20-The Canadian Champion, Friday, May 26, 2000 Y 'V NEWS AND INFORMATION FROM MILTON DISTRICT HOSPITAL We would like to thank our sponsors, Halton Automotive, Bili Currie, Bob (Pie) Lee, McCuaig Insurance Lt'!. an'! McKersie-Kocher Funeral Home Lt'!. for their wonderful support and generosity. MDH Ranked Top Eye Donor Centre Milton District Hospital (MDH) was ranked the top eye donor centre per hospital bed in the provinve according to the 1999 Annual Report of the Eye Bank of Canada, Ontarlo Division. MDH retrieved 156 eyes in 1999. placing the hospital fourth in Ontario for overali volume. Il is a ranking that the bospital bas maintained for the last three years. Cindy McDonell, Program Leader of Family Practice ai MDH, believes the Eye Donation Program is 50 successful because of the sensiîivity and commitment wiîh whicb the staff generate program awareness ai the hospital. "With every death at the hospital, we let the family members know thet their loved one's eyes are eligible for donation b the Eye Bank," explains McDonell. "We do not ask for the eyes. We simply present the famîly wth the option. h is a family decision afier iliat" McDonell notes that since MDH adopted thîs program four years ago, about sixîy per cent choose to donate. "The entire team is very dedicated, "MeDonelI says. "From the staff wbo approach the families to the physicians who retrieve the eyes. It's a real team effort. There's real commitmernt there." Donated eyes are used for comeal transplants and other ocular surgeries as well as medical research and surgical training. "At the heart of every donor program are the donor families them~elves," says McDonell. "At a time of sorrow, these families look beyond their grief to carsy out the wishes of their loved ones in the hopes of restoring someones sight." Osteoporosis: Building the Best Bones Public Forum Tuesday, May 30,2000 6:30 p.m. Dispisys, Refreshments 7:00 p.m. Presentation at Milton Leisure Centre 1700 Main St. E. North off Derry Road on Thompson Road (casi of #25), rigbt on Main Street E. Registration is required To register please caîl LuIs Watson at (905) 854-2655 or Phyllis Spillone at (905) 829-4863 mAT~Asa - DON'T FORGET HIKE FOR HEALTH ON AND SUNDAY, MAY 28TH ~ Hospital BBQ's are here again! Run, Inhne or Walk your way 10 The firsi bbq of the season will be held a heaithier lifestyle! ~>ILTI1 on the front lawn of MDHon For information contact the Thursday, June I st between the boum Foundation Office at 876-7014 of 11:30 and 1:30. The menu will be Thank you! ~- cbicken on a skewer, baked potato, ....to the Campbellville ~ spînach salad and rhubarb crisp. Topped off with a drink of your choice. Rock bottom price of only $550 & District Lion's Club per person! Remember, a portion of the proceeds will for us donation of a "Faîl be donated 10 tbe Foundation. Take out available. Fair" print. This beautiful piece of artwork will be bung in tbe Cindy MoOnneli, Program Leader of Cbronic Care Unit of MDII joins Camphetville & District membera, nessi Chus Milton District Hospital sarses aod MDHF Soard Chair. Mary SIGNS 0F SUMMER...MILTON CRUISE HAS ARRIVED! Join Milton Cruise eacb and every Sunday until September l7tb on tbe grounds of tbe Milton Canadian Tire parking lot. Tbis classic car sbow will seil 50/50 draw tickets and donate baîf ibe proceeds 10 tbe Foundation. Tbanks to Ibis bardworking group of organizers tbe Foundation bas received nearly $36,000! Tbis year Swiss Chalet will be participating in Cruise Nigbts. Look in next montb's Monitor for ail tbe exciting details! WE HAVE GOOD NEWS AND WE HAVE GREAT NEWS Tbe good news is tbanks 10 Oakville Trafalgar Memorial Hospitals Cbaritable Corporatîon's generosity, the Milton District MDH AuxiliaryPreaidro,. Hospital Foundation and Auxiliary OTMHCC5oard Chair. received $90,000. Tbis represented Peser Zainat and MDH Poandalias Soard Chair, a portion of tbe proceeds from lasI MO~ oevss year's Dream Home Lottery. The great news is....tbe Dresm Home Loîtery will take place again Ibis year! MCHAPPY DAY beld on May 1 6tb was a great success Ibanka 10 Ibe many volunteers wbo generously donated tbeir time. Final numbers aren't in, but we will keep you posted. E HOSPITAL IS THE PLACE TO BE ON BBQ which wilI be served between the hours 6f 5 p.m. THSATU~Ay JUNE 17TH and 7 p.m. Grab a lawncbair and bea don over 10 tbe Hospital on Saturday, June I 7tb for Ibe best social time and delicious tasting W " strawherries of tbe summer. Wbile you are ibere, introduce yourself 10 tbe 2000 Strawberry Marsball, Freda Strain. Lots of activities and entertainment for botb adults and cbildren. For Ibe utIle kids you bave rides, surprises and lots of great fun! For Ibe big kids a bip swiveling, exciîing performance by Milton's very own Elvis impersonator. Steve Kabakos. Start your day by enjoying a great strawberry pancake breakfast courtesy of Ibe Optimist Club of Milton District Hospital There will be raffles, "take a cbance","wbite elepbant" and baking tables. Take a stroîl down tbe Marketplace and buy a very special and unique gifi for yourself or someone else! DON'T FORGET ....Delicious strawberrîes are donated by Andrew's Scenie Acres THANKS TO TuS WONDERFUL COMMUNITY. and bardworkîng volunteers, tbe Auxîlîary $95,OOOto presented a "r-a cbeque in tbe 'o -- Halton ~ Hahon Heahhcare Services Chief Esecasive Officor. John Oliver; MDH Aaxisaey. Oraco Healtbcare Hildehraadaod HoStos Heahhcare Services Boaed Saeos Services. I Hamburgers and botdogs are available ail day. . L End your day by enjoylng a delicious, mouth watering CAR W~S~l~/d~1Ye Junior Volunteers will take place MILTON DISTRICT HOSPITAL lto~~lt~hqIrç Quality Care for a Heaithier Community.