Automatic Lawn Sprinilders Save time and money and protect your landscape investment. Terr Rowley Mechanical hIc. 925 Main Street East, Unit 3 a- 878-1979 -lfl MUET Rai,,~Y~R,,n SHER-BOND MASONRXY " Block Foundations e Fireplaces " Chinmey Repair a General Masonry " Retaining WaJIa Work Free Cati Steve McDougall pethmnlh3c R 7,R4 1 Q Specializing in Custom Pittnd DELREX ~Entrance Sgystemsd ALUMINUM LIMITED Also Vin,!SidagSfft Facia and SeamlessAl22n Tiough Cai 8 77-5383 between 9am & 9pm WVUUL The apeci decks * fen I.; JiAVEH lalists in restorin ces e log cabins Cailfor a no >biigai<>, Tel: (905) 5169 Fax: (905) 569 www.woodsave )sbourne Road, ONTARIO ocetC 'it HEATING g wood producta r & COOLING cedar siding *roofs taliy fniendly $150 in Kitchmi & Vanlty CaWnt. oLE LTD. fr;tuoe FREE Amhw4Jwra lowrte MM. SERVINGUMLTON &AREA e unlion 2ý39 Accessorlos 5tore Fbrturee AKNiFROVR3 E? -20eh a new Cuetom Milkcdc SALES *INSTALLATION * REPAIRS kitchen ' High-Etfrciency Furnaces, e Air Conditioners, Gas Fîreplaces Mississauga 785 Main St. EuSt, Unit #3 87891771878-4821 103 Steeles Ave. Unit #7. Milton Over 50 Vears Experience Residential & Commercial m"ý=.HARDIMAN ROOFING CO. LTD. Tel: <905) 876-0958 4252 Henderson Road Res: (905) 878-3447 R.R. No. 1, Milton Fax <905) 876-0936 LOT 2X5 Free 4 1-877-667-4958 Natural Gas & Propan BBQ Parts Terry gowley Mechani vMa 925 Main Street East, U ~gout 878-1979 0 Liongas 1b e BBQ's TowN & CouNTRv aLmuis Wiriiow CLEANING I. MOIL *Eavestrough -Siding cal ~ Windows SIfaction Fully insur &B B ded - nit 3 fSua ranhuatitý0 12 Y rs. o f P roIeIsenai Experie ce Coul us for a Po feîruî = Free Estiinate8,311645 SEPTIC TANlK PUMPING Robert Noble Ltd. 180 ft of hose for crossing lawns 3radio dispatched trucks to serve you - Don't %fait for trouble - Pump before its too late! (Should pump at least every 3 years) Neyer use coloured or double ply toilet paper (519) 853-0500 Acte. Answering Service 878-6869 OVER 20 VEARS EXPERIENCE! R&R - Garage Doors - Eleciric Openers Sales, Service and Installation "RENOVATION SPECIALISTS" Realdential & Commercial * AdIditions * Bathrooms * Roc Rooms 0 Garages a Doecs Uicencod 878-8625 References CUSTOM (905) 331-9333 MADE Fax: (905) 331-9334 ./ALUMINUM RN #6, MIlIIIIIton sWINDOWS e DOORS a GARAGE DOORS SIDINO e SOFFIT a FASCIA * EAVES Five Vear Labour Warrant>' eSeniors' Discounts e FuIIy Inaured eYearlv Inanectionsa *Financina Available lis Re"a'£ior Ceramlc Tuals Rue Boom Dathroomns 876-4023 Hardwood Steel Sfud Orop Colis, M.A.R.C.H. MECHANICAL Parts for Washers e Dryers e Ranges e Freezers eRefrigerators e Dishwashers 785 Main Street East FO-I1138 Across from the Go Station Il I Il II M & L Ornamental Iron Works Custom Made - Wroughî Iroit Furmure - Fences * Driveway Gaies - Railitigs 825-0922 5300 No. 1 Side Rd. West of Tremnaine Rd., Milton M.A.R.C.H. 15 Water Furnace Systeme * Gan, Propane and *Heat Pumps - Air, Oround Eledtio Furnalces & Water Sources * Hlgh Efflclency Air * central & Roomn Air Plilera & Humidifers F9S 785 Main Stret East Stan 1876-1138 (SERVICE) 875-2700 (SALES>l Terr Rowley Mechanical mnc. Air Conditioning Sales & Service Heat Pumps le Furnaces 925 Main Street East, Unit 33 VO( sWotom 878-1979 LENNOX El I M Ili "--~ WHO IO 1