Bochringer W1110v Ingelheim YwO trn( aumedng[oga(y f6rrv cnezWh a iÇealI/icare tradtîm j .rprnIùy oser 100y9ani e;et6niger hteit un (e ana/a) .td u coamittedi c,,ceTènce &0 ifie e.cittgefd!,/i6uman p/iarmaceuticaT, animal ea/tii se(Jr-iacctan ,,untioaanz .rcup(èemeit., aud/îcre c/iémtcabè Investigational Supplies Assistant Boehrmnger Ingelheirs (Canada) Ltd. has an immediate apening for an lnvestigational Supplies Assistant an a fuil-time, one-year contract. Primary responsihilities wili include shipping, receiving andl retumas af investigational supplies In aur warehause. Sanie heas'y lifting is required. Applicants should have previaus order processinglwarehouse esperience combined with basic MS Office skills ta asaist in the coordination and inventory contraI of investigational supplies. The tuccessful candidate wl have a high school diploina, excellent computer and organizational skilla, and ke a teem player. Pharmaceutical expertence la an asset. Please suhmit resumne by May 18, 2000, ta: Human Resources - File No. CDOI, Boehringer Ingetheini (Canada) Ltd, 5180 South Service Road, Burlington, Ontario L7L 5H14. Fax: (905) 637-4278 Visic aur Web sire ut www.hoehringer-ingelheim.coni for information about aur cocparry._ Na plumeo agn il., . pi,'oun. Mueller Canada, a teading manufacturer of Gas ssd Water Flore equip- nient currently bas ecploymient opportunities for the following positions: INDUSTRIAL MECHANICAL MILLWRIGHT The successful candidate must: -have completed grade 12 h avesa minimum of 5 years experience in trouble strooting in s conventional machine shop environcieel - k famliar with hydraulie. pneumatic and niechanical repsirs b oitd current Province af Ontario Certification -must ke willing ta, car a straight aflemoan shift - k capable of servicing electrical contrat panels -previnas esperience with PLC contraIs woold bk comsidered ss misel -ability ta operate a ladre, milI & drill would ke an assel PRODUCTION MACHINE, OPERATORS Job Requiremenlo: -pnisRda -Previaus expenience in operatinZ Tunrer Lathes. Multi-pdlladl Drills and tapping equipeent. assemblies. etc. -Must ke capable ai lifting ap ta 50 lb. -Flexible and cilling ta care shifts an required -Previaus esperience in mamufactuning environcient TIME STUDY ANALYST Job Requirements -Mut have 3-5 yenrs esperience working with Measured Day ware standards, using direct stop watch nietlod -Must ke a self starter and capable of worings wirh minimal supervision This results aniersted individual reilI ke responsible for assisting in capital cast savings projeets alang with methods improvements; mainaning moutine systems and support labour reporting. Mueller airera competitive cages; a camprehensive kenefit package and a challengine care enviraneient. If yoa are interested in pursuing either apportunity. pleas farard a current resume ta: Mueller Canada 8069 Lawson Rond Box 1001 Miltion, ON L9T 4B6 Fax # (905)878-3888 Guelph Toril & Die LId. se a progressive, gractng QS9000 registered manufacturer of autamaotive maItaI atamping andi assembiies. TOOUNG CO-ORDINATOR Thais handa on persan warking In the engi-. neering departmnt ceiti tout and dia per- samnet ciliobe required ta ceorie cils stamp- ing dies, progreasive dies, welding andi aaaembtily éixtures. l wauld be beneficial ta have sainte expentence in designa and build- ing dies. Guelph Tool & Dis LId. affers a compelilive compensation and benelil package. Please aarad/faxI/ematl ta: GUEL.PHTOOLI & DIE LTD. 39 Royal Rd., Guslph, Ont N1H 1G2 Allia: Numan Resaurces Manager Fax:519-822-2327 W. titanik yon for yau infereut. however aniy cas- diafe under coostderalian anCi la canfaeled Osimilio's Premier Salun & Spa requires Puiliimo Exponiencod stylft With un vtirnout ciientll. Rbcsptlsuists Must irae basic computer xkiiis APPLV IN PERSON AT LMAGES Oattniiio Tuas Contre i Whon 1buying or eiline a vehiLc, romoml'er The Canadlan Champion. I. 2283 Argentia Roed. Mississauga, ON L5M 5Z2 Missisauga based company han the faiiowmng postions availabie. BINOURY-8ELVURY PERSON A fulil lice position for pirysicaiy capable sndi- niduai la cedon bind, fld, lift, shinnk-wcap & siripping. Also required la pick-up & deliner iocaiiy in campany coudce. If you are detail art- enled, passeas a naiid drivers license & clean drMvng record DIGITAIL OUITPUT PROFESIONAL A full lice computer tcined individuel, la out- put clients Mac &L PC fies ta colaur or blacke & cuite digital copiers. Individuel muat be Mtuent in Quarkr Express, Illusîtrar, Phalashap& Microsoft pragreco. Inleresledî candidates fax resuimes ta 905-567-3909 or E-mail: rActon concroto manufacturer has a fuill lime position availabie for: Gênerai Labourer Indoar/Ouldaor ware, no nights or week- ends. Fortdift expenience an assai _ sorte heavy lifting. Faxeitv reaues tndoenei Copaixv resnds beefts (519)853-1324 'Ij i vHoLSAL UMITEO Position available in LIGHTING SHOWROOM P/T Showroom Sales/General Help Mon.-Fn. & Saturdays, No eveningu Send Resumne ta: Gerrie Electii Wholeale Lt. 4104 South Service Road Burlington, Ontario, L7L 4X5 Attention: Sandra No phone colis please INVENTORY CONTROL Miltn arca. Large dixtibalar reqaires a minimum et 3 yoars irsndx n oxponleers in inconlery Iracking and reoning. Tis intornredialeofflice office positin ne- quiren ltha airilily le handle cery higir volumes and le a seii-mnlicaiod team player, Keuoige et cemput- ors and Excet sua must. Accounting Manager IP.O. Box 70, Miltion, ON LOT 2Y3 jor fax to (905) 875-4744 Part-lime (approx 30 mns pal raies caroorMt wthie arcas icdring Carpel & Orientai rog cloaner. Responsibilities inciado atoending notanti meetings, iniroucing our services te new commercial accounts, iromeoonens, intonier designers & carpot relaionr. Weo 01er salary plus commissin, mileage ailocsnce and rosponsivn management. Nu preitus carpot cioaning ursates expeniece nec- essary .WowAItrain yuu. Cl MI uts séodui am l.taew TO l ARANe FOR AN I5@EVIEW Laox 627c e , (MI) Ga 654l Bav7 4O7 SALOS Rd.,RE aI)ei, N 1 3S - - ELECTRICAL DESIGNER! AUTDCAD OPERATOR Leading manufacturer af air pollution con- trai equipesent seelis an individuel wha la computer literate and a self-starter ta design and propane complote elecîrical systema, inciuding electnica schemalic, mviring diagrama, P.L.C. dravvinga, pneumalic achematica and bilts ai matent- I. A sound knawiedge ai motor contraI utlizing P.L.C.'s and a working knawtiedge of Autoca i s essentiel. P.L.C. progrars- ming and some esperience wvith electrorde instrumentation wouid bo an assaI. Ploase farward your resume ta: Randy Masters P.C. Box 1000 Milton, ON LOT 4B7 or taxt: 905-875-1675 Hadriars Manufactsaring Inc. han immediale openings for lire lllnwng positions Rilifr. Operatur/Set/up * 10 stand rnlinoming operalion * requises knowiedge ni ocerrean jib cranes, vomier, micromeler * Min. of 5 yenr eopenience *CNC Turret Press OperatorlProgramer * requires basic 'G» cnde niiiy, andi Indulit ability * 5 years eoporience roquired Pleaso vend resume by tax ai (M0) 333-923, nr viaoe-mailleo bcWlelIuda-le.cmu IN TRANSIT PERSONNEL INC. Ining ysnr license & amsr to 7025 Toasksn Rd. la Mlsslsau hatumsa 10w2pn, Sat. May 6 and cool witr ur recruilers. We ara carresil ineiring for Class AZ & DZWuck Drivers ful & paritlice, ail shiîts, local wodi, on caîl. 1<8M) 937-8233, mir fer Mile e La.,) cancabe- Juo Northr America's fastont grnwing tecirnolngy. service cxmpany. Wo are curronlly stoiring qxalified indiniduals abs haco ooperi- once in Sales, Acconn Managoment and Growing a Business. Reqnirox high sadmisitrati e A siiyt eldans i n Tranvnnett eor dnisrbionn comany lo ate na Oavle s0 ptoog for nhnar paéd3 éronn. Muori nmm 60d mpm a expéri ence i a idos-5/al Do S appic tinis rurd rca rd résume béor My 1710 Fax: (905 829-9942al Ardinitralt Assistnt/ u et aitrligu aSoer cliace cnp . raies a indini dua strnibuofxtio coprnrand oaclin oi nalyis, uoreingo an encer- montin Min.da 2bler tosponinco in a at-e tome ioniîoncienr. Pri nco 6i0o tm ase exhprin itas9 inow 95/98 indcD. a plitons ius eie.ard yeînu esule: Feo a 1 105)33Fx:890)1 2 9- 4 Coletionals -esBurington Our client, a Iudingtnn irasod orupncnt finance ce., requis tan Cecinnda Reposil fOor btinpgua rnd terniledin epernienamt. Pefrnce gion Inths thswith pior loasingltinane oxpeionce. ATAY SERVICES Fu E95 3-125*oil: athay@idirec l.cnm Tise Cantadian Chanmpion, Tuesday, May 9, 2000-2 -1 - PART-TIME BLOCK CLERK This position is fast paced and requiren an individuel to care Tuasday during tihe day, and Thursday aveninos. If you possens strang interpersonai kIlîs and tise abitity ta adapl quickly ta nec situations please colt or fax resumne. PULL TIM OFICE CLERK If you would ie la, carin a busy but pleasant anvironcent and have supertor iterpersonai akitîs cits lise ability loaedept quickiy ploase fax resume ta: Kathy MacDonald (905) 875-2910 (905) 875-3522 NO> TELEPHONE CALLS ACCEPTED ON TUESDAV'S FOR THEABOVE POSITIONS Part-l ime File Clerk Approx. 20 Haurs Per Week Send or Fax Resume ta: Personnel Dept. Robertison Inc. 97 Bronte Street, Miltion, Ontario LEIT 2N8 Fax# (905>878-2299 E-mail: personnel@0rob.rtsonscrew.comn RECEPTIONIST Busy administration office located in Milton requires an energetic i'ull-time receptionist. Responsibilities ta include: " Answering of 8 line phone systemr *WTping *Openitrg and sorting of mail *Shipping & receiving of material *General office duties as assigned *Accounting knowledge an asset Must have computer experience, MS Office, Corel Wordperfect, and a pleasant telephane mannerismi. Please respond by Fax or in Persan ta: Sulco Industries Ltd. 264 Bronte St. S. Unit #13 Milton, Ontario L9T 5A3 Fax: (905)876-4676 (No phone eaUxs wlU be acoepted) CEIRTIFIED Dental As- aastant reued Milton RPIN office. 20.3 hornai w nm D week. Mon-Thu. C ail' rfIIIIIE (905)878-6482 sr fax P/T position, rosuce (905)B78-0664. may lead to F/T DENTAL ASSISTANT- Competîiie salary We are searcning tor.a birteni: apeciai persan to lin umtrseto aur busy genera prac- LAKESHORE PLACE lice iix Miltan 4 5314 Laboshore Rd. saY~O Caddtes Burlingion L7L 1 Mg9 shud be personabie orasrut : an ihymotivaled. orfxrsm o Mua be HARP cerlified. (IR5)333-3193 Fax resume la 905-876- 3278. DENTAL Receptionrat tar'Friday, Saturday and ams evening. Applicant sirould ho espenienne, dental copte naidg ABEL) preferred. AMpi in confidence ta: Dr. Mdad500 Laurier Ave., Un# 18, Mutas, ON4 L9T 4R3. PART-limne espeienoed Dental Assistant required for busy gênieraI dental practice, PDA ertification on assaI. Dr. Poule Cassin, 106 Walsefleld Rd. Mi- ton, ON. Fax 905-78-0557. National Eider Caro iras ramodialeo penings ten MURM Wa ofler-improced wages, inceolices, 3hrs shitf min. Quaitied maie pronlilianers ase eocoarag ol appiy Fax resumea 905-842-4616 or cal 905-337-2290 *NEC ns an equsi opporlanily enployer aitm1101111"bypLaehga Hapff grtma UUes