V The Canadien Champion, Tuesday, May 9, 2000 -27 Junior Red Sox trimmed by Brampton in season opener By STEVE LeBLANO The Champion Milton delivered a respectable return to junior comrpetition at Bian Best Park Sunday. Unfortunstcly, a depleted lineup and lack of timely hitsing poevented thero fromt making a triumphant one. The Red Sox were miaaing nearly haîf their master - duc to work commisments an wcll as vanious ailments - and strand- cd a dozen runners on base. These shortcominga were more than the local lads could overcome, as shey werc cvcntually outdistanced by the Brampton Red Sox 8-6. Manager Gien Turner aaid that given the circumatances, be waa quise pleaaed witb the teamas junior debut. "For the moat part wc played a very solid game againas one of the stronger ceama in the Icague. 'Me pisching bcld up celi," be rcmarkcd. "We juat came up ose hil short there as the end." Milton battled back frors a five-run deficit, but is plate pop fizzled down the stretch - witb juat a single bis rcgisercd over the last thrce inninga. Steven Jay, Mats Dickson and Andrew Coe aplis the pitching duties into even ". shirds. Eacli gave up three bita and colîc- tivcly aurrcndered a handful of earned runa. ~~ Bramopton did the rest of ita acoring by sealing home thrce simca. Coc initiated the boss comeback cam- paign in the fifth, lashîng out a double to Photo by GRAHAM PAINE Milton'. Bud Hall sildes Into thIrd base durmng the Junior teem's home opener againat Brampton Sunday aternoon et Brian Best Park. The Red Sox showed strongly, but were edged 8-6 KIIII cash in Bssd Hall and Kurt Mitchell. One inning later the local boys would close the gap with another four runs - brought in by Coe, Todd Black, Mike Austen and Taylor Lawton., Mitchell, Hall, Craig Hudak and Gord Momrson recorded the RBI. The visitors would bring in two more runs in the eighth to reestablish their lead, and barely held on for the victory as Milton had the winning mun at the plate in both the eighsb and ninth frames. Standing out defensively for the local club - as shortstop and centre field respectively - were Lawton and Black. Lawton engineercd the tiras double play of the year in the second inning ansd made five put outs in total. CORRECTION NOTICE mn our May 3-9 f lyer, the following error occurred: The Jenn-Air Tsp Of The Lise Smoothtop Range (JER8750) advertised on page 13 for $999.gg displays the incorrect prodsct pictare and SKU number. The produet picture that shouid have appeared ia the samne modal but BLACK in cotour (SKu#9g853750). 1he white modal (SKU#99853049) la not part of tbis pro- motion. We sincerely apologize for eny inconveniance this may have caused our velued customers. Black meanwhile, snagged three fly halls in the fifsh. Among those unavailable for the season opener were Paul Faggion, Jordan Jeans, Bobby McKnight and slugger Nathan Perronl. Milton will continue ita 27-game regular season schedule in Erin Mills Thursday. At Bian Best Sunday aftemnoon they will play host to the Burlington Buils. Game time is 1 p.m. MohesonMtheanu Dayni' withChefDomeicstears of joy Mit orlnc and inron Mother's Day, Sun. May 14 The patio is open Monday ta Saturday. Please corne and collect your free goodies. Fine dining and catering Fo *' raton Cl 876-049 Halton Ragion, in conjunction with SS Wilson Associatesasnd the local area municipalities, la currently developlng a Retai il Policy for Noise Atténuation along Regional Roada in responsa ta public requeats for f unding and installation of noise barriers. A draft policy has been prepsred and at the direction ot Regional Counci, staff ia aaeking input f atm property owners throughout the Reglon. Public a'od community associations. are invited to participate in the public conauftatt.an peoceas by aubrnitting wrilten bieaIs ta the Raglan and/or attending thse pianned Publie Information Centres in their respective municipality. Vour input la very important. Vaut are invited ta attend one of the lollowing sessions: " City of Butington - Monday May 15, 2000 O MM Robinson High Sctuool (cafeteria), 2425 Upper Middle Roud. " Town of Oakvllle - Wednesday May 17, 200)0 O Oakville Municipal Off ices (OskAile Roam), 1225 Trafalgar Rosd. " Town of Miltton - Tuesday May 23, 2000 O l-ugh Foster Hall - neat to the Town Municipal office, 43 Brown St. " Town of Halta HMis - Thursday May 25, 2000 O Halton Hilîs Civic Center (council chambers), 1 Hatton Hilts Drive. Pieuse note thaS ail meetings starS with an open houa. et 6:30 p.m. Iollowed byea presentation et 7:15 p.m. To receive s copy of the Counicit report, and the Draft Retrotit Noise Attesuation Policy or ta obtain addit.onal informuation pleaa. contact: Nek Zerves. C.C.T Hazeta OkIdsy, P. Eng. Transportaion Co-ordinater Pttafli 55WiIson Assoe. Rogion of Haton 01 OOttLSIi.,Suite 307 1151 Dronte Road FIihownd Hill, ON L4B 356 OakeSe. ONV L6M 3L 1 Phone: (905) 707-5MW Phione: f905) 825-161 x76.32 Fax: (ff5) 707-5801 Fax: f905) 82"a822 sswdwsnepahconl.coml zonvW.region.helton.on.ca