The canadian champion, Tueaday, May 10, 2000-29 PURCHASING ASSISTANT A National Oteel lobing disîribolor located in Millon, Ont. reqotres a fuît lime Purchasing Assistant. The successfot candidate witt be organized, thorough. and accurate. They mut posseos stroon lime management and compat- et skitts. Duties will include: inquiring. issu- ing and expediting purchase orden with yen- dors, as meil as ail aspects to the enterisg. updating. and receivng lite orders in a Unis computer system. maintaining ait records and documentatton. Knowtedge crf Steet prodocîs or telated experience woutd be an asset 10 Ibis entry level position. Pieuse fax rusume to (905)8784085 YARD DRIVERS Requirements: Clean current linvers tîcense, willtng 10 morts oulside. S days a meek t are - 5 pre, abitity 10 morts in a leare envtronmeot Please formard resome or phone Jîre Auger or Laery Kesens Toronto Auto Auctions 8277 Lamnon Road, Milton Phone 905-875.2915 Fax 905-876.2341 VEHICLE INSPECTORS Requirements: Clean cuneni dnvers lîcense. read & write fluent engtish, mîtttog 10 morts oulside Mou - Fn. g unr - S pre, capabte of workiog in a team envimument Please formard resume 10 Alto, lire Auget or Lany Keacos Toronto Auto Auctions 8277 Lawson Rd., Milton Fax: (905)876-2341 has eponin9a lot ail ahifîs. Wiil train. Paili ttatntng. Unhlorma eupptied. Ronumetation based on oxpetionce. Appty n person ta: 8501 Hwy. 25 Nortit, Milton 575 Ontailo St. Hilton UC Maritet Dr., Hilton Fuli-Time Opening & Income Managers required n Oakville. Successful candidates mi)) have supervisory and/or management skills and be able to manage a fulI-scale catalogue distribution business trom their home. Exciting income potential for the right person. Must be able (o be bonded and have a reliable car/ van. NO INVESTMENT. Fax resume ta: Gary Lutea (416)650-1653 Construction Labourers, le needed, with oxpanotice, lot nom subdivision forth ot cartiele. Phono: <905) 059-3808 Firsi Cheica Huircaters ~.- STYLISTS wanled lot enlmmely bts y locations n Bali., Milles, Watetdean. Eoctlleet psy sîtacture ailit cemmissien statiiet ai 40%. îuaranleed beeriy W5~t based upen top. Beet- Ils. Advaectd Irainini & eqeipretel pileidell. Ne ciienlele necentary. 8300. Siînîni Bonus paid apen camplelion ot ptebatienary penioli. cal) Rebetl ni Breeda, ai <us> 3194105 ni (905)590-1003 bEYS O<LY RESTAUI1ANT roquhrea Lia. Comk Muni be avaîlablo eoenînpn & meebenlis. Enperitnct an issel. Fao renumo 631-6778 et dmp moume OC le: 3480/3500 Fairview St. Burlinglon. air1rau1ça1~ Canadas îargesî leisure carrier. PASSENGER SERVICE AGENTS Part-time positions You will check in embarking passengers and provide infor- mation for the public. You wilI also attend to the gate and perform relared duties, as required, including operation of loading bridges and aircraft doors. Furtbermore, you wilI monitor disembarking of passengers from aircraft rbrougb port facilities and trace baggage when required. Qualified candidates are service-oriented, energetic, out- going, and friendly individuals wbo possess excellent customer service skills and are able to work in a team envîronmrnt. You munt be willing ro work shifts to cover our 24 bour a day, 7 day a week operation. Travel and Touristo dîploma and knowledge of a second language are deflinire assets. Own transportation is required. If you meet above criteria, please forward a detailed resume by May 19,2000, bye-mail, to: or by fax, b: Human Resources DepI., Air Transat, (905) 673-7129. Telephone inqurries miii flot be accepted. Oely selecerd candidates wili recette an acknowledgement. We ace an eqoal opportomty employer. Camp Wenonah, a residential children's camp e Musko~, reqoires boys camp COUNSEL- LOIS 18-23 years et agî (or Summer 21100 employment (9 wks). Minimum Bronze Cross certilication required. Pitase send resumes: CAMP WENOUAH ~ Main Office 3584 Commette Court Burlînglon ON L7N 3L7 mx (905) 631 2850 For turther nI o about Camp Wenonah, pliant visit LAWN CARE TECHNICIAN *Rq~d~afrloeowBw~anAraaI M L us t~sai8ad appêemxa ahrnid ha soNy I *nme.tetodapanlmtardmatumoel M o d Felolaus, ooea oe aalhraaladga an i ta~tad appinuta ahodd frroud 0w ruBana 10 Sqéms 2025 Gumipli Lino. Suite 412 Surlungtan. Ontaria. L7P 4X4 la a Growîng Service Go. @ 401/Dixie seeks drivers, min. 2 years dean dnving exp. Neat appearanoe, ener- getic, organized, strong Eng. Ian- guage skills reqtd. Steady 5 day work delivering (o Toronto area offices, our van. Competitive start- ing good eamings growth plus ben- efits. Join a great team. Ask fer Jack (905) 670-3068 ~ Corne Join A Wlnnlng Team KITCHEN JACK IS LOOKING FOR SUPERVISORS I Apply in person to: j L ~ Fairview St.r Burlingeon. * UU~AOIUIIRL mont on an imagular basis ta caver Wca6ous & othot abaanco. Ollico anti- .>~4p~JAL~sD~ ~ tournent, answer phonos, Imnami mes- Pesîtiens amîlabie lot: angoa anli othet anal- F/T Nigit Manager bey duima. Fao P/T Ouest Services Ageuts 878-4879. indînîdauls muni penneos siîong inleipersenai nkills anli cemmunîcalien stîlin. Prenions mperieect an annet. Tht Heiiday Inn Oabnillt Cenîre oliers a Bleui campeesalien pachage & tiecîbie scitedulîna AUTOMATION and Ro- S'ON ~ bobca lires n Milieu re- Pitase mail ~~~ennme le arma ~lac~sanîoet and ilaiiday lu k Coul. ~ioctncat 590 Aigu M. OdwiileU ~ Deagnore for TEL: 1905>032-5000, Par <us> 032-5123 immodiato permanent or conimot omptay- mont. Autocali or 5oUd Wortcs an asant. Wo aise roquiro a tut lime Fax us your Irabvo Ausistant. Cou- Rocopiionist/Adminia- Classifieds tact 5ta~ innova- omail: steeeetmos- c, i tagocare NO Fosi Camer Expia- rations a a 3-Week Coutae designed ta hetp yau pion yaur ca- mot. Fandeli by HRDC. For more inlarmatiortita rogiater cati Graco ai (9051333- 34900(905)878-1240 ta bol campioto? Jusi mont semoono apoctai ta stiato yoar ito wtth? Misty Rivor intradue- lions, Ontanas tradi- tianal matehmatcer Tarante ai 14181777. 8302, sautlsiWeet (519) 858:4204. * e a e * Customne Service or Sales cap un asset * Evening shifl 6pm - 12 midnight * Gooli eommunicatiou skills requîred Contact Edlika att (905) 8904093 ext. 114, Fan: (905) 890-0094 F~nçlo tels E-malin eieoard@thepeopiebankeom * SERVICE ADVISOR e LICENCED TRANSMISSION TECHNICIAN Tean playero requited tor busy nbop. Muni be loperienceli. tocalleet mages & benetils. Conlaci Stanley Paul Ph: 905-278-6181 or Fax: 905-278-9650 emait: PEEL CHRYCLER PLYMOUTH Mlaalaaaqa, Ouinia S.E EOUIPMENT INC. Mas lite immediate requiremeel 1er individuais 1er UOHT ASSEM8LY & WARENOUSE WORK o temuneration miii he bantd on eoptrlencî. o Atlraclîve netîls packoge n acaîlubie. Sui (us dailvar> ma~a ta: lA. ContractorslRemodelersl Home Repair Up te $7SOIwsak Wetk lot yoanelt. Sel your owe bouts. Conirol you ewt inceme. We preoide enditos italis, innurunce, anli bondina. Join ont et lite nations ltading home repair cempunits morkinq tet yeursell n ynot atea. me ban- dit lite udmînislîalîee bredacites. Muni bave 10 pean tîpeneece. CaO Me. Blauit, Uuribngta 5704405 Cil Mi. tien, GÊuilla SU-Mil BINGO C~tUfltsy 15 a leader in Onfatios charitable gaming a!ld eritertainment industry which operates 34 locaflons across the Provinces of Ontailo and British Columbia. Our Mifton location requires Assistant managers, Lotferyl Nevada Sales Representalives, Floor Runners, Food Service employees and Bingo Cafers.. The ideal candidates will be expenenced n bnnging about greater organizational effecfiveness through administration and financial management, sales and customer service, employee and charity rotations, and ail gaming regulatorycompliance. The succossful candidates wiIl have expenence n the food service, financial or rotai) environnents where excellent customner service s a major focus. If these opportunities appeal (o you, please mail or deliver your resumo 10: Hall Manager Milton Bingo Country, Highway #25 North Milton, Ontarlo L9T 2X5 Please indicate for which positions you are applying. We thank ail applicants for litait interest but only (test selodlied for interview ail be contaclied.