Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 26 May 2000, p. 4

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AIR CONDITIONINO SERVICE Have your air conditioning systomn inspected and sorviced today by a Iicensed C.F.C. Iacility. Licensed Technician on duty for both R 12 and the new R 134A Fron À*Mention... to those Milton residents currently enrolled in thse montIdx Pre-authorized Tax Payment Programs (PTP) Thse first instaliment of the final PTP billing was originaiiy sciseduied toise withdrawn from your bank account on lune 01, 2000, withf tise lat of tise5 (Oive) instaliments being October 02, 2000. Due te delays in thse biiiing process, thse rcmaustng 5 (Oive) PTF withdrowal dotes have been changed t<i: Juiy 04, 2000 August 01, 2000 September 01, 2000 October 02, 2000 November 01, 2000 Piease note tisaI tisere wili not be a withdrawai during the month of lune as previously noified. A statement wiil be maîled te you sisorty advising in writing of tise witisdraw- ai due dates and their respective amounts. Tise due dates for the inski1Loum PTP plan remain as June 30, 2000 and September 29, 2000. Should your require further clarification, please contact Corporate Services direct at (905) 878-7252 ext. 393. NOTICE Municipal Elections 2M0 Make sure you are on thse Voters List TAKE NOTICE tisat Municipal Enumeration Forma wii be mailed by the Ontario Property Assesament Corporation (OPAC) te houseisolda within tise Town of Milton. ii forni will be maiied in a distinctive envelope with tise words "Municipal Electdosis printed in blue lettera ôn tise top ieft. Please note tisat not every household will reccive an Enismeration form, The Ontario Property Assesament Corporation han advised tisat oniy tisose properties where OPAC luas indications tisat voter information, for one tesson or anotiser requires updating, wil reccive tise forni. Tise Enumeration form contains information t0 determine who is noted on tise Votera' ista for tise November, 2000 Municipal asnd Scheool Board Elections. Accordingly, please foliow tise instructions set forth on tise form and return sanie te OPAC by Juste 15t, 2000. Any questions pertaining t0 tise form sisouid be directed t0 tise ielp line number noted on tise Enumeration Fotin itseif. Note: Any person nioving out of tise Town of Milton isefore tise Novemiser Municipal Eiections, are advised to contact tise Clerk's Office in tise municipalîty te wisici you are going t0 reside, tisereby ensuring tisat you are on tise correct Votera' List. Helen Lài Town Clir Spocial 10 The Champion The Halton Catholie District'School Board needs to build 22 new elementary schools and three new high schoois over the next 20 years t0 keep up with growth in the region. That's tise conclusion of a report presentedte tise board May 16 by tise conaulting firm CHN. Watson and Associatea Ltd. ise report provides a sharp con- trast te tise situation faced by tise Halton District Scisool Board, whicis is looking at closing a nuni- ber of under-utilized scisools in order ta receive provincial fisnding for new building projecta. Tise Catholic isoard's 20-year plan doesn't caîl for tise closures of any scisooIs. lenge is growth," saiti Cathoiic board Chair Jim Sherlock. "I cer- tainiy have a lot of sympatsy for boards wiso have t0 contempiate scisool ciosures. It's a very, very difficuit challenge for boards tisaI are in tisat position." Provincial funding for new achools is oniy availahie t0 Scheool boards witis an overail shortage of space acrosa their systeni. Boards like tise Halton public board, whicis have excess capacity, abtisougis it msy be in tise wrong geoigraphical areas, aren't eligibie for money te build new scisools. Tie consultants' report, commis- sioned by tise Catisolic board as part of ils development of a long- term capital strategic plan, predicta 76,000 new homes will lie built in Habton over tise next 20Oyears. Tie bulk of tise growtis, about 43 per cent is expectet 1 take place N"Oj~LEO Oukaîlle Town Coolre 1 e DôfWT.'Slce Rd. 844-1223 Burlîngton Heighls Plaza * Upper Middle & Guelph Une 332-2202 Waterdown Shopping Conlre e Hwy f5 & Hamilton St. 689-3388 Hamilton a 720 Upper James between Mohawk & Fennel 383-3983 Hosrs: Mon,-Wed. 10-6, Thars.- Fri. 10-9. Sat. 9-5, Sun. 12-4 gel 24 per cent of tise new housing, whiie Burlington wiii get 23 per cent andi Halton His 10 per cent. TisaI means tise Halton Catisolic District Scisool Board shouid expect ils enrolment to grow t0 more tisan 36,000 students by 2019, up froni about 21,000 today. Over tise next five years, tise report calîs for threc new elemen- tary scisools and one new higis scisool to be bult in Oakvilie, two new eiementary achools in Milton, anti one new elementary scisool and one new higis scisool in bots Georgetown and Burlington. Trustees accepted tise report as information and will circulale it te local scisool counicils for comment. Il will came te tise board for approval in principle June 20. A long-term capital plan must be suis- miàtted te tise Ministry of Education by October. Mostpoor reside in the south *froin ROUGHLY on page 1 nity are stronger today tisas tisey were in 1996," he saiti. "t think we're dealing with sometising tisat's 1996 andi panicking in 2000." But tise information is valiti, saiti Haiton's social services director Adelina Urisanaki. "You don't want t0 panic or overreact but you want t0 kecp your eye on tise trents." tn Halton, Burlington andi Oakviile car- rieti 85 per cens, or about 26,000 residents, of tise region's poor. Families or single parents supporting very young chiltiren were more iikely 10 be living in povcrty than those rsising older chiltiren, and those with a lower cdu- cation were more lîkeiy te ise poor tisan tise isetter educateti. But single women provedti b0is an exception, with poverly iseing prevaient despite education levels. Aiso, tise poverty rate of single people was founti toibeisigis- er than that of couples or famulies, saiti Haiton senior poiicy snalyst Wendy Kowalski. "We'rc quite amazeti so many single people in Halton are poor. We tisink it isas to do witis tise cost- of living alone and paying tise bibis." doan out th. closet for Amlly Goodwil. Please take your extra ciothing and household items to the Amity Goodwil store close to you. Ask aibou oui Tax Roceipt pogar Uza anti her team are eager to help you 550 Ontario Street S. .?"1,1 Catholie board looking a building 25 new sehools Rai KIM ARNOTT "We're erateful tisaI our chai- in Oskviiie. Milton is expected to

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