Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 23 May 2000, p. 30

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30--The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, May 23, 2000 Are you an energetic person. wanting ta work in a fast paced envirooment? We arc currentty accepting applications for the fottowmng: FIT P/T Walters/ Waitress FIT P/T Short Order Cooks Apply in person: Flfth Wheel Truck Stop 40 Chlaholm Dr., Milton No Phone CalLa Please SPart ime Cashier Part lima cashier requirad to mark 2 nvtnings and vatîkanda Mont bt custamner service on- ented, at, viel groomtd and accurata in math. Fax resumt ta 905-878-4139 or pick-up an application form at SCHUYLER HOME HARDWARE L---385- Stteies Ave, Milton, Ontario CFSOmer SeQUrvicEeDisacer oaKil ogum, BULphNe tOol & greal cas- lmettr kils. W orkin koowegoa flexible brws hors and o-ai poorama deeftinloaa. aii a adap a cunty proigra qiiad oicivhiy. Candi daas w a slkoam-ointhd pfrspehn vsiaanme toehldrh abild rigkowll ofl ihisnet par- rabe. Sturi $11/bn. Rasamo & roloroncos via o-mail la: choryl@cancabla.com. Sonry, no lavas or phono colla SHIPPERI RECEl VER Food Packaging/ Prscossing machinery eareoasa iv Burlîngian curraohly hîrng a tuil-lima Shippor / Rocaîvor ahana primary respsnsihililios inclada: Scheduling. dealing euth cusismars, transport con- punties and insida service coardînalur/ Technicians. Handîrng ail aspects ai shipping and racuiving ordars (parts/ machinas) la and tram castamers. Coordinat- ing euth customs for clearance on aIdaIs. Satary la cummansurata eulh evpariancu. Ratatl.gIIIIII 5111E 7am-3:3Opm ton 2 eks, il :3Oam- Spm tan 2 abs Flousa suhmil nusuma la: csreiser@idinect.cx ar mailtol:Humun Resoarces 945 Gataaay, Bulinglan, Ontaria 17L 5K5 Foilimo Eopariancod Part-time Data stylsts ntryClerks Wilh or wilhout Evaningo & waakands. cliantll. Qualiications: accurala Rscsptîmnîsts tping & spolling, MS bsc Office, abilily la meel Must haveasi doadlinas, flloihilily & computar skiffs ralîabilily. Foneard APPLY IN PERSON AT reouma la: K. Morgan, IMAGES FAX- (905)847-3421 IT AAGE SAE SEASO APhoins sour lsid erfient outo 875-3300na edct bokn. ,td Chrrrirs,-0 Patsme (Inaîde) Customer Service Representativo Fotdask posîiin naquîtes an indîvîdoal aha cao maka a slrang tîlsi Impression an aur castamars, baih in peîsov and va tho tllphana. FuIl-tîmte Monday-Frlday Ynv mosi possess ihe Ivllnwing skills and abilîiius: -Computar akîlîs inclading qoick hayhaard uhililias & undarslandingofa data anlîy. -Excellent commandaif English languaga..writien, verbal & escal. spalling skilîs. *Eacallanl phono mannars *Punclaal -A lean-playar uccaslamaed la wsdîing euth athars *Willingnass la accapi directivn tramn tlov earhaîs *Willingnass la cati palanlial castamaîs eulh iniant la increasa husinoss. oRecoivablas vapaîmanca an assai. lyxa feel yvu hava tha dhsirad skilis Io juin aur fasi-pacod, resuls-dniven environ- muni wiih an intenion iaeard buildivg a carrer wiih a large corporation, fax yaur resvmae; Attention te: Tedt Anderson (905)827-9950 Wuawhouse Opportunitiest a eenohip, locato picknnd hande nocompoe rngue of paoduc as saleelan efiinonner o pnartcpais in aoodnuandandingpeans a onsrena anelac o ee eneand shipeensop Il e naddienal dui as o inen Vardiabe ih wb cn e n onfiaPad. Tnquaia you muast boave nilont 2 yee e pan necnndemy noperiena i wrhueennnent in whah redo lcon enndthoe en of maeeiohndnoqpmenh ia eeomnnnled.Fmiirt ityh compaes and dat o ntry woul be uen anssee A wage of $12-35 par heur plus, wl.n appicable, shift pr.miums orss .ffred. pliaoe ond a résumé by May 26, 2000 te: Humeur R.aurceso Vernocld Or.eup 107 Walker Driva, IraPmpei ON LâY SKS; fax 905.793.4918. Versa(ol Fax us ypur Classifieds 876-2364 l'art-time Satespersan Required Medium vo high end leather frniture gallery seeking prafessianal, efficient and knowledgeable part time salesper- son. Experience preferred. Must be anaitable ta wark fleaxie schedulr In- ctuding weekends. Appty in persan dur- ing store haurs aitOhe: The Olde Hide House, 49 Eastern Ave. dunmng store bourg. 2 MARKETING ASSISTANTS PT / PT PLEX HOURS 33% Computer Esperience Required 33% Tetephone Na Setîmog 33% Clericat 100% Self Starter Mail/Pas reaume: Money Concepta 420 Main St. E. Milton, ON L9T 1 P9 Fax 905-876-2934 Accountinu Clork * FUlîtîMa Traval accassony distribution company localad iv Oakvilla raqairas an Accoooling Clark wiuh min. 3-5 yaars topanianca. Must hava .S.A. and ha tamiliar wiuh ail aspacts af accouaI- ing incloding vanloos accoosling software, linancial analysis, projections, payroll, AJP, linancial sialamants, triai halance, etc. Fao resumne by May 24/00: (905) 829-9942 SHOP FOREMMNMECHANIC A welt-establiabed Laudacape Construction/ Design/Maintenance campany tocatrd soutb afý Milton reqeires a Ceai and arganied Sbap Pareman to handîr Smal Engine repaira (itt and same bravy rquipmet. This alsa indtdes vebicle and traiter repaira. and involves anmte wrlding. A Clas AK Mechanicas Licence and a Clans D' Driver's Licence wautd be an usuel. Wages hard un knawledgr and esperece. PaX resumne (inctuding a copy of yaur Matar Vebicte Record fram MTO) ta: Office Manager, (90f)8760400 Requires lmmedlately, ticensed teobti- clans. Preference given la Volkawagen exponience. Fax resumné tai: 95-873-1914 Attn: Tom Geretw Volkswagen 199 Guelph St. 873-6330 Are you planning a speclai avent that would be of Interest toi those In the community? Advertlae Il In The Canadian Champion 'leur Ho town Communhfty N.wapaper" Phone 875-3300 PART-limet expenienced Dental Assintant ne- quired for buay general dental practice, PDA certfcation un annet. Dr. Paula Canainn 106 WakefieldI Rd. Milien, ON. Pas: (905)878- 0557 FULL Time daycure anailable. BetiNanien area. Penced yard, ptayrxem. Refenencea and neceipta. Cuit 878- 8773. NO Peet Career Explo- rations as a 3-Week Course designed te help you plan pour ca- meer. Panded by HRDC. Par more informionlto register cati Grece ai ( 9 05 )33 3- 34991(905)878-1240. Immediate Nursing Opportunities Prmvale Doty Long Term Cases Guaranteed Fu-lime Hoaro wîflr Benefifs! *RN privat doly for child at ochool- Brampton *RN PrivaIs doty oighla ahifls - Brampton *RPN pnivale duly casa la Hallon His Enjoy the term perspective of communily nursing witb the stability of guaranlerd hours. We offer benefits and ongoing edacationat apparlunities. Çb Fax resumea to CWtVg- Susan Aah HEALva seRvICta (905)896-8353 Nursing Entrepreneurs Needed Care Plus is expanding aa preferred provider for the TriIlium Health Centre and Halton Health Care, Oakville site. Immediate fulitime & part-time heurs for Mis a RPN's. $24-$34 1 heur basai an crodantlals TEL (905) 306-0202 - 1-877-560-0202 FAX: (905) 306-1709 HOME IIEAeLTHCAIE Corne Join eai Visiîisg onursîog Award af CCAC cootraci SkiIft Nurslni- Facilities, Schoole, Mental Health and Pedliatrica a Campaliliva sulary a Employmool hanalilo aToam anviroomanl a Skill davalvymool e Waîkr in Hallan Ragîvo Exp. as caregivals considarad. Now mirIa* lor t I RlieflI Siodools ara encouragool la apply FREE - 2 D11AY TRMNING COURSE Cali 905-847-1025 Fax M0-847-1038 Wa arean qoal oppvnlovîtr employer IECHOCARDIOGRAPIIER REQUIRED (Misoissuga, Hamilton, Kitchener) prides ise/f in a p/riiasophy and tradition that emphasizes efficient, high qaity avnd caring diagnostic health services. A proven abitity ta wonk independenll coapled with the confidence ta exercîxe souri judgemenl Wit preuide the candidate with the tools needed ta aucceed in aur quality- aniented organizativn. Candidates muat he ARDMS certif led on etigihie. Famitianity with HP 5500 machine as an aaael. Excellent hexefil and remoxerahion package (hased an experience leve) Interested candidates are invited to fax a cover letter and reaume to Gigi at (905)855-1863 Celehra)îng a Birthday Wedding Anniversaty? Did you have A Baby A Graduation? Are you looldng for a new job? wanting to hire? Do you have Something To Buy? To Setl? To Trade? Are you looking For a New Home? an apartment? a townhouse? Want (o SelI Appliances? Fumiture? Treasures? D(d you (ose your pet? or maybe you found a pet'? Need a new car? truck? boat? trailer? Fax (ho Classîfieds a1 876-2364 INVITATION TO BlD BIDS for services listed below wiII be received until May 31, 2000 Contract commencing June 7, 2000 Work consista of delivering to our carriers, newspa pers, flyers, catalogues and other products t0 specific drop locations in Oakville. Work to be completed within specific time periods. Tender packages are available at the Circulation Department of The Oakville Beaver 467 Speers Rd., Oakville NO PH ONE CALLS PLEASE! -q q

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