ix you nave any quebi:ooîtiitbi professionals can answer, please write to: "Ask The Professionals" do The Canadien Champion 191 Main Street E. Milton, Ontario L9T 4N9 Tins Doney 86 Main St., Milton canota Francoz PHYSIOTIIERAPISTS 876-1515 Q: t ac neq going for a gold seas, hat 1sill cette lry to impreve and acisie cy persosal lient lu succer sports tisis year. Cats you offer soce lips' AL' Sommer is a terrific lime te cnjey oatdoor sponts and fitness activities. Doing ccllins yos cisoice of sport sud isaving fnn are important, isocever. equstty important is preventiug an inury. FirsIly, examine tise sports yeu like mont. WisaI type oS exercise do Iisey pro- vide? Determine cisetiser tise sport hctps liuild bsody strengts or muscle endurance, improve flexiility, procole co-ordisation and bialance or peovides a cardiovascnlsr cork est for yonr hcsrt sud longs. Tise activilies yon cimoe sisonld provide an opimum, all-asmuud bsody corkont. Tisis mus tisaI yoo sisosld tiit abiout atl of tise componienîs oS flînens -- acroii fituens, flexililli' ty, and strenglis sud participate in a variesy oS activities sisal sogesiser citi effet isenel'ts in ail or most of tise ameas oS l'ttuess. If yoa are tisinking about cardiovanculse enercise or muscle endurance lry ndimcisg, calking, meller'islsding or cycting. Ceaine lisis cils an enecise for Stexiisilily, bsalance, co-ordinstiou or relaxation lise tennis, bsadminton or yoga ouldoors! Remeciser, tisaI tise old nayiug "ne pain...no gain" is junt tisaI, su otd sayiag, s cylis. Today, cake youx mollo 'train...don't strail". Tis sicply crans tisaI yes'll remeahber te stsy in shape lismugis tise minIer t0 ensure that yonr bsody ix sIca Sllunem leoel tisai ciii shlow you te play sports citisout injury att summer. Commit te doing s cana up sud cool docu ecish lime you exereise or play a sport. Receaiser tisaI if you are nec tesa sport. you nsould pmogress yourself graduslly in terrs; oS the lime. ialensity. and Smeqceacy thisa you par- ticipale te reduce yos chanucen of injury. Tisink about chethar yocr tport iss suy repelilive cevements. liendiag. twist- ing or othar motion tisaI cas contrihate le muscle stmains or ligaments spmains. A phyniotharapint cas help yec le examine lise type of sport you are playiug sud develep c plan of preventative exereise sud educatien. A pisysielisemptst cas offer infoemation t0 medc peteullut pmbleis liy msseming lise iome- chaules of yeursport. TisaI simply amans. hoc yocr bsody is eeviag chen yee bit cils your racket or swing yeur clus. Laatly, reteeher thisa tise ment important aspect of raldoor spot is lise fua yuu'l have while sîayiug fit! Sem yeur dector or meginlemed pisnielisempist fer tise Imeateent of su injury or guidane for injury pcevenlion. Por more information, contact Ceunie or Tics ai tise Hclloa Coamanity Rehais Centre 876-1515. Illton Trherapeutlc Massage Clînle 75 Main St., Ste. 10 (acuni lac ZaIns Phsunnuevl 878-80 Jle sad Registered (HM.) .l., RMT Massage Therapy Ryaoanorns 1a.t, RMT Q: How cen registereci massage therapy help with my pain due to osteosrthritis? A: Osteoarlhrttis la a progressive degenerative joint disor- der involving loas af cartilage as coll as bony changes due ta wear and tsar within a joint. Tise symptoms of pain, swelfing andi stiffness are made worsa by musclas spasming arounci the affected joint. When musclas sur- rounding the erthritic joint are in spaam, the recuit is a decreese in blood circulation ta muscles and joint sur- faces and an increase in pressure and mslsfignmrent within the joint. Registered massage therepy la affective in raducing muscle apasm immadialely surrounuding thse arthritic joint as cal! as in other musculature in the body thet is over- worfced due ta compenation for the pain and stifines of oatearthritis. By dacreasing muscle apaam, circula- tion la improvad, there ls arelief of pressure and range of motion is increaed. Not only doas this relieva pain and stiffnaaa in the short terni, the improvad muscla health cen slow dlown the progression of osleoarthritis. In the long term, e mes- age therepiat wif I provide thse client wfth stretching andi atrengthenirtg exarcisea ta do et home. Thesa exercis- es dili help ta meintein joint and muscla halth, as well as improve posture and alignment of joints, therefora minimizing further wear and tear on ail joints in the body. Please caîl Ryan or Jullien et the Milton Tharapautic Masage Clinic, 878-0800, for any questions regarding regiaterad message mherepy or ta book an appointment. Mothers Day gift cartificaes evaillbf e! Hawkins Animal Hospital Debbie Hawkins B.Sc., DVM Doctor of Veterioary Medicine 550 Ontario Street South, Milton ia " Illiiii! (Pizza Hut Plaza) Debie Hawkins Phsone (905) 875-6888 13.Sc., OVU Fax (905) 875-6853 THE IMPORTANCE 0F THE "IANNUAL CHECKUP" Most of as agree that the assaI trip to the veternaran witlt our pet s synonymous with shots or vaccinations. This ia most cases is truc, however t isetieve that tbe opportsnity for our pets to receive a thorougit physicat examisatios is of equal importance. We hsmatts are nto different as we visit osr doctor on a yearly isasis, asd we consider tIse visit of key importance te our heatth aud wett iseisg. The isuge difference is tisas we cas verbatize ose heati prois- lems sud 0cr aches sud pains. Before vaccines are administered te a pet, he or she sisoutd receive a systematic examination. Tise ears sttoald lbe exatsined with a special scope te esamine tise ear canal sud eardrsm for absonti- ties. Tise eyes sud anside the eyes shoutd ise examined! with a speciat lamp for tise same parpose. Tise thmat sud toasils sisoutd ise checked for masses sud teeth checked for dental proisiemu. Tise heaet sud lssgs should lie lîstened to with a stethoscope te deteet problenis such an heart murmura. aisuormal rhythms sud aissormat breatis nounda. Tise aisdotsen is palpated t0 detect chsages an tise sire of lis contents, i.e tise liver. spleen,-kidney. intestines sud srinsry bladder. This cas identify areas of diseomfort for your pet isat you as tise osener could otiserwise lie unsarem of. Tise akeleton - aeck. liack, tail sud legs should ail ise palpalcd for aisaormalities. As yos ca imag- ine, ail of tisese proilsiea show us to flnd alinonmaltiîc that your pet esu not tell yos absout. 1 caiseteieve that oue peta have a mach higiser tolerare 10 pain tisas we do, se il is oeshly up t0 as t0 flnd tise pmhblemas. So oflen 1 examine s pet's moutis t0 find s liroken tootis or asssed toots tot, tise pet aever isavtng exlhîbted dîneomfort. If we isad such prohlemai w olairuhtownhe D eni t a cly Gr eoupd Sie f our babysché an ineo reetion roing wtie pifier ifue en unng batc end feorth toe pedinttrias oficles bacuase ai yor abysi tespotentinfo ouge maynd aie liefi fGneaDnToswystde 0 Dretl who r 1 olia agaor youger Tilytond tia -55 pec ntm acifie Sera iado ea r bb' infections, comera ci 2 erenth e opacifier Oetie meia ther bascnii amfrsemd ear infections, yuna idsm eifi allen stdevp than iuses from a asinftion 0ftee liiser ose anrd fayai idlg tise Incin. or sitory tub o lse icde ofr. lisaa comnprbeoatisar td20ci affect sto 6ee 2 ercnt cf Cgorinous lngy an pai er cento h aiiruserts uloytbs t baeom intonms, copad isi ho s3 ecetonfa tse thpaiir lins cmeda h 1s ini la n fract middle ear infections easy. Paciflas dae baiss ot eaninftis of1h c ntury ciandmth ahra foncravl iaclng d sac islpe qeoier cryingry bab th ies.e Sinca Itsen il hamn ble conned mat affckisng la6 paret oflad netlchildth dietelomal ve n ller tis bhaby.sbnm baby huaus strong napctifiurg a cauk fore luitrai tuie mot ai If a Allr mt pe, accrdiog l rserers, liseushe aimea l mey e bto lae coideer rnsicion s pacer oa unsed onl forin lise baby f r ols t ise pacifir o ,ma ncect ils manymicroorgis atda bac e a eisi 5cle iroug wsici lise uinseen i been anirse etert lse ckinspat or avtl Ifd yort cisild de c ontinul Eertlitar nfeions, is bm bulie ba aaiv a srga orInsti t c lag t stc o th is t seix on iCharlene Summerfield B.A.A PHEc, N.D 0Doco of NaturopathiC ed din Main St. East, Suite 201, Milton Q: wisat is omeopatisic medicine (isomeopatisy)? A: Homeopatisy is a scientific systea of medicioe isosed on tise peisciple tisat "tise cures like", catled tise Law of Siailans. This crans tisat a sais. stance givea iu ygM minute amonts cas alleviate tise same or similar proisîcas tisat it can cause lu lurger amonts. Tisis principte cas lirst esanciated isy Dr. Samuel Haisnemann in Gennauy once 200 yearrs ugo. He stated there werc tco ways of treatiug il iseati: Tise cay of oppo- sites sud tise cay of similans. Q: Hua does isomeopatsic medicine differ froc conventional medicine laltopstsy)? A: One cay tisey differ is tiseougis tiseir appracis to treatment. As mn tîoned aisove, isomeopatsy treats isy cay of simitars, cisereas atlopstsy treatu isy cay of opposites. Attopatisy prescrihes drags cisics itiser decrease au overactive systea/organ actinity or increase au uderactive systea/lorgan activity. Anotiser nignificaut difference isetcees tise tco medicat paradigas la tisat isomcopstisy treats escs penson as an individual, tisere is nos one reaedy for a particular illness. Tco people citis tise tome ittuess aay receive tco différent homeopathie remedies isased on tiseir individuat cisaracteristicu. Convensely, sltopathy treats people ciso have tise saime ilîness wisis tise samne dmg or group of dmugs. O: Wisat lu tise diffèeace iselceen homeopssisic medicine sud aatsropatsic medicine (uatumopatsy)? A:Homeopstsy in a sHejf type of stracait dit anvoines tise administra- tien cf minute ameanta of ratumai suistanuces derived fruan minerais. plat or mnimai hypreducis. Nctnmopatsy is a more gcsent ternu used te denote s fteld of aedicine tisut coaprises ay fenus of treatacut isesides isoaeopatsy ac au clinical nutrition, isoîsuicat medicine. pisysicul mèdicine, acupucture sud oriental acdicine sud tifestyte cocasetling. O:Wiat kinda of Wiutis proicas have you tmeated tuccensfutty cits home- A. patiy? A:1 have iseen chie te belli people cuis a vaiety of acute sud chronic cen- ditions sueis us coldalflu, headaehen/aigruinet, inteatiuut/isowel 'jinorders, eczemu, menstruallmenepcusst proisteas, atisa chronie fatigue sud depression. NaimrpeiMdk a" teat ùfi cavera b> amti utieadai MMeb cmr plies Seniors on WATCH 420 Main Stieet East Unit C, Suite 414 Milton, Ontario L9T 5G3 (995) 691-3312 Roland WeekaS "Seniors on Watchn are a group of retired Milton active professionals whose main function is to make sure you have a worry free Holiday. In order to do that we patrol your property at varying times and take the necessary steps to discourage intruders. Also, we are experienced in pet care; there is no doubt in our minds that if they could talk, their choice woUld be to stay home rather than being boarded out at some kennel. In our time, we have looked atter the welfare of cats, dogs, fish, birds, and iguana's. Lastly, plant care is another one of our funo- tions; maybe you have plants that you've given loving care and attention to over the years, surely they don't deserve to be neglected at this time. Please caîl our office today in order that we may custom arrange a program for you. Our fees are modest, as a matter of fact, they have been drastically reduced for the summer, some as much as 45%. In addition we are easy to talk to and there is no charge to arrange a program. 462-2048