Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 19 May 2000, p. 14

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14 - The Canadian Champion, Fnday, May 19, 2000 Da telin e Fax Dateline mb to 878-494a The servicG 18 for non-profit groups and events. The FINE ARTS SOGIETI ofMILTON ~ Announces their 4th Annual Art Show & Sale Art co tbe [çÇ~rPIflCflt Sat. May 27 & Sun. May 28, 2000 Farm, Milton ~ Springridge t North of Derry Rd. on Bell School Lo. Hours: 9 a.m. - 5 p.in. Halton Healthcare S.E.R.V1C5 S Building the Best Bones Members of the public are nvuted to attend a public forum entitled BuiIding the Best Banes" ta be held on Tueaday, May 30, 2000 at the Milfon Leiaure Centre. This sem- inar la preaented by the Oakville Bone Centra and the Helton Healthcare Servicea (Milton Diatrict Hoapital site), and la aponaored by Novartia Pharmaceuticala Canada Ino. and Merck Froat Canada lnc. The apeaker will be Dr. Alîya Khan, Geriatrician, Director, Oakville Bone Centra, and Asalatant Profeaaor Medicine, MeMeater Univeraify. Dateoporoala affecta about one million women and tour hundred thouaand men in Canada. n addition, more than two million Canadiana have a lifetime riak of fracture due to oateoporoaia. Moat people do not know that they have oateoporoaia unfil a fracture occura. Vour doctor can detact oateoporoaia bye apecial teat known aa bone danaitometry. Thera are a number 0f factora that can influence your auacepfibilify to oateoporoaia including diet, physical activity, age, aex, medicationa, body typa, family hiatory and haritage, medicinea, amoking and alcohol conaumption. The good nawa about oafeo- poroala la that t can offen be prevanted by adopting haalthy life~tyle bahavioura. t'a neyer f00 fate fo take atepa f0 protect your bonea. This sommer la lntended for Individuals 0f ail ages who are lnterested in leaming more about the prevention, diagnoals and traatment 0f osteoporoals. Dr. Khan wiII be speaklng on the advancea in osteoporoslè management. If you are unable to attend, but wiah more information on oateoporoaie, apeak with your phyaician or catI the Oatebporoaia Society of Canada at (416) 696-2663. For more information cati: Cindy Popp, Health Promotion Coordinator, Milton District Hoapital et (905) 876-7045. Dateline is a free listing of coming events only. The column s available f0 local Commu- nity groupa to assist n promoting their future events. OnIy Chantable or non-profit commu- nity groupa may use this service. We can only guaranfee one issue of publicity closest f0 the date of the occurrence although more inser- tions are possible if demand 15 10w. Notices for Dateline should be handed n at the office of The Champion, 191 Main St. E., mailed f0 PO. Box 248, Milton, Ont., L9T 4N9, or faxed f0 (905> 878-4943. The final deadline s noon Friday for Tuesday's edition and noon Wednesday for Fnday's edition. Dateline items will not be accepted by telephone. Fridey May 19 Regiatration for the Milton Community Resouree Centre'a nursery school program, Brookville Country Playroom, tekes place et Ebenezer United Church in Brookville from 9:15 to I 1:15 sm. For details catI 876-1244, ext. 15. The Enterprise Centre hosta a free Internet chat forum entitled 'Advertising: Getting the Biggest Uang for your Buck'. Sign up on the Internet at www.entrepriaecentre.com/links.htm or caîl 825- 2345. Seating la limited. The Milton Seniors' Activity Centre, 500 Childa Dr., host a the Victorien Tee et noon. The menu includea both cucumber and salmon sandwiches, scones with jam and cream plus tea and coffee. The Crafî Club also has a table set up. Tickets cout $5 per person. Saturday May 20 St. John's Anglican Church, No. 10 Sideroad and Guelph Line, hostu a plant sale [rom 9:30 a.m. fo 2 p.m. There are also craffa, a bake table and a I ight lunch. Organizers are looking for indoor and outdoor plants, garden-related items, books and tools. Caîl 854-0328 or 854-0479. Join the 'Dad and Me' drop-in sessions every Saturday from 9:15 10 11:15 a.m. et the Milton Community Resource Centre, 917 Nipiseing Rd. Cati the centre et 876-1244, ext. 12, for more information. No sign up la necessery. Sunday May 21 Hope Place's Hike for Recovery 2000 le e 4 or 6 km welk that starta et Southview Plaza (Onteeio Street end Deny Roed). Registration le [rom 9 to 10 e.m. A barbecue et Hope Place Women's Treatment Centre will follow. The entry fee is $5 for adulte and children are free. For more information caîl 875-3214. The Milton Cruise begins its aeventh seeson. The event tekes place Sunday eveninga in the Canadien Tire (Merket Drive) parking lot. Admission je free to spectators end pre-1976 classic vehicles. Monday May 22 Bring your 3 to 5-year-old child to Creation Station from I f0 3 p.m. Participants creete eomething new every week using a variety of media. Projects include e well hanging, e mobile, e geme end e centre- piece. To register caîl the Milton Community Resource Centre et 876-1244, ext. 12. fise Osteoporosis Support Group of the Oekville Bone Centre meets et 1:30 p.m. et St. Micheels brand new! * Spacîous bedrooms with adjoii patios * Playground and pool facilîties * Select luxury smtes available * Check out our Pamper and P E T R E s o R T SpoilMeSillyPrograms! 0<ina~Ing * GmomIi~g * Obedience T~aining * 7594 Auburn Rd., Mii Tours Welcome: Coma and have e personal tour 0f our beautiful new feciîity. Check ouf iuat whera your pet sfaya before you board. - -~ - - ~ - Church, 181 Sewell Dr., in Qekylîle. The subject le Celcitonin, e new nasal spray dmg. For more informa- tion caîl Phyllis Spillone et 829-4863 or Key Duncen et 827-6750. Tuesday May 23 The Parent Support Group meets every Tuesday et 7:30 p.m. et Pinelanda Presbyterian Church, 5270 New St., in Burlington. This non-denominetionel self- aupport group with tralned leaders, helpa parente of children who are in trouble et home, et school or with the law or are abusive or taking druga. For details caîl 1-800-488-0233. Attend a Family Caregiver Education Session hosted by tIse VON of Halton essd facilitated by Marry Buzzell, RN, [rom 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. For more infor- mation or to register caîl 827-8800, ext. 2310. Leero te write a resumé, covering letter and con- tact card et the Milton Humen Resouree Centre. Caîl 876-9828 f0 regîster. TIse Ashgrove Women's tnstitute invitea people fo listen f0 Tim Reem [rom Pride Seede discuse Biotechnology in Agriculture et Hillcrest United Church (Trefelgar Roed end No. 5 Sideroad). Light refreebruents begin et 7 p.m. followed by the speaker et 7:30 p.m. Wednesday May 24 At tIse monthly meeting of the Halton chapter of Canada's Association for the 50 Plus (CARP), stu- dents who won tIse CARP Millennium Intergeneretional Project are presented their cash awards. TIse topic wes My Experience with e Senior Citizen'. TIse meeting tekes place et 7:30 p.m. et the Burlington Seniors' Centre, 2185 New St. (Central Park). For more information caîl Herry et 335-5717. Thursday May 25 'Understanding Anxiety, Panic and Phobies' is a free seminer Isosted by Halton Healthcere Services and the Canadien Mental HealtIs Association et 7 p.m. et tIse 707 Galaxy Banquet Hall in Oakville. Caîl 338- 4379 fo reserve s seat. TIse Milton Seniors' Activity Centre's Diners Club holde ite monthly get-together et e neerby eetery. Meet them for camaraderie, greet food and socializing. Caîl 875-1681 to eign up. TIse VON hosts e foot care clinic et the Milton Seniors' Activity Centre, 500 Childa Dr., [rom t to 4 p.m. Appointruents are required. Caîl 827-8800, ext. 2110, for more information. A public transportation meeting tekes place et I p.m. et tIse Milton Seniors' Activity Centre, 500 Childa Dr. Phil Antoniow, coordinetor of engineering services for tIse Town of Milton, speaks. Caîl the cen- tre et 875-1681 to eign up.

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