16 - The Canadien hmIon. Friday May 26,2000 - Milton to be fastest « growing community THE 250-HP 2001 PATHFUNDER Power Changes Everything - 250 HP 3.5-Litre DOHC angine e 4-spaed automatic with overdrive - 265 ft-lb torque 0 3,200 RPM *Ail mode 4-wheel drive (automatic 4-wheel drive selector dial) e Fuel tank skid plate * 16" alloy wheels - Air conditioning , Bose acousticaly tuned audio system e Upgrade 6-dise in-dash CD autochanger - Power siiding glass sunroof *And much more... ~s~s $ $4, 0 R488imo. Pâ%SEewMný40 2OO O ffer4..Iu*4Aoe A" 13 MATI STRET ::TN90)7 b Du -o eou suprt.. v xtn -AeNsa Eno th -aig e nt- By IRENE GENTLE The Champion As members of Milton's Chamber of Commerce filed into the elegant Halton His Place yesterday, the economic picture appeared as bright as brilliant May sunshine. After years of stagnation, Milton is poised to bound into a 12-per cent growtb rate next yesr, Town CAO Marlo Belvedere said at the Chamber of Commerce-host- cd Mayor's Maria Belvede Breakfast. "Milton will be number one as the fastest growing community in Canada," he said. "You'll be reading sbout us in the Globe and Mail and The National Post." According to Town projections, the pop- ulation should surge by 150 per cent over the next 16 years, from 33,000 to 85,000. In that lime frame, available employ- ment landa are cxpected to increase by 100 per cent, commercial industrial space by 215 per cent, and employment by 150 per cent. That will bring a surge in tax asseas- ment, allowing better service provision while keeping taxes down, said Mr. Belvedere. But travelling the bumpy road to gmowth has meant fine-tuning tome development 2000 ALTIMA GXE é 155-Hp 2.4-Utre engine * 1 00-watt AM/FM CD audio system - 4 speed automatic trans- mission * Air conditoning 9 Remote keyless entry systemn with panic alarm * Dual airbags e Power windows, mirrors, door Iocks, trunk _____________________ release, and more...4 i get OW pecal ash Aitima: liest Entry Midsize Car in 2.8 ORLEAE prchse ~ initial Quatiy in the U.S. 3 out of y 1 &T Offer expires May 31MO N11 M M M M M M M M NK M M M M M V V V N'W IV IV IVN b a 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 y plans, including that of the 401 Business Park, planned by Hwy. 401 and Hwy. 25.:'t Tbough the plans had originally called for high-end office space in the park, they've been modified to allow quality dis- tribution centres as well, said Mr. Belvedere. "Well, sometimes we're wrong," he said. "The consultant has advised us we necd to be flexible and we've responded to that." But though distribution centres will now be wclcome in the business park, their buildings will have to be up to anuif, said Mr. Belvedere. "Wc'rc going to demnand a high design standard," he said. "If you want a crummy looking building, go next door." Other plans include extending the down- town core to mun fromn Bronte Street 10 Thompson Road. Tbere's also room in Milton's Officiai Plan (OP) for a big box shopping centre by Hwy. 401 and James Snow Parkway, as well as thc I4wy. 401 and Hwy. 25. But as no actual application bas bees made, planning director Mel Iovîo pre- ferred to stay mumn on the subjcct. "I don't typically talk about it until tbere's been an application. It'a nowbere. Therc'a no application yct," he said. "In the OP it allowa big box in that ares but it'a aubject to going through a market review to enaure there's no impact on the downtown aircs. "