a < i e 2à '-- TheCanadian Champion, Tueaday, May 9, 2000 Wet win at Mohawk The month oC May opened with showers ai Mohawk Raceway, but that didn't stop Victoria Dare fromn doing a raja dance around six rivais la tbe $53,500 final of tbe Princeas Paciag Series. The thrce-year-old daughter of Artsplace got off ta ber usual slow start aad fouad herseif second st la the early goiag as Village Mystic grabbed coatral ai tbe race- track for Paul MacDonell ia an impressive :28.1. As the haîf flashed up la :57, Miltoa's Randali Waples moved second choice Kesons Detigbt ta the top and tried ta gel a breather before Victoria Dare came cati- iag. Ton late as it would tumn out, as Rager Mayotte already had Victoria Dare la top gear and blew on by ta reach the three- quartera ia 1:25.2, courtesy ai a middle baillan an explosive :55.2. She stili kept enougb ia reserve ta pace ta a comfortable victory la 1:55.3, wiaaiag by one-aad-tbree-quarter lengtba over Cosmic Angel - wba nipped Kesons Deligbt for second. Wbile obviously pleased witb ber effort, Mayotte aaid Victoria Dare was an adven- ture bebind tbe starting gate. "Sbe's alwaya been badl bebind tbe gate and just didn't get up ta it like last week when she was better Ibis ever,- said Mayotte. "Wben the gate left abe was going back- wards away from it 50 I lot away a littie warae than 1 wanted ta. 'lTben, wbea I moved ber, I saw Randy cleareai aad I figured 1 better not let hlm get a boeatber sa we came at hlm pretty bard. I was able ta clear around hlm belote we lot inta the turn. Sbe bas very higb spee., After sucb a fast middile hall mile. Mayotte admitteai be was concemed enter- iag the stretcb. He recalled, "Sbe was a littte tired in tbe lane, but she just kept gaing." Yauag bought the sturdy filly for wbat bas turaed out ta be a bargain $25,000 U.S. back at tbe Meadowlaads Sale in January. Afier a somewhat lacklustre faurtb-place finisb la ber firat start for Young, Victoria Dare bas since reeled off seven consecu- tive victoniea. The $26.750 Princeas cheque boosted ber 2000 earninga ta an impressive $90,085. Young said Victoria Dare's scbedule calta for a trip east ta New Jersey for somne stakes races Chia montb befare retumiag bome June 3. Mustangs, corralling wi&s in bQys bsebûll, lIbe only thing Milton Ditrict High's basebat team bas been unsuccesafut at tbrough tbe flrst balf af their regutar seasan scbedule is fanding adequate competition. A quick glance at their nuru- bers and tbat point îsa't even rmtety, debatable. Since blanking Actan 7-0 ta open the year, the Mustangs have widened their margin af victory cach tiano ou. }lc#diag stl unbllaten la tbe Hatn Regioa Richlardson Division - Burliatpton's Notre D~aim Mtsb being the other. Tbey kept their perfect record intact with a sweep of their cross-town rivets. At Mapteburst Park Wedaesday, MD expladed for aine rusa la the fiftb inaing en route ta traundcng tbe E.C. Drury Spartans 12-3. Leadine MD's offensive Jeif MacLeod eiiasbed a two- stan hiu ta higblight a five-nin first iftiiig wtsile Paul Duf capped tbinga off with a tbree- rua abat la the sixts. Konkle and Mike L.eisbma eacb had a pair of bita wbite rookie. Curtis Davies recorded bis flrst bit Finkbeiner beld appasiag bat- ters at bay tbrougb bis atlotted four malanga, ailowiag just tbree bits and one rua, while McGuffie rîb aela taplpac for child t n about peraonal safety New there's help. LA-Z-BOY FLIENITURE GALLERJES AT THE BURLINGTON POWER CENTRE, in parlnerabip witb the MILTONî CHAMPION, are proud ta introduoe the BE SAFE Program. - 11w BESAFE Actiy G ivteamilie AI) and a achoahooam fult of chaidren on videa, as a child expert traches everyonet how ta avoid or deat with dangerous situations.!m This fun and entertainang videa helps chidren Ieamn nat ta accept gifla and rides tramn strangers; how ta use a family code word; how ta handie inappmopnate behaviour tramn aduits, and ways to avoid other harmfsal circumstances. Along with the video, the Activity Kit alsa inctudes colouring book(s) reirnforcing the sticker(s) ta oelebrate your famatyemn'onstamtevda sn BEST OF ALL, THE BE SAFE PROGRAM IS OFFERED TO YOUR FAMILY ADSOLUTELY FREE!!! le's aur way of giviag back ta oser community and sayiag thiaak you for your support PICK UP YOUR FREEU! BE SAFE ACTIVMT KIT AT: yU KN KIDS tOI O LA-Z-1Y FURN17URE GALIERIES BE c FEf Q.. &BRNSUF (905)331-7600 2ND ACTON AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY FUNDRAISING TOURNAMENT ALL PROCEEDS TOWARD NEW BUILDING MIXED 3-PITCH TOURNAMENT MAY 26, 27, 28, 2000 ACTON PROSPECT PARK.- Ranin or Shine ENTRY FEE - $200.00 - 2 games guaranteed PLAY BALLI $$PRIZE MONEY$$ Support our Building Fund Entry based on receîpt of payment Cheques made payable to the Acton Agricultural Society Contact Linda Robson 519-853-1591 (eveninga) 519-824-4120, ext. 3760 (daya) 519-826-5745 (fax) Emnail: linda-@snowhite.cis.uoguelph.ca Milton Communify Resource Centre ollers: Cherish Nursery Sohool and Brookville Country Playroomn Registration Day Fali 2000 Cherish - 540 ChiId's Dr. May 19th - 9:15 arn - 11:15 arn Brookville - Ebenezer Church Your Child can participate in programrs offered at our 2 locations varying from 2 or 3 morninga or 2 affemoons with aur qualified, f rendly Staff. Children f rom the ages 2 1/2 ta 5 years wiIl participate in sangs, games, creative art activities and reading readineas activities. Fees: 2 mornings or 2 afternaons $70.00 3 mornings $1 00.00 Yearly Mernbership tee of $35.00 For more Information caill Ï 876-1244 sxt. 15 V~c Fax your team -reports and sports story ideas to Ste veI LeBlanc at 8978-4943. CORRECTION NOTICE la our May 3-9 flyer, the Molowlngerror occurred: " The Xerox KX35 Coloar Al-In One adver- tised on page 7 for $379.99 (save $20) dispisys the incorrect pnces The pnice for Chia product should have read "$49,9 (aller $3000 instant savingsr, NOT $379.99. " The Xerox 470cx Coloar AJIin-One advertised on page 7 for $469.99 (sa"e $30) displays the incorrect price. The prices for Chia product ahould have read 1U79.99 iafter $200 instant &avinae NOT $469.99. W. siner.ly apologize for any lnco.nnc. this may bave caused our valued custonor.