The Canadian Champion Fnday May 26 2000 - Il Historical home tour coming up You've probably driven past some of Milton's There wil historical homes thousanda of times. Now is your can do the chance to see what they look like inside. guides from The second annual Historical Homes Tour offers be at each bi people a chance 10 tee the interior of six homes NeW this and Knox Preshyterian Church. The buildings aI St. Paul's were conatructed between 1851 to 1911. a.m. 103 p.r The event, sponsored by the Milton Historical who restore Society (MHS), will ho held June 10 from 10 a.m. booths and to4p.m. St. Pauls Tickets cosî $15 and include a booklet with a will goto tIi map and a description of each home. The MW Child safety seat info from car dealerships Local car dealera are helpmg educate people on how 10 cor- rectly inatali child aafety seata. When people putllase a new car from Gallinger Motors, Huit Chrysier. Milton Chrysler-Dodge, Noeth End Nissan or Richan~son.Chev-Olda, they will receive a liaI of upcoming ohM aafety seat clinios and a pamphlet detailing how toprop- erly instail the devicea. According 10 the Milton Road Safety Committee, 93 per cent of Miltonians who attended a child saftty seat clinic had inipeoperly installed seata. It does flot get better than this. lancer A sleek look with glove-soft leather, LANCER bas the up-to-the- minute style that fits right n. t.eather-Finesse $ f~f'~dr~ Reclina-ResîChaise Rncker Recliner I be no sel route or limes, SO people tour at their own pace. Costumed the Milton Players Theatre Group will hilding to answer questions. year will ho the Renovation Showcase United Church, 123 Main St., from 9 n. The event will bring together people bouses. Visitors will ho able 10 attend ssk the professionals questions. will provide a food booth. Proceeds .e church. started the house tour as a way to raîse money for the restoration of the Waldie Blacksmith Shop, that was bwlt in 1864. Dome Murdoch, publicîty coordinator for the MHS, saîd the ultîmate goal for the hlacksmith shop IS 10 convert it into an educational facîlity. The building could ho used b host blacksmith demonstrations, seminars, tours and craft shows. Tickets for the tour can be purchased at Bergsma's, Kalena Flowers, From Our Farm, Hams Stationaiy, Global Genealogy, Delacourt's, Peggy's of Milton, JoLeens and Vincents Art and Antiques. For details cali 876-1872. ADVERTORIAL NEED A SUMMER JOB? The Milton Human Resource Centre For Students and the Sheriden Summer job Service currently have over 400 positions available for summer employment for students within the Milton area. There is a variety of positions available including general labour, baby-sitting, waitstaff, landscaping and retail sales. Fuli-time and part-time positions are available and some employers are very flexible with work hours therefore are willing to work around students current school schedule. We encourage ail students looking for a great summer job to corne in and use our job banks, job books, and our free resources such as faxing and photocopying. In addition, our job banks are accessible on the Internet at http://jb-ge.hrdc- Just a reminder for employers, we offer a free service of posting your job which circulates throughout the Halton Region and surrounding area. There is a wide variety of qualified students to fuI summer positions. For further information regarding the Milton Human Resource Centre For Students please phone (905) 878-8418 ext. 222. Or you can drop by our office at: 310 Main St. E. (TD Bank Building) Milton, ON. Choose The Path To Vour Success Get Direction from The Human Resource Centre ot Canada for Students. Human Resource Centre of Canada for Students 310 Main St. Milton Tel: 878-8418, ext.222 Fax: 878-6861 200 for Q~LTi1 The 2000 Hike For Health s this Sunday, May 28th. The run starts at 10 arn, the m-une skate at il arn, and the walk begins at noon. Corne on everybody, join us for this great community event. Ail proceeds go to the MDH Foundation.