Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 16 May 2000, p. 6

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6 - The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, May 16, 2000f COMMENT KRE's A REAUWVD Corne on landiords, TAWE LEAGE11 get with. the programIVALLEF Affordable rents are a pricey problem in Halton, with too many resi- o U RJN11 dents spending too much money to put a roof over their heads.- Fortunately, a recent provincial initiative aims to ease the crunch by adding 84 rent geared-to-income units to the region. gùÇû *. Through the voluntary program, resîdents pay a prescribed percent- age of their income to rent and the Province forks over the rest. That (b way, participating landiords receive rent at full market value. a'fe;ej Given the need, the 84 places are just a drop in the bucket. Demand clearly outstrips the supply. Despite this, the Region hasn't been inundated with offers from area Yet the facts are simple. Rents are high and many can't afford the j going rate. Singles are particularly vuinerable to soaring accommoda- tion costs. The needy, including the working poor, could use a hand, and this appears to be a relatively painless way of extending one. But the programn will be stalled at the gate if local landlords aren't- willing to step up to the plate. SO UR READERS WRITE »W ft em Evoryono did wonderful job:I Dm Edkter. On May 6, lte Carapiellville, Moffat and Bansokville teas beld a htBgely-suc- csesaMü elean-up of area inoada. Deapite the iteat and ie black Euies, a very large fluptier of voitanteces hstded a ituge aaaoetntent of gaebage out of thse diteises. I kpao w soise of yoq were really socletlbytite amouit yots found. As you nutrsie your sore backa, bites and Bunisurl, 1 want you to know that we more Usais filled lte dumpaters which were Ujýt for the job. Youaaldid a geat job. I wot*Id also lite y0IB t ares, whieh have be-eni titird yer were mincis (soreedsing t» look forwa There are stili areasi haveln't iteen toticised, b' dom awere sutpassed tisa Gtret job, everyotle,a ail. THE CANVADIAN CA There Must be some parking remedy TV~U1M .(The following letter was addrexsed to the Town of Milton and a copy was fi!ed with The kilow tlit dite Chamipion.) cleared for the Dear Editor: ser titis year This letter is to note my pernonal -C o). experience as a fairly new oeoident ot there that of Milton. After much research, my ut al expcta- wife Tiffany and 1 carefully chose S to move from British Columbia 90 year-the friendly. omall-town of Milton and tisaIt yohi so that 1 could pursue graduate studies here. Jean Wopods We have thorotaghiy enjoyed our Tws Ro4c lime in Milton, however a recent experience regarding Eown byiaws bas lt us alittie unsettled. Since my spouse works in Oakville and I attend graduate kpION4 studies an Waterloo, our daiiy rou- tine includes the use of two cars and the need for two parking spots. Havang recentiy graduated and aBox 248, 191 Main Si. Es., The Canadian Champion, publintrod evens Tuesday and Fnlday an 191 Milto, On. L9 4N9 Main St. E., Milton, Ont, L9T 4N9 (Box 24B), is one of lThe Metroland Muta, On. L9 4N9 Prinlini, Publising & Dintnibuting LI. onoui ot suburban compaties aiticit irnlures: AjaxfPicltering News Advortîsen, Ailiston Henaid!Counier, Barrie (go5 878 234 1 Advance, Bernois Bay This Week, Boiter Enterprise, Branmpton Guarrian, Boniinglon Post, Borlingtor Sheopping News, City Panent, City ot Y'ork Suardian, ColiirwoodfWasaga Correction, Eant York Minror. trio Editorial Fax: 878-4943 Advocate/Couony Routes, tobicoke Suardiat, Piambonoutit Pool, Poneer Young, Georgetown Indeperdentldcton Pree Press, Hurotia Business Advertising Fax: 876-2364 Times, Kingston Titis Weeu. Linidsay This Wxek, Marinlam Economiot & Son MidiarriiPxnetanguisitene Minnor, Mitor Shiopping Noas, Mississauga Classified: 875-3300 Business Times, Mississauga Nrews, Napanee Goide, Nassagaweya Neas, Newmarket/iturora Ena-Banner, Northrumberliand News, North Yonrk Mîrnor, Ian Oliver Publisher Sakoilix Beaoen. Sakvilie Shtopping News, Siritimens Hockey News, Onillia Today, OslaalWuitby/CianritoolPol Penny Thtis Week; Saxo Sourd Neil Oliver A.o.nocioite Publmnher Tribune. Peterborougit Titis Wieek, Pîctor Counly Guide, Ricitmond Bill Begin General Manager iIVlthorniilNaugitar Lîbnrai, Scanitonooit Minron, Stouffvilleiitebridge Tribune. Karen Smith Edjifer Advndining is acxpteii on thte condition titat, on thte exent of a typo- graptica error, Chai portion of thle advennlxixg space occapied bt lte enno- SBeve Crozier Circulaion Manager resus itea. logeitrer aitit a reasonabie aiioace ton signature, aili roi be Teri causes Ofjice Maeiager citarged ion, but theo balance of te advertiiemerl aili bo pard ton aI lthe apylicable rate. The publiniten nense l the rit lx caiegonizn advinline- Tin Cotea Production Manager. vents on tiecHox. anticipating two incomes, 1 approached my landiord about whether or not a second parking spot was available. Since no sdditional parking space wao available, 1 therefore continued 90 park where 1 have for the past 20 months -- 'on Pittfield Road. To my dismay, on April 19 at 2:50.arn., I received a parking tick- et for allegediy exceeding the ihree-hour parking limit. To my knowledge. 1 had been legally parking on Pitfield Road for the past 20 montho. Therefore, I decid- ed 90 dispute tise ticket. t discussed my concerno with municipal law enforcement officer Ray Bartlett. Mr. Bartlett informed me that there are signo sit the entrancea to the Town of Milton that indicate a three-hour parking limit on resi- dentiai streets. And, in fact, Mr. Bartiett graciously reduced tise fine for my parking ticket. However, upon asking Mr. Bartlett what the town proposed as a parking alternative for residents in similar diiemmas such as myseif. his only suggestion was that I shouid consuit the mail own- ers down the Street (Steeles Avenue) an to whether or not 1 could use their parkdng lot for per- nonal parking. I found bis sugges- tion to be extremely impracticai, particuiariy in light of thse fact that my job requires me to be in and out of my car frequently throughout the day. For me t0 walk 10 minutes down the street severai times a day ,would clearly impact my effective- neso as an mn-home social worker. 1 aiso feel this alternative is very unreanonable and likely impossi- ble, as mail owners surely don't want their cuntomer parking lots to hecome residential parking lots. In conclusion, it'n my requent that the mayor and the Town of Milton not only discuos, but take appropriate action 90 remedy our great town's parking dilemma. Meanwhile, many othert and 1 have no place to park our cars. I am requesting and would great- ly appreciste a formaI response, including solutions. Perre Goertzen Pltfleld Fload Pud by Steve Nease

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