Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 5 May 2000, p. 8

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8-Tii. ChIiUlhn C1i~ilan, Fhlday, May 5.2000 HIGHSCHOO[RFJ' RT? M lianE "A', N~U mmim ucum - Bu, M~SsaC5uioey Grade "A" News ai MDHS By Jacqueline Basa and Marissa Cheskey It'a been an amazîngly beautîful week and we hope Ibat everyose has had a chance to get out and esjoy the sun- shine when your flot busy dosng homework of course. Starting off with sports here at MD., Uic girl's soccer season la slarting b look up. On Tuesday nighî. lise girls had a game against Alderahot and had a 2 ail lie! "We could have won tbough!: saida key member. Giri's sofî- bail also had their liraI garne in Acton on 'llsesday night. The girls kicked some scrioua butt wilb a score of 7-3. Way to go girls! Keep up Uic spirit and Uic good work. The Ultimate Drink Mix conteat was held on Tuesday morning in Uic M.D. cafeteria. Due to a fieid tnp, some attidents were unable to pareicipale. However, moat of Uic entered drinks were great and it was bard 10 decide on a winner. After much deliberation, Uic brave judges decid- cd on Claire Murray and Kalby Osmond's creation. Kalhy and Clairc hcaded to Uic Milton Mail on Thursday cvening 10 test out their beverage on some more critica. We hope Uiat the conteat went cxccllentiy for hem. We'ii IcI you know csf Ibeir results ncxî weck flac World Vision 30 Hour Famine la an annuai fundraiser as M.D.H.S. and will take place Ibis ycar from Friday, May 121h at 9:00 a.m. unlil Saturday, May 13Ui at 3:00 p.m. As you can probably tcll from Uic name 0f Uiis event, participants are required logo without food for 30 siarving houes' In this way tbey get a 1aal~ (well maybe nol> of wbat Uic cbildrcn Uiey are raising Uic moncy for go througls on a regular basis. If you are intereat in jump- startisg a diet (juat kidding), maicing a differesce, please pick up a permission form in Guidance or Uic Main Office. Many students are graduating Uiis year and why flot kick off your ycars here 51 MD. wiUi a bisat! Tickets wcrc sold for "Grad Night aI Wondcrland" Uiis wcek for $41.00 each. On May 26Ui students will go on abus to Uic park aI 9:00 p.m. and won'î returs until approximate- ly 5:00 sm. Uic ncxt moming. So if you're going we sug- gest that you book Uic day off work or anything that requires consciousness and have a day of rest. Lastly, we would like 10 Uiank Uic students who arc vol- ustecrisg their Saturday rnoming.Io come and help the cornrnunity dean up Uic cscarpment. Former M.D. stu- dent Joc Yawarski is organizing Uic dean-up whicb will take place from 9 arn until 1 I arn. This is a great way to kecp Milton a safe and beautiful place for everyone. Hopcfully Uic wcaUier will be great 50 Uiat thc volunteers can work on Uieir tans while doing Uieir part in Uic dean- up! Have a marvelous wcckend everyone and juat think, leas Uiat 2 more monUis until summer! DATELENE D.D.T E.C. D.D.T Ris. SCUGOL - Dateuse Duury By Candice Hugo, Samh Hamiltan, Krislys DiGolamo This past week bas becs exciting and busy. Wida only two more montbs of scbool lefI, dacre is stili so mucb that bas 10 be donc and ail Ibis is keeping Drury's Studenîs and Staff busy, busy, busy. We would like 10 begin Ibis Dateline Drury by iending a huge Ibank you 10 everynne who voluntecred dacir Urne and effort mb making Uic Essîcra Canadian Wrestling Toumament a succesa. Many wrcsllers, referees, student and parents worked very long houri dais wcckend and tbey deaerve a pst on Uic back for Ibeir contribution 10 Ibis event. Tbank You. Spcaking of winncns, Ibe valedictonan nominees for ttC. Drury's 1999-2000 graduaîing clati were selccled- Ibis pasl Tuesday. Thin years somisees include Jed Cosby, Tom Gailinger, Sm Kelly and Dave McFarlase ail of whom have put 50 mucb tirne and spirit mb makisg EC. Drury Uic place w be. It was vesy difficult 10 select just one 0f Ibese fine studerts le represent our class St commencement afler only bearing a few words frorn each nomince. Make sure 10 resU nexî weeks article to sec wbo wsa elected. Moving on 10 odaer triumphs, Amanda Branch received Uic student 0f Ibe monda Award. This young grade nine bas not wasted any lime. In ber firut year of bigb sebool she bas acbicvcd top marks, h s member of Uic Student AUiletic Society, Band, and Choir. Amanda smo proved 10 be a wonderful actresi wbcn ibe sbowed ber laient in this years enlcrtaining play, Fuddler on Uic Roof. Way logo Amanda! Amanda and other Members of Uic Student Athîctir Society have becs planning Uic annuai TriaIblon. Tbis ycar il will be beld on May 18da and Uic Adaletie Council invites ail students lu mmc ouI 10 dais fricndly competition and BBQ. Listen for Uic announcernent and sign up your leam os Ibe adaletie board in Uic lockcr bay. Who knows, maybe dacre will be a leam dais year Ibal can iîrip Uic Triadalon lropby from Uic wrestlers. Tbcy're sp for Uic challenge. Hopefully Ibe envirosment club will put together a trisîblos learn afler tbey rclsrn from receiving Ibe envirosment globe award. Today Ibe envirosment club travelrd 10 Ontario Place wbere tbey aîlended as environmenî assembly. This group of studenîs was awarded for ail Ibeir bard work in making Ibis world a cleaner place for future generations. Kecp up Ibe excellent work. As we corne 10 a close we would like 10 invite everyose 10 corne ouI Ibis weekend and cber on Ibe Varsiîy Girls Sommer Teami in Ibeir tournament Ibat will be beld bebind Uic ambool. We would also like 10 inforra cveryone wbo bassI secs Ibe large Crafi Sale signs os Ontario Street, Ibat Uic craft sale will be beld Ibis weekend in our aIbîclir building. make sure Ibat you are dacre 10 belp support Uic Prom Committce wbo will be selling dclimious remipes. Have greal wcekend. Il rrTH66country Squ.res Garden" 5 J 5 4' 5 J * 2601 DERRY RD.., WEST, CAMPBELLVILLE (Just wesf csf the Guelph Line> a, e. ~O5) w ~ - M ~ Growers of over 5,000 different hardy plants, alpines, ~ dwarf conifers and shrubs, hardy ferns, vines, groundoovers and native wlldflowers. WE INVITE YOU TO VISIT US. Lli~I 81.00 and here's One Dollar of "Bloomin' Money" for you! LJL2~IIIIIIci HOTU. REPORT DESHGP REDENO ~ MEUH SCUSOL Dia.. I.doya hall,, YenS,. Royal Report By Diana B.doya & Justîn Yantjso WiUi the scisool year quickly comisg 10 a close, students are working diligenîly 10 ensure a succesaful year. Graduates are rernisded that grad fees are now due. Dcparting seniors should aiao be awarc tisaI ail pictures for Uic grad sîlde show should be submitted as soon as possible. Midterm reporta were distrsbuted two weeks ago and parents had Uic opportunity 10 discuss tiseir children's progreas at parent-teacher interview night Isat Thursday. Those seniors interesîed in aiding fellow students wiUi their studies are asked to register wiUi student services as tutors in ail subjects, especially Math and Science. The OAC Writer's Craft class hosteda reception for ail students who submitted their work mb tise Write Now competition. The conteat is an annual event designed 10 promote writing and literacy Ibrougisout tise school. Categories include poelry, fiction and non- fiction in bots senior and junior divisions. Congratulations to Uic winners and ail those who wrotc Uiem. The moming music conteal is stilI continuing. Stuçients have becs competing 10 sec wiso can bring in the besî music 10 Se played before firat period class. Students are reminded 10 vote for Ibeir favourite music in Uic Student Govemment office. The senior boys' basebail îeam started off Uic season slowiy, rcgistening their firat îwo losses. Ail tcarn members, espccially David Lajeunesse asd Andrew "Tcarn" Coc, put forth excellent effort. The senior girls' soccer tcarn compclcd in a lournament last Saturday, facing off against very strong opponents. Tise girls finished ose point away from the finals. The girls showed their superior akilîs againat Acton lasi week, finishing wiîh a2 and O win. Hopcfully Ibis wcek will brisg boîter resulîs for aIl Bishop Redisg tearna. For those students who wanî 10 sec our Royals improve their tessons, corne ouI and bc a Bleacher Creature asd cheer on your teams.

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