Police B/otter ~Residents find strange woman in their home Thieves can stnike anytime - even when you're home. Tbat's the message Haiton Regional Police are delivering aller a couple of Milton homes were broken into Saturday moming while the residenta were in their backyards gardening. Duning one incident on Maplewood Crescent, residents went int their home through a rear entrance and found a strange woman inside. When confronted, the stranger uttered a few words in a foreign language and quickly left the premises - fleeing in a mid-size beige sedan. Alto Saturday momning, a home on Lomne Scots Drive was entered tbrougb the front door, again wbile the reaidenta were in thse backyard, and an undisclosed amount of cash was removed. Police believe the two incidenta are related and wamn residents to) take precautionary measures to safeguard themselves. The woman was described as being of European descent, in ber fifiies, about five-foot-five and 130 pounds. She had dark eyes and sbort curly gray bair. Break-in spree A number of break-mns bave been reported over the last week- and-a-balf. Incidents are as follows: - Approximately $4,400 wortb of stereo equipment and com- pact discs were stolen from a McNiven Road residence sometime between May 14 and 16. Entry was gained by forcing open the front door. * Unknown culprits broke into the Italian Canadian Club in Milton Heigbts somebime bebween May 14 and 17. Tbey forced open a rear door and, once inaide, removed tour bottles of beer. - Tools valued at $2,000 were taken fromn Greif Containers Inc. on Main Street, wbicb was entered ovemigbt May 18. An east aide door was forced open to gain accesa to the downtown busi- ness. - At Campbellville's Sand and Gravel Saturday, an assoriment of tools toballing $250 was stolen sometime between I and 10 a.m. Thievea targeted the aide door during tbe break-in. - Nothing was atolen during a break-in at Main Street's Honey Nails Monday aftemnoon, altbougb there was minor damage cauaed to the front window. The incident occurred between 2:30 and 4:30 p.m. - A lawn mower and garden tools - wortb a combined value of $2,500 - were stolen sometime bebween Saturday and Monday from Campbellville Country Meadows. Thse rear door was uaed as tbe enbey point. Rash of vandalism Our Lady of Victory, Milton District, E.C. Drury and Sam Sberratt were among scbools targeted by window-smasbing van- daIs oveenigbt Saturday. In every case, about $1 ,000 damage was caused. Drug arrests Police arrested two men - one from Mississauga and the other from Toronto - andI charged tbem witb possession of a con- trolled substance following a routine vebicle cbeck in rural Milton May 16. A amaîl quantity of marijuana was discovered in a vebicle at about Il p.m. at tbe corner of Derry Road andI Eigbtb Line. Tbe suspects in tbeir early twenties will appear in court in Milton lune 12. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT LýýLL Cotfee Ail Day Tuesday, May 30 r--------COUPON --------- $4175aa 0 lW2U0 ---------------------- 81-44 ie Canadian Champion, Fniday, May 26, 2000 - 9 -rm'Sgprso Hlo Police investigating fire set in sehool dumpster Halton Regional Police are investigating a tire that was deliberately set in a dumpater at E.W. Poster Scbool on Coxe Boulevard May 12. A passerby noticed the blaze, ran to a nearby home and called 911. The Milton Fire Department responded and extinguisbed the tire. Pires, no matter bow amaîl, can spread and do damage or burt people. If you bave any infor- mation that leads to an arreat in this or any other caae, you may be eligible for a cash reward of up to $1,000. You need not give your namne and your information can be taken witb complete anonymi- ty. Crime Stoppera does not subscribe to call dis- play. Caîl 1 -800-222-TIPS or 825-TIPS. Crime Stoppers of Halton is operated by a board of directors made up of 18 civilians fromt ail areas of the region. The rewardfund resu/ta fromn the financial sup- port of business, indus- try, service clubs and pri rate citizens. The board of directors raises the money, décides on the amount of rewards and actually pays the rewards. Crime Stoppers is incorporated as a chari- table organization and donations to the reward fiand are tax déductible. Th Police zero inon bad motorists Tbere's s collision every eight minutes on Ontario's roada, witb a person being killed every 19 bouts, according to statis- tics. To help make the roada safer, Halton Regional Police, the OPP and other police services are joining forces to curb aggres- sive drivers. Officers are currently on special watcb for motorista speeding, tailgating, failing to yield the rigbt of way, running red lights, making unsafe lane changes and neglecting to signal. Aggressive driving is the key factor in the growing number of accidents, said Acting Superintendent Kathy Rippey of the OPP's traffic and marine safety bureau. "Be part of the solution and remember, driving is a co-operative yen- bure not a competitive sport."