Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 26 May 2000, p. 29

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The Canadien Champion, Fniay, May 26, 2000-29 FREE Fst:mares Gor wshhly chairs weats oprîngo... lirati lookin coud finisires? We de il ail! Custom coud refin- ishing/famiiure te pairs. Fieldis Custom Furet- tare. 9-9 daityl 875- 4427 SIT on it-Dont Sit in 81f Replacereent foarn for cushianu. Rexiden- fiat/commercial. Fieldts Uphoiatery. 9-9, 7 days/reek 875-4427. SPECTACULAR Piano Saie-Only an May 25- 26, 9am-9pmi; Ma y 27, Gam-5pm AIL1 TAXES INCLUDED. Over 65 usent Pianos and Grands by Vamaha, Ka- wat, Steincay + athere. pianohouseburing- ton.core. 5205 Han- veater Rd., BerBnglon 905-831-9259. SUPER Spectai. Save up ta 30% on decarafox fit Pa no GSTI Laey u turexe. hayox ar? Sof 8& atchtg hair tra= $788. Loaseaaf a $448. Chairs tramt $199. Free Esimatlea Senlor Diacounts. Fteldt Qutt Cuatore Uptfeng, 9-9, (905) 875-4427. J.R RE FARM. Ce- dxxi Hentgex. 3-48t nurs- exy Caeas. Plantent, sprayet:fertlizet. For information cati (519)763-1562. Kayak Pools lafraduces Thoe Aul New presure Tlaed 'Woody'l 20 fi. aborne.goand rectangelax Ponts $5,250 lodnex szeus anattabiel 1-800-668-7564 FREE haby rais. Maties a gret pet. Muxt comae ses. Phone 693-0132 SHOP FOREMAN/MECHANIC A wett-estahisned Lantiscapa Construcion/ Design/Maintenance campany tacateti saath of Milton reqaires a neat and arganizeti Sirap Foceman ta, handle Small Engine repairs (ti8irt and stme heaay eqaipreeni). This atua inctes veiricte andi traiter repairs. andtinmotns tare wetdiae. A Ctass ' Mechanic's Licence anti a Clans 'D' Driver's Licence waald ire an assai. Wuges based on knowtedee asti espenience. Fax resarax (incleding a copy of yoar Moier Vendce Record frora MTOI ta: Offce Manager, (905)876440 LIFEGUARDS Ontarlo Recreation Needs You! Minimum 116years, Plus Il $10-12/ hour incîuding summersigning bonus For FIT DmP/T positions in GTA. (905>624-6361 or apply to wuwotroceto.o GENERAL LABOURER Reqaireti ta asoint in faking cure et tarmn prxp- erty in Mitton. Datiex rectade Generat Maintenance, Handyman, Lace Maintenance and Misceitanenan Datiex. Work Sciredale: Montay ta l-ritiay Frem Jane fa November Hoars 8:30 A.M. ta 4:30 P.M. tnterexted applicanis cati: (905)>670-881 fitl 229 SUIPPEUEIVE Milton Company xeeking fuît time siripper/ receiner for immediate openinq, 2-5 yearx espierience, toarn player, oeilf matîvaieti as colt as aptrante for figures. Muni irave farirtift anti trafftc management experience. Satary cora- miserate cir nuperience. Fax rexame in confidence ta: (905) 87M472 MAtel: HMa. flhmource a nuquer. Antamotîve DaiI/CIan-Up Person Rexpunoible indiaiduat cir excellent tiriaing irisiery. Applicant ment ire .nergetic citir thre cittingness o dort a aariety xl tanks. Fuît time position. Appty is: iont Richadon, Salea MUage mhhui. cbahe<s SIiuuiI Nuy2M5S.at rry B., Mifte 878-2393 FULL Tima food preparation positions available aI a1 FaderaI Fond Prooeooing Plant. Students welcome. Starts ai $8.00ltr plan benefits and personat day package. Please appty in pern to 251 Nipiuxing Road, Milton, Ontario, Or caI (905)693-8976. No experience required - We train. HELP canteaf for Hanter Jumper stable. Expert- encedf fuîltimre or ceekenda. CaI (905)466-4421 or (905)827-2234. JOIN oar cteaning staff. Fuît and part time positions avaitabte. Monda y through Friday aller 3:30 p.m. Uight and heaoy daty cteaning tsks. Faxfemme to Sanstrine Building Maintenance (905) 335-6006 or comptete appticaton at yoar local human rexource centre, 310 Main St. E. LOCAL Steet Company 001459g for a transportaion coordinator, wchtil erî rude inventary contrat and peniodic wareirouxe dattes. Fax rexuimea foi: Atto: Trevor 0 905-875-4808. Ordy thos being consid- ered wilt be contactent. LOOKING for a carpenter, experiencent in att phas- es of carpenltry. Fuit Ume poaition. (Oren vehtide) Fax reaume toi875-3402. MOFFAT Auto Worka, a large auto deaating ahop requirea futl time wortcera. Wtt t train. Good tefrling atary. >Alo lootlng for mature driver axer 30. Fultne oaon, a dien dncvng record a must. Cafi Mac ot.875-066. MOLLY MAIO ta groretng again. Do pou taxe ta desant? W. are lookmng or hardworfting, daperid- able, loyal tafaf. Part Ume teading fai futl t 8me. Plies oeil 877-3443. SALES pemson for art gaitry Knoaiee of art and ftranng helfput but naf neceaaary, wit eacfr. Re- qrentitfree dapa a week. Contact 905-878-0495 ar fa #905-93-093. Arr yra an eaergetîc person,. wuntiae ta cati in a faut pac e virrameri? We are curnentty accepting uppticu- l iant fax thre fatlawing: FIT P/T Waiters/ Waltrmas F/T P/T Short Order Ceaira FIT Sundai te Thursday t1-7 Dlshwasher/Maintenance Appty in persan: Flflh Wheel Truck Step 40 Chisholm Dr. Milton No Phane CatLs Picase GREAT EARTH VITAMINS Seeka maturegpopte wfth mn landier- standing of lhe nutrition industry. Appt canta xhoutd be friendiy, outgo- ing and have a dlextre f0 groan their nutritionet education. Please fax resume to (905) 634-4799 FUNDRAISING COORDINATOR Repnrting ta tire Enecative Direceor, yaa miii researcir, devetop strategmes &. impiement indisidual campaigns. bequests/ptansed giving, major girls, speciai events, carporaee & faaintation givnsg. Tiree ex fine pears s progressive Cantiraisisg Car chraritablie neganizatians is reqaired. For fareirer detaits sae www.,rareerechraritpnillage.com. Tis mili ire a 3 pear contrat position, 3 dans per meek. Formard resuraé hyione 2nd to: Halten His Cammuntty Support and tenfeemattan 36A Armatrong Avenue Georgetowen, Ontario L7G 4R9 Alt Restyn DamaIt, Esexutine Dîrecfor ex emaît: hhealQaaztee-net.cam Hoit,, c.lh C,,,eoi -dO,&,-,v.,ii, ,,,,re,îetoe-. Wki ,,ooraoet a.t,.,- Wyî Bus p altaitie boady oirop rauks auperienceti PR E PERS à UC. BGon PERSON Muni ire ciltiag ru ctr on ireaay trocks & cars Cati lot uppaornmani 9054849-1066 Requixes tmeiafey, licenxed fadant- dians. Prelexence given ta Voikawagen experience. Fax resurn tf: 905-873-1914 Attn: Tomh Georgetown Voîkswagen 199 Guelph St. 873433O COME WORK WITH US! COOKS a CASHIERS a PRODUCE & BELl Petrmanent FULL &/OR PART-TIME poitions (nul ouitairte lot ournrnr-ooty applicanto) A toue ut tood and peupla ara the onlp raqaternenis. Wa wiii train! KITCHEN TAM LEADER MEEDED Il pou tova food and coaking, ua uaty organized and cao direct tira atr ut otirers, iris is a greai lob tut you. Permaxent FULITIME position os avaiaitbe ASA. Lorrie ut Jerry ut Jerxmy ut (905) 844-2375 or FAX pour femmre lx: (905) 844-2917 Alternatiues Market, 579 Kfrr St., Oukville INDUSTRIAL SEWING &- ASSEMBLY OPERATOR ,,tre filltime oiprn varieti dues in our Oille manalactaring fuciltiy. W aeidsra producix; thai n684 okittatl asoamblerto tacaf, glua, assenble and oe ut riant belte ihap ara xhippd f0 casoameo areand ftha cxrtd. IF YOU LIKE WORKING iWIT1I POUR HANDS AND NEED A CHALLENGtNG VAJ1IETY 0F WORK PROJECTS PLEASE FAX [YOUR fIlOU TO: <US 842-7ff5 [ Fil MEATCU1TER requiced for Oakville Company with boing experience an accet. Mon ta, Fr1, no evenmngs or weekends. $14.0O-$17.00/hr.(depending on exp.) Pleaae aak for Brian, (905)-847-7200 eSERVICE ADVISOR a LICENCED TRANSMISSION TECH aGENERAL TECH Tfmplayers reqairfd lot buoy sop. uM beu irxperrenceti. facettant cages & henelils. l Contact Stanley Peut Ph: 905-278-6181 or Fax: 905-2711-9656 PEEL CHRYSLER PLYMOUTH Onauaua itario Purchasingllnternaî Sales Support Coordinator Futornait mtg. division ut a multit-diaisien csrns. Tire nacceostut candidate citi heanu eepetieucad, seif-contideni person cuis eu(ups being inototi n att tuceix ufthn basiness inctuding purchaning, expie- dîting, arrunging ttansoution, admrinistration, interntai satan suppot, correspondance, sappari fat engineering and production staff, etc. Basic knooc- etigu of MS Winows, WordPerfect lot DOS 5.1 and MS Word lut Windocs os necesoary. Tio position ciii uppea ru a persan cira cutis cati citi minimum supervision andi guidance aund aniopu tire apportunitp to dîopiap initiatiae. Posiion suailabie Juna t/OU or oirer. Benetit package aaaîilairi Saiary open ta discussian. Mail/ detiaur reoumae ru: Frankr Bolinger, Etecincald Co. Ltd. 1195 Speto Rd.- Oukaitte, ON LGL 2X5 Tal (905) 845-7597. No taxes pluasu RECEPTIONIST requited for Georgetaown HVAC office. Must have cuefaomer service anti sales espenience. Ptease fan resume ASAP ta (905)877-3116. cancabte- Iuto e S r i c i ac e We aue cu rentip seeking oa ual ife indruiduat chu iras a soid knocidge in tireMS Office enaitaumuot, e-mail programo, tuiepione etiquarte & greut cas- lamer sk ils Wu king knaciedge ai internai, brocs- as soda email pragrams a dat utae assai. Oualtiied on- a vduat must havue expu ience in data eoirp anti muni adapi iu nec proramo quicklp and effiieoii Candi- dates cîtir a team-orîented perspectiae in associaion cîtir leadership ahîtîtien ciii encel in this parltima rotle. Siati $11/ht. Resume & relereacus uta e-mail 10: cheryt@caocabie.com. Snrrp, no faes ut phone catis PART-lime experienced Dental Assistant reqoîreri for nusy general dentai prartice. PDA certification an asset. Dr. Fauta Cassin, 106 Wakefield Rd. Mil- ton, ON. Fax: (905)878-0557 CARING home environ- ment iras room for pre- ecolror infant. Re- ceipis. 876-4415. DAVOARE in Dorset Park. Clean iaaing home near scirouis & parirs. Cati Miciretle (905(693-1655. EXPERIENCED care- giver requirent for ico chittiren in Damser Park tira beginning in Sep- tember. Cati 878-0196. FULL Turne tiaycare avaitabte. BeliNanier area. Foncent yard, ptaproorn. Roferences anti receipis. Cati 878- 8773. FULL-TIME - IMMEDIATE CONTRACT - SEPTEMBER 2000 A smaîl, entrepreneurial company in Oakville needs your expertise! Our teamn is looking for un energetic individuel with the following skills: " Excellent Word 97 * Excellent Powerpoint " Excellent Proof-reading " Baaic Excel " WordPerfect 8 If you possess these skills & enjoy a fase-paced, dictait oriunted environnaent surrounded by friendly people, mail your r&ýumeto: RECRUITING 406 North Service Rd. E., Suite 300, Oakville, ON L6H 5R2 Contract positions are for 3 montha & offer fuIl-time and/ or parir-time houra. Pleaae reapond no later than June 2nd. We thank everyone for their interest. Only those selected saili be contacted. No calis or faxes pleasel EUROPEAN ladies asi heip pou do Spring Ctaaning, hoasex anti office. Vers 693-9721; Katenina 631-5211. LIFE is ioo short rui ie atlone. Cai Misiy Riaer Introntuctions, Oniaria's trational maicirmaker. Toronto ai (418(777- 6302, South/West (519)658-4204 BILL'S1 AUTO BODY SHOP $3,000 -$35, Cars Wanteti 905-457-5713. Stop Car Thefri Soit tati- consent recycior.905- 457-5713. WE aie gi wîrîji Par inrie hairstyl!i.. rquired, aso time Esîheticican. Cui 873-4007 for interview or l'au femume 10: 873-7357 L4fetrln Metrotund Prining, Pablixhing and Disiributing on Mitlon hus an immediste opening Cor an eaperi.enced individual ru join sur sales tearn. Ax a motiuuted seCf-starter mith a proven Sales background, pou mitI be responaibte Cor the co- ordinaiing and aetting of numreroux leuturex andf sections. You must be able io more ander deadinex, andi undersianti hum fa jaggte nurneroax tanks. We offer: " a base satary + car et owence " lucrative commission package " stable mark enaironnmeni Plemne Corward femume by Jane 9, 2000 Attention: Bitl Begin, Ganeral Manager The Nassagaweya Country News 191 Main St. E. Milton, ON L9T 4N9 ECHOCARDIOGRAPHER REOUIRED (Mitalasauga Hamilton, Kitchener) KMH Cadi/otogn & Diagnostic Centres pridex iîsetf in a phi/osophy and tradition thon emp/taizes efficient, Aigh quaiey and carne diagnostic heaith services. 1 A praxent abiltiy ta corr inntependently caupet cith thre confidence tai exercice soaxti jutiament cii) pravitie tire candidate cifir tire taals neentedtif saccee i n aur qualtiy- onienfent organizafion. Candidates must ble ARDMS certilieti or eligible. Famitiarify cifir HP 5500 machine is an asset. Excellent benel and rernuneraior package (based on experience fevel) Intereated candidates are imvited to fax a çover letter and reatume toi Gigi ait (905)855-1863 (~REMUER PAT-TIME Ru/ RPN posiios avaitabte in an Oakaiiie Senior Citizens Resîdance. Eupenience catkingciie edthtiei ta Long-Tarm Care Seiiing, anti Medicafian administration an assai. A cali-srganized friendp currpiace. For an interviec Sali Jouait Tousai et SEN COMMUNITY HEALTII CARE 905-52246888 x2146 RN'l, 1111lSi RPN's tSEN eqaited lot ohiftcate iu Haiton & Hamilton-Wenicoii Regians. Practice une on ana cummunilp nursing cithaut the strass of an iostitulîsnat seting. Flexible hous anti schadatîng 10 suite home or ochani commilments. Failtlime hous sud henalito possible. il înteraoled rn ooioig a dpnamîc team ni prulessînut. Faopour rsume lu Tiruresa t-its aI SEN COMMUNITY HEALTH CARE 905-522-5579 Company in Milfon have positianx anaitabie for tabourers anti assem- biers. Training provident. Start 0 $9.00 par haur. Fax resume 905-878- 3012 Att. John V. DRIVER TANDEM, DZ, ciean abxtract, paftro- ieum experience an as- set. Fuitiime for local progressive fuel compa- ny. Onty bastfrinen ap- piy. Senti or fax resume inciutiing abstract ta: Box 280, Georgetown, ON, L7G 4Y5, Fax 877- 5262. DRIVERS & Inspectrs requirent for Toronfo Auta Auction. Phono John Paon (905)875- 2915 ext. 604 Or Fax.t- sume ra John Parts (905)875-3219 WANTED AZ Drivers, Hat beti catie for Southr- eir Ontario anti Michi- gan. Alxa 2 tank drivera. Experience prelferreti. Home ceeeents. Cati Besi Transter. (519)853-5773 or 1- 800-862-1470.

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