Gay pride celebration ' to be held at Bronte Park June 3 Halton Pride 2000, the region's first-ever gay and lesbian pride day, will take place Saturday, June 3 at Bronte Provincial Park. According to organizers, the event will bc a celebration of Haltou's gay, leabian, bisexual and transgendered communities, featur- ing everytbing lrom live music, craîts sud dispîsys to a barbecue and a dance. In sbort, a family- style picnic. "We'rc nos making it a political day as ail," says Halton Pride 2000 spokesperson Kim Abbott. tnstead, sbe stressed tbat the day will be one of de-mystification and an attempt to "normnalize" the gay and leabian lilestyle as mucb as possible. Everyone welcome To that end, Ms Abbott said abe bopes those Irors tbe betrosexual community will attend as well - to leam aud to sbare and to aimply bave a good time. Aller aIl, sbe continued, Halton Pride 2000 will leature displays by involved area agencies, music, lit- erary readinga and mucb more. Planned by the Halton Anti- Homophobia Committee, the day bas been designed to support gay, leabian, bisexual sud trausgeudered culture, to raise awareness about tbeir contributions and to promote emotional and pbysical well-beiug and bealtby living. Halton Pride 2000 will mun lrom noon to 10 p.m., witb au alternoon barbecue and a 7 p.m. dance. Broute Provincial Park is located ou Burloak Drive juat aoutb of Upper Middle Road. Parking will be free sud tbere will be io alco- bol. More details about activities are fortbcoming. According to Jean Clipsbam, a Halton Region Healtb Depaflmeut public bealtb nurse sud Anti- Homophobia Committee member, promotion of the day bas been mainly limited to Halton, since places like Hamilton aud Toronto aloeady bave annual pride eveuts. Since tbis marks Halton's firat attempt, bowever, Ms Clipsbam said organizers bave no idea bow many people will attend the eveut. Neitber Ma Clipsbam nor Ms Abbott could predict wbetber tbere will be any local backlasb to the event. "Being that ibis is the liras one, we bave no idea wbat to expect," said Ms Clipsbam, wbo explained tbat nos ail membera of the com- mincee are gay or.lesbian. "This is a celebration, period. More of an educational, literary event." Funding for the day came last year iu the form of a $6,000 regional Healthy Communities grant. (Wben tbat was annouuced, one resident wrote a letter in opposition that appeared in the Hamilton Spectator, but lurtber criticism bas been absent, said Ms Clipsham.) In fact, both Oakville and Burlington municipal counicils have aloeady proclaimed June 3 as Halton Pride Day. Committee memnbers will make presentations before Milton and Halton His town counicils and wilI do the same as Halton Region May 3 1. Founded in 1997 The Halton Anti-Homophobia Committee was founded iu 1997, originally to address youtb-related issues. Today, it's committed to increas- ing education and support and belping community service providers understand the added struggles youtb lace wben coping witb everytbing lrom their peers to their parents. Eliminating negative stereotypes and making the community sale for everyone are also goals. Committee membersbip current- ly includes representatives from tbe Halton Rape Crisis Centre., Parents and Frienda of ]Leabians and Gays, Ontario Marcb of Dimes, botb Halton achool boards, Halton Regional Police and more. The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, May 9, 2000 - ISOU FROM $ 149 IMrONH Sign up for any Internet Service before July 31 st, 2000 and enter a draw f0 win that service FREE for one year! Cali Steven for more defails! lIN4:l ER HPI LAUNCHINO l'OIR INTERNET FUTURE (905) 876-3918 225 Main St. E., Suite #3, Milton e-eî es* - o @in 1