Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 9 May 2000, p. 23

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It you have any questions these professionals can answer, please write to: "Ask The Professionals" do The Canadian Champion 191 Main Street E. Milton, Ontario L9T 4N9 The Natural Choice in Health Food l â Laurie Vaughan-Sherman C.R., A.E.C., T.T., N.U. 190 Main St. E. Milton 875.1342 Q: What are somne of the symptoms of indigestion? A: Many of the symptomns associated with indigestion are caused through difficulty in breaking down and absorbing or assimilating foods after a meal. Common complaints are gas, bloating, a feeling of heaviness after the meal, nausea and a poor appetite. Ail the good food in the 'world won't build health if you aren't digesting it. Second Nature is having a health seminar on learning to recognize signs of poor digestion, differentiate between hunger, appetite and low blood sugar episodes. Learning to match food selection to diges- tive capacity. To register for this seminar on Thursday, May 11, 2000 (front 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.). Seating is limited, please caîl 875-1342 to reserve. Upcoming seminar on: Aromnatherapy, by Diana Roskam, Certified Aromatherapist. May 17, 2000 from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.. Caîl 875-1342 to reserve a seat. ""va0.-. a. se., 0. Cih. Q: Wa A: A iran joints. againat painful tire tocs tire toc Thriscet create s lar man and hec createe at tre caltous. A hum painful enlarge no rcdi preasur from pi ing. C develoj ing in deforso tire disi Tise c Hl YQLMFIITR9RS CampaI. Vinyl -Ceramica * Hardwaod Paint - Waiicaverings Shacruore RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL Geràidine Heaketr 845 Mai. st. I. MIN«. 878.4280 Decorative Outdoors Now that summer has been thrust upon us, the time has arrived to spruce up outaide. Plants picked out, water can and bug repellent ready, what else is needed? Hmmm... weIl carpet of course! Ia this person insane? Yes, but that's arsother story. Outdoor carpeting is so appealing these days. Gone is the grass look unlesa you over fertilized and it's your only option! Seriously, the styles abound and shades will wow up decks, patios, balconies, solariums, boats too. It's a great D.I.Y. product too. It dosen't fray on the edges like indoor carpet s0 can be easily cut to suit design and shape required. One of my person- al favorites is the sisal and if your old paving stones look ugly then outdoor carpet is a great choice. It stands up to a lot of abuse, which is also why some people use it in their cottages. Next on the list... Antihistamine. We don't seli that sorry, but we do have most of what you need to make your home beautiful inside and out. Have a Great Summer from aIl @ Comfi Interiors. GREG J. LAWRENCE B. sc., D. cii. FOOT SPECIALIST / CHIROPODIST iM N Y~.IsS iso 350 Main St. E., * esnn Froid. (905) 878-6479 G.I.c-' - i AL.S 1A Princoea Anme Dr., uti, ocd Dias5 Georgetown, Ontarlo L7G 4W4 Te:<05.7-04 (905) 702-1611 Fax: (905) 876-2934 L OMCR Member oftheOntario Socety of Chropodafa 420 Main Street Est, Milton, Ontario L9T lP9 .and The Ontario Cottage of Chiropodtatas ra hamnmertoeu? 0:Whai t lisa afciry? (PART ONE) nertoe -is a frxed bend in ose of the toc A: As aicuscd bore, s ireselciaiy s apon o lahoc you cuir rt ie ssci- As tire toc hecomes deformed, il rabs tlilu ra abtr a upecific esîsi occams for euarepe dealir or die catrarp (end) of a the shoe sud tire irritation can cause poîicy. lesiguusung a haueticiary is acdîticai rumeur ot pour rîte planning sud usx coma. Coma may also deveiop hetweea plauuing. If yos die reiehur a ciii. or witr 'craite as yoar haeeiciary or citbosi Tirhese ar e aattahly due ta a rotation of euy dcsignuted ircsetciary, peur sera ciii ire suirjeci Io proirure sud usurtier. ratirer tiran u contraction (buckling). Depeniug uponutheass,r m e assavsu. scause the joints 10 rab togetirer and nay For erempie, yos car rna reose s ircaeciary of pour Lite Isuure picp. mail home spara tiret cause cornu in aimi- Wireu pas die, the face ermiut et de peiicy je pRid lotrai prsn suliy sx-ficel. ner. In addition, tire skin can break down Segregaied fude, eleuidies, sud RRSP's oa ail hase baee5ciadce. RESPs rest orne infcctcd. A severe irammertoe may hrasve amed ericciery. Becficiaty identification ca cuse confusiou heaese lownward pressure on s metatarsal hone diey are clasifedin a carai différent maes. rail of tire foot, and add ta tire cause of PREFERRED AND ORDINARY: Prefeiri red eticiedes iuctade uppsce., cildres, parens asd gradciric. Oidiuaey iresefciareu are euy ose cire. Preferred bonrs. claies cujoy creditr protecdion ou yosr idenud5ed essors. Of tha picfcucd group mertoe nay be present but nat always spoue sud deedeit cirilires cay recise e tas-tee roitoser et your RRSP ascii unicas irritatcd hy shocs. One may have upou your death. Odiers coaid recciea taxirle asaunt. Oidiisry hanicciaerle d toc joints with somte tirickencd skin and eujoy ncideù of dhec haiefits. cass or swelling. However, if ahoca create RE'/OCABLE AND IRREvoCABLE: Wbos ymu estahili cho yas sautas yeni e on tire joint, tire pain will usually range bone5iciary. risse arce dccl chai yos sel dhe firht ta chaute yaer min (resoceirie: .nciring and squcezing to sharp and hum- sud appount asolirer hancfciary, and ticce chayen cs my neser bae l ceangg :ramping in tire tocs, foot andi leg nay trear harretdier, lirrcocsiril eideout dheir phor rites coucunt. s front tire muscles and tendons function- PRIMARY AND CONTINGENT.- Pdrary haelfciades receise your assers or yea airnormai positions hecause of tire deadi. Condingeut boctlciardes oniy reccise your uccut if dhe pdcery haefrcisrs cd joints. In long standing conditions, dies hafcce, rosidhe saine time as, yen do. Bcrrebciary dergaiis ra veiy repostait ies. Plouc soir for "part ire et bece ocated joints can cause pain and artirritis. ficiadecs lu cult couihu Asr dhe Profeseisselu er contact mir office if ymu immic offers exteiuded houra. have speciic queios. le Milieu, Mseey Concepts pirone lucharit No referral ia nececreary. 876-04M.t ,use calla are also avarilable. Ald@ 9 m oqGpVdWNJ Ao b. 15 Martin St. 905-93-9594 Krialan Foley "Providing a Naturai Way ta Better Health and Weliness " Q i have tried juat about every dlet in th. aest three yeara, and i can't aeemn ta keep my weight off. Why la that? A: The answer as realty qurte simple. diets don't workl Unfartuuatey, there are a lot ai "quicr lis' promises, raugiug from "lat-eating" pilla ta ali-protein diets la muscle stimulation instead af esercise. The common desominator amauug these la tiret they aller short-term solutions ta a loug-term wveight prabiemt. Most make unproven claims of "weigrt losa", and cen be poteutiaiy dangerous ta yaur ireatr! At Herba Magie, we uuderatand that acirieving long-tm weight losa resuits requires tomas on the underlying ceuse of weight gain: poor eating habitai Tire mut be a change in tire way ana approaches food ou a DAILY basis. With this iu mind, Herba Magic has designed a sensible, wveil-batancedi eating plan that uses only your own gracery store bought loada (no shakes or pre-packaged meals). Sale, al naturel herbai supplements are used ta heip contrai appetite sud baast metabalie rate, making it essier ta adapt ta a heathier, eating lilestyte. Tire irained heatr counselors et Herba Magie kuow how hard tl a to-break aid habits, sa ana-an-ans caunaeing and guidance la provided.eacr and every visit. For more informa, tian, stop by or cai us et: Herba Magic, 15 Merin Street (Cardage Square> 693-9594. Maxima Stanley haa a B.A. In Soclology and an S.S. W. In Social WorAL Sha haas wos*cd with thec Hcn*al Maigie pirogramt Counseliug & Psychatherapy Individuels, Couples, Children & Families 11084, SIi Uine, Milton, Ontario Elayas M. Tanner (905) 854-0801 My aile aud i are usssa Kl sare cuias the righl dacisisu regurding sur daugter. She is 13 aad ce are reiscisai ta le ai hersai caed parties. She leels thal we dealt trutaihr aud are ireiag ceas. A: Vaur daughter %vill ual like cy auswer. 1 beliese lirati ls yaur ahb lu guide. leuch aud praleci yssr chiid aud if ye luire the easy calte, iettiug her de whalaser she wauls su that as ciii lira yas, u are resegisa au oui dulies. Chiidreu aced supemvision ad ihey used tu ba tssghl has te ce gasd, curai sud sate decisiaus. There isa uairessut people et tis ste du sol gausraip lise on Ibeir ares sud tiraI s heausa tbay sth1 ueid dirctiou. lhey, ut curse, shsaid healliiwed lu cuire suce decisisus, but iu sites- lieus cre a crsug chuice cal pst truc ut risr. 1 hetieve tirai yuu îhoaid isiemvese. I base uulortsuatey, sea csupy Ieus as yauug as 13. chu have beau raped iry scio"rsi auds", hsspitluized clase lu dealir iecuse af aits- hol psisauiug sud drag user doses aud cira ara seit-csiutian (caltiso, irscing, scratchiug sud siamingi or atteapiu suicide, irecuse uft liigs liraI gt las tar saut o coulrul cirsu they cere sut supenised. Wis buse also sundssiredp lest lo asy ou etur peun peuple lu ulcubai rested traffic accideuts, hacase ai haîd chaices liraI resait iu Iragedy. Younug peuple haliese lirai ley sre inaincible bat sulartsuately, Ibis is ual Ire. Asd dua't Ibiuir tirai ur seuit Ifs Idue pralactu Ihec irecase il dues ual. Cuti ta lire bocas wbere the parties sud siaap-asere ciii ha. Asr d Mose cii ha coustaut supervision chule peur ciid sa Ibse. Asi l the pares alias their cuides sud gusss la driuir sicahai sud use drugs iu iheir hure icauy do). If ciidcun sre iusilad tee aIflieudus cottage, ii liri ha adaits Ihare chu se wi1lin 1, luire tire respsusibiip for yqur chid oase lbap guiug sp witi se aider îihiug, cie sa hasisa Ihair ses paity? iDs usi assure. Frsqaeitly, sirea parents culi, lbap are sbacrsd la heur chat lire athar parents ara asuciat. Gel lire tacts sud du o ual ha aid lo akie au unpepua dacisisu - sove s ual aissys easy. tqrar Tonnrei ar C.ri. Soal IV.,r in prmrote prcric in, nrh Mia., fys ta jiue/ qae5erify Pusr rsltke a arreuue en Oppadusees placol (905)et 54-0801. a5eeatuausod "UMM

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