12-The Canadian Champion, Fslday, May 12,.2000 What does.God have to do to oiet vo ur attention? A farmer had a maie for sale. He claimed lisat tbis doakey waaid obey sny command il was gives. Ose prospective castomer was somewhat leecy of Ibis claies snd decided ta pst tise fartsec aad his aid bacso la tise test. Sa he said ta tise maie, "Sit down." But tise maie jsst stsod tisere. "Sit," lise casîseser yelled. Bat satiig happeacd. He tamed to the farmer asd said, "Yoa claies Ibis male ssii do aaylhisg il is tld, bat i casIt gel the maie la sit dawn." The fanser jast smilcd. He reachcd dswn and picked sp a twa-by-faar, tises watked aver and bit tise maie sn lise bead. "Sit,' hie wisispcred sn tise maie's car. And lise oid barra at rigàt down. Tsmiag 10 tise sbscked castomer ie ssid, "Firat, ysa bave ta gel bis attentias." 1 am afraid tisaI maay af as se like tisaI aid maie. We gels augiî ap in sac awa activities and basy scisedales tisaI we sc sigist of Gsd. Oflea, tise aaty way He cas gel sar attentiona a by allswiag adveesity Ist sar lives. la lise New Testament baak, Acta, lise canversation af tise apasîle Paul best illastrates Ibis principle. He waa BANAI A kindly tongue is the lodestone of the heara of men. If is thea bread of the spiri, If clotheth the words with maanîng, if la the fountain of the light of wisdom and undersanding. from the Baha'l wrltings LOCAL:...................................... 878-0011 REGIONAL ........................ 1.0"333284 GLOBAL: ............................. v%.ahal.org # MILTON SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST ÀOeÇL CHURCH Welcomes you to Hugh Foster Hall, 43 Brown St. Milton Sot. 9:30 s. mn. - Sobbaîh School Sot. 11:00 s.m.- Divine Service Come and Joies us for worship Col for mid-week prayer service mnfo. PASTOR C.O. Roulaton 416-821-4610 9 m-EryWorship Service 9.0on- Sunday School 10:45cam - Second Worship Service Happy Mothers Dayi Fr.. Giftfor .voey Mms in almdence in un arn. soevicul Dynamir Chfidreri's Programs à Nursery 6:30 pm - Praise & Célebration Wom.n'a Ministrias Special F.alur. Soycial tin honour Mom ta follemw servire lstatly csesmilled 10 doisg wisal be believed was rigisl - ataesPing ast lise existence ai tise cisarcs. He bad beard tise trah af Jetas preacbed os several sccasions. Ns dasist, be bad secs tise signa perfarmed by tise fallswers sf Christ. Bat tisat did ast gel bis attentian. He bad witnessed tise asoing af Stepisen. He slassd Ibere and watcbed aa Stepisen prayed fsr lisose wbs were casting lise miales. il as likely tisaI ie was ane af Ibase wbs noticcd tise angelic saurs of Stepisen's face. Bat nal even tisaI was ensags ta gel Pasi's attentian. la tise amIt cisapler sf Acta, Lake recarda tise incident tisaI fially gaI tise attention af tise spasîle Paul, wbs was aI tisaI lime s5h11 called SasI af Trss. He was an bis way la Dassascas ta seek ast and arcest aay mes ar wsmen wbs were fallswers sf Chreist wisen Ced gaI bis attention. la sac unfsrcaees mament, Ged gaised Saut's asdivided attentian by alrikisg bies daws wilis a blindisg tigisî. Blinded, Ibis mas ai peamisence and prestige ws essec tisas ready 10 hles 10 wbaî Ced bad la say. "Wy se yaa pecsecating Me?" lise Lard asked. Saul Bethol Asso~,embly of Giod Friday Nlght ai 7:30 SERMON TITLE: "Doaperate Measurea for.a Deaparate Person' (Whan lt aeme l1ke your f.11h ha. died) Meeting in the Qualiiy Inn 161 Chisholes Driva in Milton Ras. Raymond Skelton 875-4058 L Email bettalca@Angelfira.eom In nead of cesunnel please contact Pastor Ray «A caring concemed communhl church" Grace Anglican Church 317 Main St. E., Miltons lthe Chureh on lthe Hill Tel. 878.2411 Fax 878-3005 www.welrmsme.tm/Grac-e.Milton Rev. Dr. Mark McDernsott SUNDAY SERVICES 8:00 arn. - HmsIy Communioan 10:00) arn. - Sunsg Eucharest Ccisch Scissal & caftas Hsar Wbelcaic Access Throagb Parking Lot Dons Tbursday nt 101:00 a.sn. - Hoiy Commnuni<on MILTON GOSPEL HALL 306 Ontario St. N. e 878-3873 10:00 s.m. - The Lord's Supper 11:45 arn. - Sunday School 6:30 p.m. - Gospel Service Wednesday 7:30 p.m. Prayer and Bible Study That ho (Gcd> might be just and the justifier cf hlm which believeth in Jesus. Romans 3.26 bad flot lissags abaut wbal be waa daing irses tisat perspective. He neyer imagined tisaI be wss persecaling Jesas. Jess was dead! Or sas He? As tise trahsaettled in, SauI cealized bis eccar and cbasged bis waya. A few daya haler, bie was preclaiming tise truh af Jess sn tise synagsgaes. Cosider tise valse af adveraity. If il lsak teesparary blindanss and humiliation ta gel Pasi's attentian, il was *Whcre is G(:J whcn prple arc saflierig an m ing *Whena rperon dimes, w'hat dieu *Wha is mthe secret h. a happy lire? ls lrhere h.pc flsmahac.rdm? Dircrc, lime anree Bible mmmoer to mese anmd raimer key qumestinsrmm mime affect yi.am happmtem. Write Box 23012, 55 Ontario St. Milton Ont, L9T 5B4 On hmie intlerneuthtp://ww.vep.mmand ww.mmmigfaclm...g/hihlro..lhe..%clmmmp HOLY ROSARY PARISH S 878-6535 (T.T.Y. 878-9044) HOLY ROSARY CHURCH 139 Martin Street Maus ant 5:30 p.m. Satady 9:00me., 10.30 ams. & Noon Sunday ST PETER CHURCH 9âh LingsC dBitagniu " Massit 9:00 aes Suaday Rev. Earl Talbot,P.P. certainly wartb il, for throags bis the gspel was preacbed in many natiana and slrsng ciarçises were planled. Bat wbaî about ysa? Wbaî caald Ced accsmpliss lbrsagb yaa if He bad yosc andivided attentian asd lsyalty? Make plana 10 viail a local cisarcs Ibis weck. Service limes and locatiosa are psblished in tise dicecla- --Ü1 4 Milto0nBaI 1sf Chuýrch 900 Nipisslng Rdl. (905) 875-1626 Sunday School at 9:45 For Ail Ages Service ai 11:00 Sermon: Motherhood: God's High Calling E- Mev. GOmg Ma9coulay - B.A., M.DIv. VIOIORY WULE OHUROH CAN MAN REALLY WALK WITH GOD? DO YOUI3ELIEVE THÀT GOD WOULD EVEN SPEND TIME WITH YOU? This Sunday we wuII stait a new suties in the book cf Psalms, that mifl focus on how we cam have a peronal walk with the Lord i the eveedaythingsotife. 10:00 A.M. - Morng Worship Mâton Leisure Centre (Board Room) (separate services for children 9 years and under) Check out Pastor Charles Boyce on Cogeco 14 in bis "Wisdom for the Week" 'Living A Ymicoots Lfe Hy lise WocJ 0f God" Pastor Chartes Boyce (905) 875-2162 Email cboyce@înterhop.net I .4 UN 12 We welcome you to... ST. PAUL'S f ITED CHURCH f+ 3 Main St. E, Milton Sunday Worship 10:30 .' Church School - 10:30 arn Nursery Available Rev. John Benisam & Re. lobn Ambrose judy HunIer, Director af Music Cisurcs office: (905) 878-8895 i,.www.globalserv'e.net/-tpaulsmilton The Salvation 11:00 arn - Morning Worship& Kids Church 100 Nlplsslng Road, Unit 3 Pastors: Captains Dan and Weady broome For more information about aur services, and other programming please eali 876-2420 W~sLIMilton Alliance Church 2850 DERBY RD. M 1,6ton ibl Che ob<betiveen the Fire Hall and Hospiatal!) Phone 878-5664 - Fax 878-6676 Worships at the atrGeMCob Milton Senior's Activity Centre 11I arn. SUNDAY MORNING WORSHIP SERVICE 500 ChiIds Drive il o CIMDK arn. ADVENTURELAND (age 3 to grade 6) 10:00 arn MBC in the Word rueaday ut 7 p.m. JR. 5IIGH - (gr. 6-8) 11:0 arnMBCin Wrshp p.arq Wedneay ait 7 p.m. - PIONEER CLUBS (agea 4-12) 11:0 a MB inWorhipP", Tsusday ut 7 p.n. - SR. HIGH (gr. 9-OAC) Pastor: Rev. James A. DeMarshFrnieif n(i ais nm ot n 876-3586Lhidrefl.r mmniiter, pIcore ceîll the church office.