Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 19 May 2000, p. 17

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«Students presented Blue Plane t environrnental awards. projects The Canadian Champion, Fiday, May 19,2000 - 17 We'd love to hear your stoiy îd~as. Cali us at 878-2341. Studenta fram faur Miltan achaala went ta Ontaria Place Iast Friday ta callect their Blue Planet Enviranmenîal Achievement Awarda. Rabert Baldwin, Percy Merry and Our Lady af Victary achaala as well as E.C. Drury High Scbaal jained 650 studenta fram acrasa Haltan far the event that included apeakera and awarda presentatian. Students listened ta a presenta- tian by Dr. Melanie Watt, wha set up the firat and anly jaguar sanctu- aiy in Belize, Central Amenca. Dr. Watt, wha grew up in Oakville, bas written a baak abaut ber wark. Padcly Taraney, Burlingtan MP and parliamentary aecretary far the Miniatry af Enviranment, alang witb Regianal Chair Jayce Savaline preaented the Blue Planet Awards ta 14 acbaala. After the preaentatians, the atudenta watched an IMAX film entitled 'Amazan'. The Blue Planet Awarda were atarted in 1991 by the Haltan Regian Waate Management Divisian ta encaurage students ta participate in enviranmental pra- jecta at their tchaala and in the cammunity. The fallawing sbawa wbat eacb achaal did ta win the award. Robert Baldwin Sehool Students at Rabert Baldwin Scbaal are creating the Butterfly Meadaw and Peace Garden. The praject was atarted by expanding the exiating waadlat and then creating a butterfly mead- aw by adding variaua abruba, flaw- ers and trees. The achaal is warking with a number af cammunity partners including the Tawn af Miltan, Nartel and lacal nuracries. Tbey have alsa jained farces with St. Peter'a Separate Schaal. Percy Merry Sehool Students at Percy Merry Scbaal participatein activities such aa crasa-cauntey skiing, nature walka and gardening. There la a schaal-wide, student- mn campaating and recycing pra- gram and aIl clasaes are invalved in reducing and reuaing. The students use chalk alatea far printing exer- cisea, save wark ta the achoal serv- er, reuse paper acrapa and bring reuaable lunch bagt and cantainere. Earth literacy ia ane ai' the schaal's grawtb plan gaala and the Panda Bear is Perey Merry's mas- cat. Our Lady of Victory Sehool The scbaal's naturalizatian pra- jected called 'Nature's Playgraund' la in ils third phase. The mare than aix-acre area includes a forest, prairie meadaw and a wet Iand. Students are planti- ng trees, shniba and flowera native ta the area. The grade 8 atudenta have alsa deaigned a hutterfly, aunflower, vegetable, herb and raiaed gardens and there la a grave of treea with aeating ta create a abady place ta ait. The schaal la alsa creating the Millennium Garden that will say OLV 2000 and the Peace Garden. Each year, atudents jaîn the 'Big Dig' in which they wark far a day planting and maintaining their achaal yard. The Green Club warka hard ta make the prajects a aucceaa. E.C. Drury High School Harticultural classea at E.C. Drury have built raiaed flawer beda and planted perenniala in the entrance way ta the achaal. They have alan designed the Reflectian Garden with flawers that attract birda and butterfilea. The Enviranment Club raîsea funda ta auppart Canaervatian Haltan and Goad Neighbaurs. The club alaa circulated a petitian ta ny ta atap a gaI' caurae fram being develaped at Brante Creek Pravincial Park. The atudenta are currently callecting used hauaehald batteries far recycling. dean eut me clooet for Amlty Goodwill. Please take your extra clothing and household items to the Amity Goodwill store close to you. Asic about OUf Tax R.celpl program Uza and her team are eager ta help you 550 Ontarlo SIr~t S. ""'~- amitî~ a. . I 'a 7323 Mss Rosi *369,900 Carole D. Budworth iii Attendance Pdyd ~ bUs krv~u 878-8101 $289,900 Teri-Lynn Hilson n Attendance b..k 3FMpMBYOMU~ 878-7777 Beat the Heat This Summer and ~ * iiiton Puron I NOTHING TIL 2001* Cool Low Prices! * Get 24-hour relief from heat and humîdity. * Be cool and comfortable ail summer long. * Sleep soundly on those hot, muggy nîghts. AIl of our units are desmgned for your total home comfort. Caîl us today for a free m-home estimate and enjoy the comfort of an air conditioner from Union Energy this summer. ARE YOU RMDY FOR A HOTU HUMID SUMMER?... Cafl Now And Save On A Fuil AIC Tune-Up Cati us at (905) 469.0570 Buvlingtu>n I OakviIUe or 1-888-71-UNION for your free home estimate www.unionenergy.com Eae<gy re,,deflhial purcttuu. Cannot b. combined a4th any dut offen. aubina ta apptoved audtL foutent dtarges begin accrulng on calculated g 15J% pet annueL 500W oendticnt appI5t "MCntNy plyteefits cakufated On tegtilatpilte baud on a 120-nionfotenn. 14.9~ ubjeatto appnoned cre~L butailation entra.Tenns and conditions apply.

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