The Canadian Champion, Fniday, May 12, 2000 - 7 ~ OUR READERS WRITEr This is what real fundraisers are Fabulous job by Milton District on school play Dear Editor: bilities aa a board member. Dear Editor: Harold Hill. He did an amazing played with lota of enthusiasm. Following recent media coverage and And why do they do this? Because they O s vnn fMy4 u o.Tefml ed ai ha biulalto okas lettera about the diamissal of a local chari- have aomething to give their commumty Oniyh the easureg ofla 4,em waa job.eful a, Main Sharo t O oubehind lthef scene alu table foundation board, I'm concemned that that they expect nothing in return for, tise Ma the Distric Hig Scio as woeil u as Ming an aoel wctn thi rdio thelser i localrsidnreaidents stinin may xcbe inqueationingi flf whatte te eltnceptrctHfinanciaasiel a succeasabsluinyputiuifhs podutingtgther the exact role and responsibilities should miasion of the charity they aerve. spigmscl'h Music Mani' besutiful siuging voice. Everyone involved deserves vâhmsic supplied by a pstbad er ulnadA yTi ntrrodofplusfra be for volunteer board membera. Anything leas is a disservice to the char- Wit a u son baoudo. erry ulaien s a and m athaotsrou nd of aplauscra Aa an experienced fundraiser, both as a itable organization. hae a , awe poucton. w er hlarlou asMRran r.t obgl endoyale mscal.o paid employee and a volunteer board Lana Burchett th iiec hoc frte parto Shun te or Bobo and-ý Sandy fseaoey member, I would like to ahare my perspec- Fifth LUne ts efc hîefrts ato vnts oemnrr~sws Dè t tive on the level of involvement and com- mitmeut that's essential to serve on the board of a charitable organization. e Real fundraisers aren't people who oniy M C ges together once a mouth to oeview agen- -b das, go over budgets and approve minutes. Real fundraisers aren't nibber atampers, meeting militants or 'kuife and forkers." Nor can they be auccesaful as a board if their effort to, get thînga doue ia met by arblenuhthve htyuwat. criticismn or a reluctance to get involved on A erw r i nuht aewa o at. the part of one or more'members.bu mienuhtca woy r. Real fundraisers don't pursue their per- SL RCSSATMNAMY1 N N UDY A 1 00 HL UNIISLS sonal agenda either in meetings or theSAERCEST TMODYMY1ADEDSNAMY2200WILQATTESAT local media. They don't ahare or discusa confidentiai information without the con-À sent of their respective-board members. 9 9 Real fundraisers are people who, care a KN O E1,0 T great deal about the organization sud the O 8m community it serves. 2WDO AI CO DTO E ieoH8X omt Real fundrais .ers are willing to partici- 2"clu C pate and be on cali to organize events, attend events organized on their behaîf ol prxmty and, most importantiy, be a key player in40 q. fe contacting and meeting with potential 3sedf,299" donors. SONY hi-fl Real fundraisers appreciate the talented END SU DA mini ayat staff that provide the behind-the-scenea MA 21 20 I 00Wtt tl power support to help themn fulfili their reaponsi- Sa es5 . -. output. Front-loading _________________i,_ defe.i 3-00 player. il -band ..... ......... 1spectrum analyzer dis- J *) 499 play. 28027 CORRECTION NOTICE O In our May 3-9 fiyer, the10 9 foliowing error occurred: emr The Kodak Digital Camnera adver- 708-u ftr tised on page 3 for $899.99 dispîsys ehgrao an incorrect product feature. lncluded controlîed crispers with Ibis product is an 8MB card, NOT *and glass shelves.H M 4 9 a 20 MB card. saili $150 astam89142. S*5t5 reg Frigidaire diahwasher * The Compaq Presario XL 1200-115 Keniiltê washer and dryer 1399.99. Precision Wasb System- Automatic adverlised on page 5 for $1899.99 Washer. #4052. Reg. 1099.99. OMM Available in Wht Temp-Assureý'. #98312. Sears reg. 499.99. displays an incorrect product feature. Dryer #8m02. Reg. 849.99. 509fl and Almoîsd Aalbei lc n h This product has a 12.1" HPA ______________________________________________ Dispiy, NOT a12. 1" TFT Dispay Sa 8a 700 s » $3 Wa sincerely apologize for auy inconvenaence CRAFTSIIAN CRSMaNi 130 this may have caused our valued customners. 20.6-hp 6-epeed C«r-aFTU 6-hpr ----i -Iawn tracter ra'a oe Cisan ouf the cioset for Amilly Goodwli. Please take your extra clothing and household items to the Amity Goodwill store close to you. Asc about our Tax Réceiptpvogoe Uiza and her feam are eager f0, help you 550Ontati Siret S. '<