Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 19 May 2000, p. 8

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8 - The. Canadien Champion, Frieie, May 19,.2000 experience teaching collision avoidance. 1J)And bas achieved Registration to the covetea ÏS0 And over half a million graduates, coast to coast. 150 9001 Quality Assurance Management And more t/ian a million dollars invested in 7Standard. driver training research, plus another million No mnatter what they say, no one else is anything invested in annual recertification programns for 't ' like Young Drivers! un3& 42 WEEKENDS < rvr ue3&4,June 10 & Il (9 a.m. to 3:45 p.m.) Yon___em o C n d 4 DAY COURSE Lnepnue of 8 so July 4, 5, 6, 7 (9 a.m. to 3:45 p.m.) AnFMo oi8ED Z 3 875-0480 wwyugrvr.o .HIGH SCHOOL 1REPORT ROYAL REPORT DKMEEDUY ii""NW BESUOP REDENS E.. RUET ICU. SCHO0L.wvi.6CU HEUR SCESO1L I Royal Repor Grade "A" News at MDHS By Ran .oyl RepotnYn By Jacqueline Bass and Marissa Cheskey Altisougis the weather ia misleading. summer is rapidly approaehi .ng It has been a rather cool spring week here et M.D. We hope that and students at Bishop Rcding are anxiously awaiting their impcnding Datolife Drury ail thse Moins out there had a wonderful Mother's Day and were holid 'ays. By Condce Hugo, Sarah Hamilton, Krialyn DiGirolamno waited on hand and foot by their families. Some of thse special Thse environiental cais made efforts ta improve our school chimat, by Tise warm weatber is pcoof that the schoot ycac sa qnîckly coming to'a Moins may have received a Pampered Chef cookbook callcd tisoronghly ctcaning the ontside of tise school. On Monday, many students close yet there is stl lots of wok to be donc b stadents ad tecbr "Recipes from the Heart." Comninfity Council has tiets sellinlg helpcd in ihis proect and aur sehoot is marc earth frendly because of attike. Howcvcr, cveryone ut Drury in still mauaging ta have lots of fn these cookhooks filled with tantalizing recipes et M.D. for only tlsem. Thse newly enriched quatity of the Stadent Squar wiftcuneal epiebs ccuc.I hg pct.Da ws utigpaeIi $12! The cookhooks are still available at this.ow price and malte a weleamcd daring tise Carnivat, wbicb witl ocear on the 26 of May. Tisn week as students exceltcd in activities ranging froin music ta sports. great gift for Father's Day, a shower or a moviug gift junt ta mcn- event will boaat many cxciting events for att stadentu in tebici ta partake. Emily Boycott denerves a big applaud as sise saecessfully proved hiec tion a few. If you know someone with a flair for cooking, thia is Volanteces arc stitl reqaied and tise very affardable fée of tintce dollars atblcsic ability.in the Speciat Olympien. Emily reccivcd three gatds and your chance ta score a bomemade meal. Order forma are available wilt also afford stadents a hamburger sud a cotd beverage. Momiag activ- two silvers for Brcaststcoke. Wcil donc Emily. yoar bard work maltes in the main office or you cao cali Mrs. Gregory et the achool. ices sisat wiit serve us a precuesor ta te event wili begin nent Friday. Drsry proad! Proceeds froi bis fund-raiser will support Community Couacil in The OAC Writcr's crafi etasa, us wett as tise grade ten draina class A groap of girts ichu are wacking very bard is the girl's softbatt teant. titeir effort ta ruise enosagh money for bleachers for M.D.'s siports wcre able ta furtiter earich their minda in a different venue ou wbicb is tied for fienit place witb Georgetown. Att ut Drury arc keeniy field. Weduesday, as tbey attended tise play "Tise Importance csf Bcing Eueet wuiting ta find ont bote the gicla will do in tbeir apcaining gaines sud On Wednesday, May l7th during period 3, ise Tony Hawk Pro- in Stratford. Tise witty Oscar Wilde play served us an excellent opportuni- waut ta let thern know tbat tbey sbould be very proud of theinselves. ktrTunîe tkplc.Sdnscodcmeeinhs ty for students ta understaud tie importance of iseing edaeated. Other sta- Great jois girls! Yaur bard wark sud euergy bus puid off! Sae oraetto lc.Surt ol opt nti dents liadt the oppoctanity ta display tiseir natural talent uithIe weclong Musicecnergy fillid the buiiways an Wednesday daring TAG as the sta- event for only $2.00. QIber lesa dariag studenta could wtei the mini-enricisment prograi bostcd ity Qunents University. Tise animal Bell dents cnjoyed a Lip-syneb contint. Tbsuks gars ta Brandy woba led M.D. ukaters for oaly $1.00. We would like ta tbank various Canada awued is gruuted spots a stadent who shows acadensie excellence, malte the day a suceas sud ta Saras wba vidcotaprd tise perforrssuces. skateboaeding uhops in Milton, including Boardtopia, for prizes in addition ta extra-cuecicular activities sud coinninity servie. A Bishap Alto, a gisut congratulations gars ta Ainier, Einily. Lee, Josune sud donated for the tauriament. Reding student wus awardrd Ibis honoar, bring seleeted feonm a groap cf B.J. who plaerd second uftrr prrfarasiug ta a sang by tise Backstrert On Monday and Tuesday, grade g tours taok place at M.D.H.S. 1200 stadeuts front acrosa Canada and tise United States. Congratulations Boys. Weil donc! it wus su eciting event aliowing stadents ta show off Grade 8 studenta froin tise local farder scisools camne t0 have their ta Peter Leisman teho bas sbawn bis excellence thraughaut bis higis lieir staff proving tisat Drary bus numeraus talrntcd sars! fient tour of M.D. This cen tir pretty intimidating neeing au the sehool career sud ineaercd honoar sud respect. Ail tiose taientid porformers wba eau dance, act or sing arr encoar- posnitility of getting losi surins imminent. Prefecta helped ta lead Bisbap Reding Sports cnthusiusts arr pieased aithIe sucens of aur qged ta talk ta Mr. Kesue regaeding performing ut Tise Litcrary Coffre Ibese tours and the chrerleaders gave the grade 8l's un ratra-spe- attietetes titis acason. At tise fient day af tise G.H.A.C. t meet bnlp ut Ilouse neat Wrdnesduy evrning. Tisis fantastie event includes poetry ilwcoe Nelson on Manday, twa vcry Walnted stadents tact fient place honaurs. readings, essy readings, singing, dancing sud mach mare. If suyonr la c ie enctmesbeto helaes w ol iet oga Congratulations to Megissu Aines wba excelird in tise midget girls' 400.. interestedl in saismitting a piece you are encaaraged ta baud it in ta the WiiroIesujetfchrldratewodlkracngt- incter race. Michselle 'Dontl alto bail a vrry victorions day, claiming fint office or teans English tceler. Tisis cvening promises taise spectacalar late tites, on a great season. ise girla plaed l Oti out of 30 trams in tise junior girls'. 1500-ieter s weli us second il tise 400-mieter race, sud ai stadents arc escouaged ta coinenot sud wutcb! et the provincials. Mms. O'Rrilly was a great hrlp te the tram and Crystai Marra and'Anna Cari fartiser showed tiscir itigis tevels of atisietie Ali students arr alto encouragrd ta cmc sud support tise fienit sunuai the girls hud a good season filird wiIb fan and spirit. accomplisinent. plaeing tisird in the 300-mtar iardies sud foartis in the Energy Chsallenge Day on Taesduy, May 3tI. Titis day evesi is similar On Titursday morning. thr Boardtopia fasition show came ta triple jamp respectivriy. Tise girls' Sofiball train aebeived a isard fangist ta the Specmat Olymhpien sud teiti invaive tise Life Stilis stadents froan M.D.H.S. Students modrird spriag and nummer fasitions for the victoey over Lester B. Prean titis weck, wiIb a 10-9 score. Tise senior Drary sud ather neboats as weli as tise Draf seboot wiit tir joining. Tise students attending the show duriag period 2. Students could attend girls' soccer trami iad tiseir seson regrectaily eus short after a isard faught events inciading ranniag, tomsing contesta, etc. are lte b eld isehind lte Ibis show for only $2.00. Tise money reisrd froes the fashion show Iotsaugaimst Lester B. Pearson. Tise gamne wus detenniard in a sisoatout sports buailding from 10 ta 12 sud will be foitawed isy a fre barbecue for will go to the Fresit Air Fund to give uaderprivilegrd childeen the sud unfortanatety lefi the girls anc spot uway froin a pluyaff pesition. Tise ail wbo participate. On behaîf of the arganirers we would tike ta Ibank potnytgouca .lhFsinSowftretemsc Junior boys' saccer tramn ended Ibeir andefeated scuson witis su amaring Muapie Lodge Fanas for Ibrir kindacss in sponsoring the barbecue, Titis opftebnt to go t a he Fe. iion o eatr endI theui final gaine. Tbey beai'M.M. Robinson U- ta laim fient place in the rega- day soande very exciting sud rvryane nsoald nry ta mute su effort t fIebu badIb ..mxn fAro rd.Tsnst ler seasan. Tise excellent teamwork titrougisoat the seasan bus proved came ont sud chaerron aur prers. everyonr for a great show. beneficial and tise steitar goaltending of Aiea Larenca ensared tiseir top An ibis editian of Dateline Draey cames ta an end wc woald lite ta Justea reminder to graduating studrats to pîcase check the lista itanoars, as lie aal.y allowed anc goal in Ibe mutre seution. Congratulations remind evcryon, shi exains are sppraeiing very soan sud nceeis postrd aeouad the scitool. If your nae's not Ibere, arr Mrs. ta ait Binhpp Rediae aibtetes on yoar excellence. are ont sO be sure ta pick Ibm ap in tise office. lust a reminder Ibat Scitofirld ia Ibr Guidance Office. As tise seisoot yWai rapidiy narm campletian, it is important ta refiect progress reports are being distritiated ibis wrelt sa checklthIe mailtiox Lstly, wr would lite to appiaud aIl the voluatrers wito ca- opon pas evenîs. Siadents must remember the impact Ibat tiscir pas an before yoar parents do. vasnrd local aeighbourltoods for the Red Shirld Appral. Wr man- future actions will have on tiseir life. We isave ait made sabstantiai ntepn Tisanks for madling. ageci to raine $63 1.00! in aur liven. Wr bave ail bren "Looking for a place ta bappen, mulutng Havesa fan filird wetend in the sun! Wr hope rvrryone hasea tcrrific long wrrkend and if you'rc stops alang the wsy". Cardon Dawnir. heading t0 tise beach we hope the weaIbrr in aummerifie! YOUNG DRV S: Wha evr drivg cors ghul g, Maybe it's because Young Drivers has thirty years of our instructors over the past 10 years. I

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