Photo by GRAHAM PAINE Jo'Leen's co-owners Kathleen Groenbarg (lefI) and JoAnne McCann celebrate tive years at their Main Street Est fashion store. Free fashion advice cornes with service at Jo'Leen 's e from JO'LEEN'S on page 22 having warked together in Toranto before apening Ja'Leen's. Naw they're sa camiartable with each other they irequently finish each ather's sentences. That ease is passed dawn ta cus- tomera, wha aften pause ta indulge in the caffee that's always brewing as the store. Plates af coakies and candies are alsa an hand and an a Saturday maming, it isn't unusual to find a graup af wamen happily chatting aver the refreshments as thaugh they were in their living raoms. Bath Ja'Leen's owners exude knowledge as effartlessly as friend- liness. "We read bady types pretty well," said Ms McCann. "We can tsii what size yau are when yau walk in the doar. We cas tell what colours will loak hest on yau." As fashion advisors, their job is ta help the customer loak her hest. And that cas mean intraducing her ta samething new. Age, lfor exaîn- pie, cas alter the colours and styles that heat suit the individual. Sa cas a new hair colour. But taday's shapper is mare rdu- cated about clathing, and wiliing ta try a wide vsriety ai available styles. "Any age can wear anything if it's put tagether appropriately," said Ms McCann. Capris pants, lfor example, are enthusiasticaliy embraced by same saucy seniors. Thaugh everything goes in ternis ai hem-lengths and styles, there has bren a recent trend taward more casual attire. Bath awners agreed Milton was the right place ta apen their store. "Wr researched five smaîl tawns and we chose Milton. Wr felI in lave with the cammunity." ssid Ms McCann. Now they're helping others do the same by intraducing non-resi- dents ta Multon's small town charîn hy canrying ciothing lines that peo- ple travel for. "We're kind ai a destination store," said Ms McCasn. "Wr get s lot ai out-of- towners." The Canadien Champion, Tuesday, May 16, 2000-2W HIK FRgRlTu0 Sunday, May 28th, 2000 10:45 AM - 12:30 PM 1" LUNE from Derry Road ta Britannia Road TAC ORKD BEST 0F ALL, THE BE SAFE PROGRAM ES OFFERED TO YOUR FAMTLY ABSOLUELY FREESI It's aur way of giving back ta our camunnty and saying thank yau for your support PICK UP YOUR FREE! BE SAFE ACTIVIT KIT AT: --;#ACHING I<IDS HO O LA-Z-BO1Y FURNIIURE GALLERIES 1 8URUNGEON POWER CINTR BE SMEI(905) 331-7600 k~&~I~éUE ~tie (tta (»w ï NO>TIC Any person with an interest or knowledge of an individual who may have a daim for the above captioned parcel known as Reference Plan #20Rl2204. Part lot 15, con- cession 4, Nassagaweya located on Guelph Line at i 5th Sideroad. Most recently identified as a posession of Christopher Cusick deceased on or about 26 February 1878. Please contact the Merritt Law Office by phone 416-971-3305 or fax 416-971- 3302 on or before 20 May 2000. AIl inquiries should be directed to Clint Savary.