Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 19 May 2000, p. 18

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9 18 - The Canadian Champion, Frlday, May 19, 2000 Vidbv~ LIVEN. ~ Barbecuing a healthy cooking choice -- ail round Summer's here and the living is easy. And thanks to the return of barbecue season, the eating is healthy, too. Slapping lean mess, fish or chicken on the barbecue is an instant and mouth- watering way ta cul down on fat withaut sacriticing taste. Steak is a perenniai favourite on the grill and il packs a powerfui protein punch. But fat- optimum heaith, choose lean cuta. And keep in mmd there's no need ta reach for tise sait. Rather than add flavour, sait is apt ta rab steak of juices, Ieaving il dry. tnssead, seat in the juice by quickty sean- ing bath sides of tise steak on a high heat. Then tut-n down the fiame and cook according ta sasse. But avaid tuming 100 often. Fiipping a steak more than twice can auck oui naturai issues. Using a fat-k as a cooking utensii is another cuiprit. Tonga do tise same job witbout the piereing the meat and aiiowing tise juices ta flow oui. There are a severai methoda of testing when a steak is done. ~s a general guideiine, a one-incis steak wiii lie rare in four ta eight minutes, medi- ura in seven ta nine minutes and welt in nine ta t5 minutes. Make that seven to fine, eight ta il and 10 b 15 for a 1.5-ïnch steak. And a two- inch steak shauld lie rare in eîght ta 14 mînutea, medium in 15 ta 20 and weII dane in 25 ta 30 minutes. Tauch is anather methad. Aecording ta M&M Meat Shapa, a steak that feela aa safs as a cheek la prabsbly rare. A medîum rare steak shauld feel similar ta tauehing yaur chin, while medjura la mare akin ta the taucli af a nase. A medium-well steak shauld feel like a farehead, while a welt-dane steak shauld fret as fit-m as the aide af your nase. Finally, there'a the temperature guide. After sliding a meat thermameter inta the thickest part ai the mess, a medium rare steak witi lie 145 degree F or 63 degree C. Medium witl lie 160 degree F, 70 degree C, and welt done wiIl lie 170 degree F or 75 degree C. DIANNES PIIYSIOTHERAPY SERVICES <905)693-0532 CONSUL TING, ASSESSMENTAND TREATMENT * Anti-Stress Massage, Reftexalagy * Pain/Disability Management * Back Care Education * ADP Walker Asseasmenîs pagus.csmltiasnos-pbyse DIANNE BAILEY, PT. Flug. 192 Main Streot EssI Slapplng lean meat, fish or chicken on 1h. barbecue lu an instant and mouth-watering way for the whole famlly to cul down on fat without sucrlficlng taule. Steak lu a favourite and il's hlgh In prolpin. A medium-welI steak should fuel like a foreheed, whiie a well-done steak should fuel as firrn as the aide 0f your noue. cŽ~IoN~I~ PTICAL 15 Mat-tm St Mîltan LAB IXAONS ON Pfl5MISIS AREANOIO v sî~tt vss~ IENSES FAST LA COAT V'SCRATCH EFFICIENT us' t YEAR F~E SERVICE WARRANTS' PERSONALIZED NATURAL ~EIGH! LOSS - Ev~oe~ WF.r onfy! cludes product, baued on ~4at Wta4~, W'esght 5%4anagemcuat azsd T~iatritioru Ceratruos 15 MARTIN ST. 693-9594 ~oe D~ ~ Inner 5ancVum 15 M~rt~In 5V., #5, (Carrla~e 5~u~ro) MItton Yagu cluuueu mn year-round. You mev Juin n ut uny lime. Spoin. 5chedule of ChOses: Tuesdays 9:30 - 11:00 arn Beginner 7:30 - 9:00 pm Beginner Wudnesdays 9:30 - il :00 arn Intermediate 4:00 - 5:30 prn Beginner/inturmediatu 5:45-7:15 pm Beginnur 7:30 -9:00 pm Inturmediate Thursdays 9:30 - 11:00 arn Buginner 7:30 - 9:00 pm Beginner Saturdays 9:30 - 11:00 arn Beginner 11:15 - 12:45 pm Intermediate 3 Haur Buginner Yoga Workuhop Sunday, June 4th 10:00- 1:00 pm Pranayama CIlnlc t? hase olpuulmullal broalhbig suibahupi Saturday, May 27th 1:00 - 3:00 pm Meditallons loi thu Chukrus wuih Tony Murdock Sunday, Jane 111h 10:00 - 1:00 prn Cîrcle et Friands Medilalion Group 4th Friday of every rnonth 7 30 - 9:00 prn For more information, and 10 register, pieuse cail: (905) 876-0551 Advurtorlal The Ground The Breath The Spine Yoga Has Arrived Un Milton Walkîsg sbroagb ttte dores you are aware that yos have wasdered is 10 a very special place. Yoa are surrousded by a variety of scents. sigista and soit matie. You feet somewbat peaceful, ttsd that s jsst tise begissisg... Moving ioniser isside you ester tise Yoga Studio - stadents are cuddled up sader blaukets. lyiag os yoga mats, tome wids bottiers, tise tigisis are dimnsed. Tise instructor begias b talk as a soosis- iag volce about retaxing lise eyes, tise jaw, lise abosiders, about being os lise grouad. Tise duos pmgresses liseougis a variely of movement and aganas, or poses, whicis cosceatrate on retas- atios asd releosing any tighatess in tise body. At lise eud 0f cluts studesis are bacS on lite mass, doisu aolisisg but brealisisg. Tise teste tsi ealm is overwiselmiag. Weady Sammut, tise owner sud operator of laser Sanctum, is a eertified Hatisa Yoga Teacher workisg is lise approacis 50 yoga inspierd by tise work of Vasda Scaravelli. Wendy bnsgs a compassionate, iocused amure- sets to ber leacisina, believisg tisas tise body musî be bappy is order 10 fisd movemeuL Sise alto brisgs a great deal of esperiesce 50 ber morts; baviug taugist fait-lime for oser 3 years. doiug corporate luscis boue classes, morkisg as Tise Credit Valley Hospilal, teacising for tise MS Socirty. tanisas commusity Centres Ibrougitout Mississauga, Brsmptos. Oakville sud as far amay as Garîpis. aad alto atTise Heles Dugeste Slsdio n Steettyjîle. Havisg tsred of sraveltisg so mucb to teacb tise work sise loves, Wendy bas set ap sbop here is Miltos. Located iv Carnage Square. she bas classes asd worksbsps rusuisg year-rousd. For more afortastion, coutact Wesdy at laser Saoctum <905) 876-0551

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