Automat Savi protect y Terry Roi 925 M :ic Lawn Sprinklers lime and money and 'our landscape investment ley Mechanical Inc. nin Street Eat, Unit 3 878-1979 SHER-BOND MASONRY " Block Foundations e Fireplaces " Cbinmey Repair e General Masonry " Retaining WaUs Work Free CaL! Steve McDouga R 7R-4 104 The Canadien Champion, Tuesday, May 16, 2000-27 Seaailess - îaum 1>ough Cail 8 77-5383 between 9am & 9pm VIVUUJbAVEH UNIARIU The specialists in restoring wood products decks o. fences o log cabins - cedar siding o roofs Our system s envronmentally fnesndly M CaShfo a n bligaiwîfree us Tel: (905) 5Z 2639 Fax: (905) 569-2702 3209 Oshourne Road, Mississauga C ,abit,6te 11EATING .amah. & COOLING $150 in Kltchon & Vanity Cabincto LTD. ArrhltwWM CaMnete SERWNG MILTON & AREA o union Ace susorie 5t» Fb(turS FRE mm . FOR OVER » YEARS un with a new custlom MokXt SALES INSTALLATION - REPAIRS k1tchen AàÈMý High-Efficiency Furnaces, Air Conditioners, Gas Fireplaces VI lilt 785 Main St. Ead, Unit #3 878 9 771878-4821103 Steeles Ave.. Unit #7. Milton îr 50 Vears Experience Dntial & Commercial )IMAN ROOFING CO. LTD. )876-0958 Ras: (905) 878-3447 Fax (905) 876-0936 Fre. 9 1-877-667-4958 SEPVTIC TANK PUMVPING Robert Noble Ltd. e180 ft of hose for crossing lawns e3 radio dispatched trucks to serve you Don't wait for trouble -Puunp before it's toc, latel (Should pump at least every 3 years> Never use coloured or double ply toiles paper (519) 853-0500 Acton Answering Service 878-6869 OVER 20 VEARS EXPERIENCE! R&R Garagie Doors - Eleciric Opener Sales, Service and Instllation Windows, Entranoe Doors, Storms Doors, Patio Doors TEL: 519-853-2114 (AcTON) ruMM. contracting Itd. "RENOVATION SPECIALISTS" Reaidential &Commercial " Additions 0 Bathrooms * Roc Roome * Garages Natural Gas & Propane BBQ's BBQ Parts AL mff Tenry Rowley Mechanical lac. w.u 925 Main Street East, Unit 3 om 878-1979 0 miongas Li C. Small Greenhouses Great Selection Annual Flaou 1 " Bedding Plants " Annuals " Honglng Pots 4082 PulilasgW laToilire zi 101i Si, 1< Roc ooms Hrwo Dathroom (905) 876-4023 a ama o ' aVa MECHANICAL Parts for Waahers o Dryers a Ranges a Freezers o Refrigerators o Dlshwashers 785 Main Street East Ued878-8625 References87-18 ArsfomteGSain Steel Studils Drap Callanga TowN & CoIJNTRY WINDOW CLEANING * Eavestrough - Siding Windows Oaseenraf nu ode8 td 12 Yry of Prefeuiena Experioecef M & L Ornamenta iron Works - Custom Made o Wrought Iron Furniture - Fences , Driveway Gates - Railings 825-0922 Tremnaine Rd., Milton .1 Stan aM87 M.A.R.C.H. ijatar Fumace Systinu - Ckas, Propane and Hat Punups - Ai, Cround Electric Furnaces &Water Sources - Nlgh Ufficlency Air Central A Roons Air Filters à HuidMfers 785 Main Street East '6-1138 (SERMCE) 875-2700 (SALES) a a TeMr Rowley Mechanical Inc. Air -Conditioning Sales & Service Heat Pumps si Furnaces VIT925 Main Street East, Unit 3N* 14WOM878-1979 E_____ 0O Rosidu m"eF=. HARI Tel: (905 4252 Henderson Rond R.R. No. 1, Milton L9T 2X5 WHO DOES il 111 Il LIIF-1111 Kn M a 876-1138 Licenced Across from the Go Station