Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 19 May 2000, p. 12

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12 - Th. Cenadlin ChampIori, Friday, May 19,2000 Dotow mreopns for season tomorrow The Milton Farmers' Market will kick off another season of freshness tomorrow morning. The giatit Main Street sale of fresh produce wilI runi weekly on Saturday mornings until October 28. The market has been inviLnoratinî! the down- town cote for 28 years, said a spokesman for Use Milton Chamber of Commerce, which organizes the event. "We probably have 30 vendors," said Jili Shaw, Chamber market manager. 'There are some new and retuming vendors as Weil." make-up of thc goods. "This year wc have more organic growers," ssid Ms Shaw. 'We also have a person who's going to do kind of face painting." As usual, the market wilI boast s comucopia of fresh fruits, vegetables, tlowers, meats, fish, eggs, sweets and other baked goods, preserves and cheese. Some vendors wiil travel from as far as the Niagara region to seli their wares, according 10 Ms Shaw. To accommodate the event, s portion of Main Street front Martin 10 James streets wiIi be shut down every Saturday during market hours from 7 s.m. to noon. Be leremias 29:11 states: "I know the plant I hveli)r you u declares the LORD, "plans ta prcc.per yau and not ta harm youa plans In give you hape and a future. " Gad has a sanderful plan ror eacb of aur tives. Ohten, se rorget that shen God looks at our tives, He se not anly aur past, but aur potential for the future as Weil. He knass wbat He could accamplish tbrough aur gifis and talents if se campletely snrrendered ta His plan. God satches the people wba are abserving aur lives, j udging the merits af Cbrislianity by the cansisîency of aur tifestyle. He secs the individuals we witI encounter and have an appartunity ta share aur faitb witb -- if se are spirituatly on track at the tîme. H-e knass which persans cautd be the greai doctors. tssyers, tegislatars. preachers or teachers. He is aware af shat coutd bappen tbrougb us if se were availabte for His purposes. As parents, 1 encourage yau lo be att that yau can be! Yaur childeen BANAI In this new and wondous age, the HoIy Writings soy 1ho1 we must be at one wilh every people; thot we must sen neither horshneaa nor injustice, neither malevolence, nor hostilîty, nor hate, but rather turn out eyes toword tha heaven of ancien) glory. from the Baha 'I wrltings LOCAL:...................................... 878-4011 REGIONAL: .......................t1-00-433-3284 GLOBAL: .......................... www.bahai.org MILTON SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST À09 1IIIIII, CHURCH Weicomes you 10 Hugh Foster.Hait, 43 Brown St. Mitton Sait. 9:30 a. m. Sabbath School Sat. 11:00 à.m. Divine Service Corne and joîn us for worship Senior Pastor - Ras. Dan Rogue Chitdren - Mrs. Natalia Rage* worship - Mrs. Esthear Koeser Youth - Ras. Gord Clark Me 9 arn- Eor!>' Woruhip Service - 9:30 'arn - Sunda>' School 10-45 amn - Second Worship Service Dynamie Children's Programa & Nursery 6:.30 p.m. - Special Movie Feature 7[h@ Iffl Ail That You Can possets incredible potentiel. Yaar lave hotds the lîberatîng key of releasing thern ta achieve great tbîngs. Has you raise themn matters. Mare aften thon flot. the saon does fot travet far froin the oak. Determine today ta roake a difference in your chitdren's tives. Cansider the nostalgie reflections af Diane Loomiens: If l ad my chilW ta raise aIl over agamn, I'd bud self-esteemnfirst and the hause taler I'dfinger-paint mare andfinger-point lest. I waald doc lets ccrrecting and mare connecting. id eye my watch less and watch mare with my eyes. I wccald care ta keucw les and laiow to care more. id take more hike.f and jly mcore kites. lid stocp playing seriaus and seriausly play. I wauld runt lhrough mare ields and gaze ai mare stars. Bethel Assombly ot God Bethel Assembly of God Friday Night al 7:30 AN EVENING 0F PRAISE AND PRAYER Meeting in the Quallty Inn 161 Chisholm Drive In Milton Rev. Ray Sketton 875-4058 Web Site: ww.geocites.camlaopenraad.cAI Pentar Rap: openroad-ry@engeltire.com Emait: betheLce@engelire.COm "A Carlng Concerned Communtly Outreach" Grace Anglican Church 317 Main St. E., Miltcon t/se Charch an the Hil1 Tel. 878-2411 Fax 878-3W85 www.wýelciime.tci/Grace.Miltiin Rev. Dr. Mark MceDerrnott SUNDAY SERVICES 8:(X a.ias. - Hccly Cocmsniccn 10):00( kiili. - Sung Euchscrest Charch St/seat & Coffept Heur Whîntchair Accest Tlcrough Parice Lai Doora Thursday Ec3 10:00) sa. Hcly Cccmmccuniccn Be l'ld mor hu n ad ls ugging. di s he ok tree ithe c more often. I wauld bejirm lest qften, and affirm mach mare. I'd mode! less about thse lave of poser, And mare aboaut the pawer of lave. The only persan sha can stop yan frao becarning wbst God intends yon ta becomne is yoa! Do nat neglect Gad's priciptes for highly effective living as laid out in the Bible. Let me encourage you ta henefit fram the challenge, inspiration and practicat assistance that a church bas toallfer yaa in yaur quest af becamning altl that yau can be! Make plans ta vtsit a loal church thîs week. Service tintes and locations are pubtished in the directory helaw. DISCOVER / AMAZING FACTS BIBLE SCHOOL FREE FREE DISCOVER AMAZING FACTS BteLEoUtatS BIBEv LESS0NS Whecs is Oaci wcn Mpct ae saiSorne andi clycn *When a peson duos. s/sac cien* *W/sac s chu sacra Inc a happy tite?! Is itsiehpe fcra chaciic ccrct' Oiscccete antazine niblte ansseas Inc tcosa andi ccher key qaasiccns chai affect ycuc /sappinccs. Write Box 23012, 55 Ontario St. Milton Ont, L9T 5B4 On tha internet ni httptwwws'.vi)p.csnm cacd wwwsc.amwinacc.ccchhe//ccscsOic/scsccsa.ccp HOLY ROSARY PARISH S 87846535 (T.T.Y. 878-9044) HOLY ROSARY CHURCH 139 Mentins Street Mass et 5:30 p... Seturday 9:OOam., 10-30 ami. & Nuon Sundey ST PETER CIIURCH 9eS Lise CFBnieasawa ! Mu aie 9:00 am Snnday E3Rev. Earl Talbot,P. VWOTRY mm£ OHUMOI Leaming How To Il Wlth The Lord 10:00 A.M. - Sunday Momling Worshlp Milton Lalaura Centre (Board Room) (eeperete services for cbtîdren 9Gyears; and aidai) STARTNG THURSDAY MAY 25TH Question & Answer Bible Study if you have questions about creation, dinosaurs, UFOS, whatlthe Bible says about future events, or what Chdsianiy is ail about, then join usT7hursday May 25th 7:30 pmn at the Milton Leisure Centre board mom. 'Living A Vctoious 14fe By The Worl Of God" PanIer Charles Boyce (905) 875-2162 Emtait cboyce@interhop.net MILTN GOPEL ALL We welcome you to... 306 Ontario St. N. - 878-3873 sT. PAUL'S Th Sa ato 10:00 a.m. -The Lord's Supper UNITED CHURCH 11:45 arn. - Sundsy Sohool12ManS.EMltn-M to 6:30 p.m. - Gospel Service12ManS.EMitnilo Wednesdlay 7:30 p.m. Prayer and Bible Study Sunday Worehip 10:30 a.rn. 11:00 arn - Morning Worship & ROSE WINDOW & WALK 0F LIFE DIEDICATION Kids Church Lord, to whomn shahl we go? Church School - 10:3Oam, Nursery Available 100 Nipissina Rond, Unit 3 thou hast the words Rev. John Benhain & Rev. John Ambrose Li sut hlon Cs Fea of eternal lite. Judy Hunter, Director of Music iueatrhidn&CoeFee Church office: (905) 878-8895 For more information about aur services, and John 6.68 w ww.globalserve.net/-stpaulsmhiltonl other programmng plasa eal 876-2420 Mulot B3ibi. Chunhk Worships at'the Milton Senlor's Activlty Centre %' 500 Chlids Drive [ hfl D 10:00Oam MBC in the Word j_ 11:00Oam MBC in Worship t Pastor: Rev. James A. OeMarsh 87"4586 Milton Alliance Church 2850 DERRY RD. <hetiveen the Fire Hall ad Hcospital) Phone 878-5664 * Fax 878-6676 Pestor Greg McCombs il arn. SUNDAY MORNINC WORSHIP SERVICE 1t arn. ADVENTURELAND <ege 3 ta grade 6) Tuesday ut 7 p.m. JR. HIGH - (gr-. 6-8) Wednesday et 7 p.m. - PIONEER CLUBS luges 4-12) Thnrsday et 7 p.m. - SR. HIGH (gr-. 9-OAC> For more is<fc cn <or ladies, mens, youth andi childrencs rniniistries, please call the chucrch office.

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