were isam- mered out during tise mecting. Mr. Fiorino told tise partners tisat tisey isad 10 arrange tiseir own trans- portation as well as storage for tise sîcoisol, Mr. Sacco testified. Only one partner would be able to pick up tise alcoisol from tise wareisouse near Comwall. Tisat person isad 10 be unarmed. On JuIy 2, 1996, tise day of tise NOTICE MILTON TRANSIT CHANGE 0F SERVICE PROVIDER On Tisursday June 1, 2000, LAIDLAW TRANSPORT wilI begin te provîde contracted TRANSIT Services b tise Urbais Ares. Tise services and scisedule wiII be the same as presently beîng pmvided by STOCK TransportatiOn. These services w.II continue te be provided up b Monday, July 3, 2000 at wisicis time changes b existing and new services wiII begin. Tisese include expsnded (30 TRAIN Peeder, St~hool, snd Demand Respensîve Services. Over the next few weeks please Iook for detaiîs. Please welcesne LAIDLAW TRANSPORT and thanit you STOCK TRANSPORTATION md staff for your tledicatrd service. 'Continue liquor deal or f pay consequenCeS' trial A~l shi' nsrtners met 51 Mr LISA CARTWRIGHT Sacco's home and wrapped the 50,000 in 51,000 bundîes. Mr. Sacco then drove Mr. tndreopouloS b a service station n Maple wlsere they isad arranged o meet Mr. Fionno. Mr. Andreopoulos went insidc 10 ~ompIete tise rentaI of the U-HsuI, a'hiîe Mr. Sacco sat with Mr. Fiorino. Mr. Fiorino taîked about how weII business wss going as weII as some of his clients - some of who were related 10 tise mob, Mr. Sacco told the jury. He also said tise accused bld him that he was planning 10 send more business their way. Mr. Sacco toîd Ms Kerr that the partners did everytising tisey were supposed 10 do. "We met ail his demands. Wr did everything he wanted us 10 do. Tisat is why what has happened now has shocked everybody," he said. Mr. Andreopoulos was lasI sees on JuIy 2, 1996. His remains were discovered by police buried on s Derry Road property Februa'y 13, 1998. Tise trisî, wisich begin m Aprit and is expected 10 lasI three 10 four montiss, conîinued aI press lime yesterday. A total of 90 wltnesses are expected to be calîed.