The Canadian Champion, Tuesda se. Building a better bank for you. To our valued customers In February, we announced that ID Bank and Canada Trust were jaining ta become TD Canada Trust. At that rime, I promised ta keep yau inforned as we merge aur. rwa organizations. This is the first in a series af updates ta teli yau about our progress in achieving our goal ta build a berrer bank. Over the past couple af months we've been working ta bring our head office staffs rogether. As a resaIt of this effort, l'm pleased ta say thar s~e have assembled a srrong unified ream, wi~h representation from both TD Bank and Canada Trust. This new group bas now begun ta plan the union of aur branch, telephone and interner banking services. Bringing the rwa arganizatians ragether successfully will take same rime. I want ta reassure aIl ID Bank and Canada Trust custamers thar, for naw, it is business as usual. Building TD Canada Trust Dur goal is ta deliver a confortable banking experience for aIl af aur custamers. To achieve this we are working ta make the merger of aur rwo campanies as seamless as passible. We expecr ta start bringing aur two branch nerworks rogether in Spring, 2001. Befare then, we will make na merger-relared branch closures at rither TD Bank or Canada Trust. While t is business as usual rhroughaut masr af tsar organizatian, we have some early oppartuniries ta bring together same of aur products and services ta betrer meer tht needs of aur castomers. We will bring aur aperarians ragether early anly where it makes gaod sense far aur customers and where we believe we can deliver an the pramise af "better banking". One of these early appartunities will be tht conversion of CT Securiries accaunts ta TD Warerhouse in May, 2000. As a resaIt, castomers af CT Secariries will gain access ta an expanded range of services ar the same, or even lower, fees. Each custamer of CT Securities will be natified in advance and in wriring ta infarn then about this conversion. Another early apporranity that cames fron combining the resoarces af TD Bank and Canada Trust, is aur fîrsr coordinared promotion. Castamers tan naw rake advanrage tsf tht very popular 3% CashBack Marrgage, at any of aur 1,300 branch locations, by telephane or via the Web. Ibis s just tht firsr in a stries of exciting programs thar wîll benefir aur custamers. Service Improvements Weve already initîared tht fîrsr stage of our plannrd pragram af service impravements. Sinct February, we havt added 350 tellers and increased relIer hnsurs in many TD Bank branches. Wr are pragressively increasinu relIer hauts in nasr af aur TD Bank branches as wr go farward. Ar tht same tînt, we are mainraining Canada Trust hauts. Dur castomers have alsa had tht advanrage of inrîrîsved accesu ta tîver 3,000 cambiard ABMs. They have benefîred from the eliminarion of Inrerat wirhdrawaî fers whrn rhey used ont af these ABMs. A5 a result, we have enabîrd aur castamers ta make over 1.2 million ABM transactions ut na charge sînce Fcbraary alane. These imptîrtant service improvenents are tht first af many thar ail customers tan came ta expecr fran us as wr wark ta delîver a mare confortable bankîng experience. Community Ar TD Cdrsuda Trust were cammirred ta tht ci)mnunities that we serve. As weve braughî aur rwa arganizarions ragether, wr have carrfully mainrained aur taraI charitable and spansorship connirnents. Many of these coniuitiuents wîIl atout be asade under rither tht TD Bank Financial Graup or tht TD Canada Trust nane. Wr promise ta keep you infarmed about tht pragress af aur new conpany rhraugh updares such as thîs tint as we tisove farward. If, as wr wark rawards building a berrer bank, yau believe thar wr are nor meeting yaur service exprerarians, please cali tsar Custamer Information Centre at 1.888-572-8924. Sincerrly, Ed Clark TD Canada Trust PS. I wîll kerp yau posrrd about tht devrlopmenrs ut TD Canada Toat in tht caning îuanrhs. For OOW, r will be business as asual. We will natif~t you jsersanally, n wriring and wrll in advance abîsur any merger rtlated changes us yoar accaunts tir tii yoar branch. ~ BANK E~ CanadaTrust y, May 16. 2000-21 t i s i 'us