18 - The Canadian Champion, Friday, May 26 00 Dateline *Computer Diagnostics *Electricat Repair, *Starters & Aternators *Alignments *Tires-lncluding Bolcincing *Front, Rear Suspenision *Brakes - Including'ABS Systems *Tune Up *.Transmission Servicing e Complote Scltéduled Maintenance Srvices *Réntal Vohicles Avoulable *vehictjesales one Year Wat On AU! Pats Accrediftd Test£ Ropair FwciIIty 909 Nlpinting Rd. (905)>878«2952, à ranH. A iBALLOT~ Name___ __ Address ______ Phone# ______ IDrap off Ballot at 909 Nipissing Rd. I Draw Date: June 30/00I Dateline la a free listing of coming eventa only. The cotumn as available to local commu- nity groupa 10 asalat in promoting their future eventa. OnIy charitable or non-profit commu- nity groupa may use this aervice. We can only guarantee one issue of publicity closeat to the date of the occurrence although more inser- tiona are possible if demand iS low. Noticea for Dateline ahould be handed in ai the office of The Champion, 191 Main St. E., mailed f0 P.O. Box 248, Milton, Ont., L9T 4N9, or faxed f0 (905) 878-4943. The final deadline as noon Friday for Tueadays edition and noon Wedneaday for Fridays edition. Dateline items will not be accepted by tele- phone. Friday May 26 Simply Secret prescrnts 'Awakening' ai 6:30 p.m. ai the Galaxy 707 Club, 475 North Service Rd. E., in Oakville. It includes dinner, a fashion show and live enîerîainment. Proceeds front a silent auction and raffle go 10 Breasi Cancer Support Services. Tickets cost $50 per person or $360 for a table of eight. Caîl 905-634-2333 for tickets. Donations for tihe Milton Hlstorical Society Garage Sale can be dropped off fromt 710o9 p.m. ai 16 James St. Caîl 878-4197 for furiher informa- tion or pick-up of articles. Thse Song Spinners Choir presenta annual spring concert 'Musical Moments' ai the Milton Seniors' Activity Centre, 500 Childa Dr., at 7 p.m. The group pays tribute to Gilbert and Sullivan. Tickets cosi $5. For details caîl 875-168 1. Friday May 26 - 27 Biahop Reding Secondary School's Used Unifotsn Sale takes place from 3 10 8 p.m. today and 1l s.m. Io03 p.m. Saturday. Saturday May 27 The Milton Historical Society's Garage Sale takes place on thse front lawn of St. Paul's United Church, 123 Main St. E., fromt 8 s.m. 10, noon. Ai proceeds go 10 thse Waldie Blacksmith Shop restoration. 'Dad and Me' is a weekly drop-in session from 9:15 10 11: 15 s.m. at thse Milton Community Resource Centre, 917 Nipissing Rd. For more information caîl 876-1244, ext. 12. Join the 101h annual Flame of Hope Trail Ride and Carniage Drive for Diabetes research. To register cail 1-519-848-5337. Milton's Pesticide Awareness and Alternatives Group celebrates Rachel Car 'son Day 10 promote awareness of the effecis of peati- cides on health and the environment, with several booths sîaîioned throughout town including the downtown Farmer's Market and Milton Mali. A meeting aiso takes place ai 7 p.m. For the location or more information, rail Erika Ristok ai 693- 9837. Saturday May 27 -28 The Canadian Red Cross offers an emergency and standard first aidICPR course. To register or for more information rail 875-1459. Sunday May 28 The Haiton-Peel branch of tise Ontario Genealogical Society hosis its regular meting ai the Chinguacousy Branch Library, lower level, 150 Central Park Dr., in Brampton ai 2 p.m. The guesi speaker is Fawne Stratford Devai who dis- cusses Ontario birth, marriage and death recorda hefore 1869. Visitors are weicome. For more information cali 843-2076. Haiton Waldorf Schooi's annual Msyfair runs from 11 arn. 10 4 p.m. at.2193 Orchard Rd. in Burlingion. Activities include digging for gold, puppet shows, an obstacle course and Bunnyland. There's also be a tearoom and unique crafts. The officiai opening is ai 2 p.m. with a Maypole dance 10, follow. Cali 331-4387 for more information. The Milton Youth Chorus presents 'Soaellaing 10 Sing About' ai 3 p.m. ai St. David's Presbyterian Church on Guelph Line in Campbellville. Tickets colt $10 for aduits and $8 for seniors and students. Children aged under 12 years are admitted free. Tickets are avallable at the door or by calling 854-0263. *Monday May 29 The Halton Hils Quilters Guild meeta ai Centennial Middle School in Georgetown ai 7:15 p.m. For information cail] Geri Kunica ai 878- 3787. Childoen aged 3 bo 5 years create something new every week in 'Creation Station' ai the Milton Communîty Resource Centre from 1 10 3 p.m. Projecis include a wall hanging, a mobile and a game. Caîl 876-1244, ext. 12,10o register. a sa more DATEUINE on page 21 Beat the Heat This Summer and MÀ %f 0 MhIon TIL 2001* Cool1 Low Prices e Get 24-hour relief from heat and humidity. *Be cool and comfortable ail summer long. Cr* Sleep soundly on those hot, muggy pights. )r,ý, loý, wAil of our units; are designed for your total home Em nt* comfort. Caîl us today for a free in-home estimate 'ILiç hItAý-and enjoy the comfort of an air conditioner from Union Energy this summer. ARE YOUI REMDY F-OR A HOT,# HUMID SUMMR?..., Cai Now And Save On A Full AIC lime-Up Call us at (905) 4690O570 Burlington 1 OakviIle or 1-88.1.UNION for your free home estimate www. unionenergy. com tEgy paldn i purdsam Ca~ra ba caambled *Mth aay ~tta<ffe. Subject ta apprased auit Interst dsargu beil accralag an cicalae t 15.9% par atuana, m a nta oeiaapply. -Montt*y pay i a attd an ragulr plan baud an a 12"»,M ittuam 14.9% ubjats ta apprawed ridt lasafltian exta. Tem and ondfioan apply. ,2000 1