'rhé Canddian .mpon,1udb9,'May, 2000-f PererUPat -1 Building a better bank for you. To aur valued customers: In February, we announced that ID Bank and Canada Trust were joining ta become TD Canada Trust. At that time, 1 promnised ta keep you infonned as we merge aur twa organisations. This is the first in a series of updstes ta tell yau about aur progress in achieving aur goal ta build a better hank. Over the past couple of manths we've been working ta bring aur head office staffs together. As a result of this effort, l'm pleased ta say that we bave assembled a strang unified team, with representasian from bath ID Bank and Canada Trust. This new group has naw begun ta, plan the union of aur brsnch, telephane and internet banking services. ýÀ Bringing the two organizations together successfully will take some time. 1 want, ta reassure ail TD Bank and Canada Trust cuatomers that, ftot now, it is business as usual. Building TD Canada Trust Our goal is ta deliver a comfortable banking experience for ail of aur customers. Ta achieve thia we are working ta make the merger of aur two companies as seamless as possible. We expect ta, start bringing aur swo branch nctworks together in Spring, 2001. Before then, we will make no merger-related branch closures at either ID Bank or Canada Trust. Whiie it is buainesa as usuai throughour most of aur organization, we have some early appartuniries ta, bring ttgether somne of aur producra and services to better meet the needa of aur customers. We wiil bring aur operations tsgether eariy oniy where it makes good sense for aur customers and where we believe we can deliver on the promise of "better banking". One of these eariy opportunities wiii be the conversion of CT Securities accounits ta TD Waterhause in May, 2000. As a resait, customers tsf CT Securities wili gain access ta an expanded range osf services at the same, or even l(swer, fees. Each customer of CT Securities wili be notifird in advance and in writing ta inform, themn about this conversion. Anather early opportunity that cornes from combining the resources of TD Bank and Canada Trust, is aur first coordinated promotion. Customers can naw take advantage of the very popular 3% CashBack Morrgage, at any of aur 1,300 braneh locations, by telephane or via the Web. This is just the first in a series of exciting programs that wili benefîr aur customers. Service Improvements We've already iniriated the first stage osf <sur pianned prsgrarn of service imnprovements. Since February, we have added 350 teilers and increased teller hours in many TD Bank branches. We are progressiveiy increasing teler hours in mout of osur TD Bank branches as we go forward. At the same rime, we are maintaining Canada Trust hours. Our custamers have aiso had the advantage Uf improved acces to over 3,000 cambined ABMs. They have benefited frein the elimination of nterac- withdrawal fées when they used one of these ABMs. As a resait, we have cnabied aur customers ta make aver 1.2 million ABM transactions at no charge since February alone. These important service improvements are the first of many shat ail custamers cao came ta, expees frorn us as we work ts deliver a more coinfortable banking experience. Community At ID Canada Trust we're conmmtted ta the communities that we serve. As we've brought aur twa organisations tagesher, we have carefuiiy naintained aur rotai charitable and sponsorship comnitnents. Many of these commirments wili naw be made under either the TD Bank Financial Group or the ID Canada Trust name. We promise ta keep you infstned about the progresa of aur new company through updates such as this anc as we nove forwatd. If, as we work rowards building a better bank, you believe that we are nos meeting your service espectations, please cail aur Customer Information Centre at 1-888-572-8924. Sincerely, Ed Clark ID Canada Trust PS. 1 will keep you posted about the developments at TD Canada Trust in the coning months. For now, it wiil beibusiness as usal. Wr wili notify you pensonaiy, in wrising and weii in advance, about any merger related changes so yaur accounts or ta your bmanch. ,BANK Là CanadaTrust J- s.