Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 9 May 2000, p. 31

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'Thô Cahddian-Chamtpiol, Tifeàday; May 9, 2060 -131 .Da teline Dateline is a f ree listing of coming events only. The col- umn is available to local community groups f0 assist in promoting their future evonts. OnIy charitable or non- profit community groups may use this service. We cari only guarantee one issue of publicity closest to the date of the occurrence aithough more insertions are possible if demand is low. Notices for Dateline should be handed in at the office of The Champion, 191 Main St. E., mailed to P.O. Box 248, Milton, Ont., L9T 4N9, or faxed to (905) 878-4943. The final deadline is noon Friday for Tuesday's edition and noon Wednesday for Friday's edition. Dateline items will not be accepted by telephone. Tuesday May 9 The Milton Seniors' Activity Centre's Lunch Bunch gets togetiser for fun, feiiowsisip and tise latesi news. Cail the centre ai 875-1681 for the May location. Tise Viciorian Order of Nurses' family caregiver education series continues with ils second presentation frors 1:30 to 3 pr. To register, or for more information, cail 827-8800, ext. 2310, or 1-800-387-7127, ext. 2310. Parents experiencing trouble wiîis tiseir children can aeek advice ai tise weekly Parent Support Group ai 7:30 pro. Meetings are iseld every Tuesday ai Pinelanda Preabyterian Cisurch, 5270 New St., in Burlinglon. Tise Halton/Nortit Peel Naturalist Club invites the public to isear Miciselle Kanter - land secu 'rement represenistive for Nature Conservancy Canada - preseni 'Land Acquisition' si 7:30 pri. ai Harrison Public Scisool on Rexway Avenue in Georgetown. New members are weicome. The Enterprise Centre hosta the E-commnerce Sensinar wiih guesi speaker John Elliot of the Eleetronic Trading Posts. Tickets cosi $5 for members or $15 for non-members. Wednesday May 10 Senior citizens are welcome to get on board for the 'Arts and Flowers' bus excursion to, Terra Greenhouses ai Trafalgar and Britannia roada. The trip includes the chance to see paintings by top local artista witis lunch to foilow ai Kleinberg. Tise cosi is $45. To sign up or for more information, cali 875-1681. Tise Nassagaweys Women's institute celebrsies the arrivai of spring with the 'Garden Clean Up' ai Nassagaweya Communiiy Centre (Brookville Hall) ai 7:30 p.m. Ai ares residents are invii- cd tojoin in ibis communiy projeci. Bereaved Families of Ontario Haiton/Peel hosis Share and Support Niglit starting ai 7:30 p.m. ai 190 Britannis Road E., Unit 11, in Mississauga. For more information, cail (905) 507- 2200. A 'Hofflash on Menopause' presentation, isosied by Haiton Hcalthcare Services sud the Heari and Stroke Foundation of Ontario, starsa ai 7 p.m. ai Gslaxy Banquet Hall in Oakville. To reserve a seat, cali 338-4379. The Milton Seniors' Activity Centre isolda its moniisly Evening Euclire Party ai 7:30 p.m. The coat for Uic night - which fea- tures fun, socializing and prizes - ia $2. Tisose interested can cali 875-1681 for furilier details. Wednesday May 10 - 13 flic Milton Players Thseatre Group presents 'Jitters', a hilarious comedy sure to please evcryone. Dinner shows (Ssiurday only) cosi $30 and the show-oniy costs $10. Tise show is presented ai the Milton Seniors' Aciiviiy Centre, 500 Childa Dr. For tickets cali 875-0629. POle-ase fax Datelîne info to 878-4943 r drop it off at our office, 191 Main St. E. OferEndM PSat. Mayl130O AINE oeEIEÎHEATIN & CommeS (905> 5048545 e bul fros 1 -M8-257-3240 1535 MeffoIdj Dr., Unit 20, MIuksIug Thursday May Il The Milton Human Resource Centre of Canada for Studenta has a booth set up at Milton Mail fmom 2 to 9 p.m. ta offer information on ail of its student job services. Thse Schizophrenia Society of Ontario (SSO), a self-help group for friends and families of people who have schizophrenia, offers a support meeting ai 7 p.m. in tihe Iibrary of Port Nelson United Church, 3132 South Dr., in Burlingion. Appoiniments are flot required. Cali 634-6797 for additional information. T'Me Victorian Order of Nurses offers a Foot Care Clinic ai the Milton Seniors' Activity Centre, 500 Childs Dr. Cali the centre at 875-1681 for an appointment. The M.E. Association of HaltonlHanilton-Wentworth sup- port group meets on the second Thursday of every monts at 7 p.m. at Tansley United Churcis, 2111 Walkera Line, north of Upper Middle Road in Burlington. Cali 319-7966 for further details. Toironto Parent Findera, a search and support group for aduit adoptees and birth relatives, nseet ai 7:30 p.m. ai Huron Park Community Centre, 830 Paisley Bivd. W., in Mississauga. Meetings are held on thse second Thursday of each month. Cail (416) 465-8434 for more information. Join Mayor Gord Krantzand Mr. Univerae Shaun Davis at The Nutrition House's new store opening at thse Milton Mail. For more information cali 693-8942. Friday May 12 Learn to write a resuiné, cuver letter and contact card ai tise Milton Human Resource Centre. For details cali 876-9828. Saturday May 13 Fathers and their children are invited to a weeidy drop-in ses- sions ai the Milton Community Resource Centre, 917 Nipissing Rd. 'Dad and Me' goes from 9:15 to 11: 15 s.m. For more infor- mation cati 876-1244, ext. 12. The Milton Choristers present a Maritime Pub Night ai Gambrel Barn ai the Country Heritage Park (formaiiy the Farmn Museum.) The Choristers present down east favorites and wei- corse higisiand dancers and a live banoi. Tickets are $15 for adulis, $13 for seniors and children 12 and under are free. Tickets can be purchased in advance ai Peggy's and Deicourt's or by caiiing Robin ai 876-3307. Tickets ai the door are iimited SO patrons are encouraged to purchase tickets in advance. St. Paul's United Church hosis uts annuai Geranium Tes ai 1:30 p.m. ai 123 Main St. It coats $5 a person and inciudes a ligisi lunch, entertainment and a geranium to take home. Sunday May 14 Join Knox Preshyterian Church in hosting thse winners from Use 15th Bienniai Milton Music Festival ai 2 p.m. Piano, voice, strings and woodwinds are showcased ai the event. Tickets are availabie ai tise door. Join some of tise region's finesi young musiciana for an aftemnoon of music. For details contact festival coordinator Jan Carson ai 878-0778. see more DATELMIE on page 33 "I'm cloing okay, but 1 wish 1 didn't have dia- betes. The people at CDA make it easier" Jaclyoagedl10 HILP SOMMEN CDM CMOCM5C YOIJ KNOW. ~ 'OAen C~E. CALL 1400BSANING ,a... BUYN TOQl M 0 MUCH SAqL? Stort saving TODAY When you purchase or rent a HIGH EFFICIENCY WATER f~SOFTENER! BAI CALL FOR DETAILSI I î1îl il

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