Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 5 May 2000, p. 29

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han opaninga for ail shita. Witt train. Pald training. Unforins suppliod. Ronumeration baaaod on oxpertenco. 575 Ontaflo Si. Milton 80 Markeet Dr., Milton SERVICE ADVISER Fuil lima ponitto in buay doaiernhip - Reynolds or ADP exponienco la prefarrod. Good wago nd hath plan. Contact Sarvice Manager (905>878-8808 We offer greal commissions; career advancn- ment throughout North America; flexible worc hours and a sollU benefit progmam. TO ARRANGE FOR AN INTERVIEW PLEASE CALL KYM: (905) 849-8808 INVENTORY CONTROL. Miltn ares. Large dislnibutnr requises a minimum oi 3 yeais hands on expenience in invenlosy lracking aid reporling. Tbis inlerniediat utfice oic e position re- quires the abilii lu bandit very bigh nolumes and be a stIt-motivate ttam player, Knowledge ni comput- ers and Excel is a musi. Feevra rene wluatuy enpectitee ta: Accounting Manager P.O. Box 70, Milton, ON L9T 2Y3 or fax tas (905) 8754744 Greystone Golf Club is csarrently seekmng HOUSE CLEANER(S) Flexible houas, competitive wage Enjoyabte work environemnent Apply n praon @ 9689 Dublin Line Milton or fax ho (905) 875-3435 IN TRANSIT PERSONNEL INC. Bring ynxr ticenso & abstract tx 702 Temku Bd. IR iulum Imstwee 10&-2p., Sat. M and meet euth sur rtcrxiters JOUN OUR CREW Now Hiring Full Time BROIL COOK PRE'P COOK We otier compeitive wages, graluities & a greal almosphere. Appty ix person or cati - W~8ee Uwn, fflutsu LABOURER Manuiae. LANOSCAP ompany tuding Environniant. requirea peions; wilh Fuît-lime. Sterling et yaara axpadaence in $9.00. acon lifing re- lawn maintenance. quirad. Fax 905-878- (905)78-1808. 3012. Bochringer '411VIngelheim 2'nr.eud9 mnmea&g(o6 dtimin. nntoj a /jeafw4are tradeIto ; .spanniug oerlOoyear£c c6oedqqerInijeà%eim (QanmadalL-td ù comaittes(to etcsfTence ia t/he e.rcitingfie(aof,6umau pÇiaana«eutica&4 attioaafatj se[f-medicatîon nutxs'ianaf -ruppfmentç ainine dr/ieca4s Investigational Supplies Assistant Bochringer Ingethehis (Canada) Uid. hantan immediate opentng for an Invmstigational Supplies Assistant an a fuit-time, ont-yenr contract. Primary sesponsibilitits weut induite shipping, receiving ad seturna ut investigatanal supplies in our wasehouat. Somte latavy lifting is sequirti. Applicanta abouli have psevious order pmoctaning/warthoust experience comnbined wit basic MS Office aMIls ta assist in the coordination and inventory contrat ut investigatlonat supplies. Tht succestul candidate râtl have a hlgh achool diplomna, excellent computer and urganientional alkilla, and lie a teamt player. Pharmeceuticat experience is an asset. Please aubrait sesume hy May 18, 2000, to: Human Resouses - File No. CONl, Both-Inger togeiheen (Canada) Led, 5180 South Service Rond, Burlingeon, Ontario LXL SH4. Fax: (905) 637-4278 Visii cur Web site ai wwwboehringr-inglheim.com for information about aour cumpaay. Onrt< u:ii1iiiii. closidfi-ii isitieje i l bu e iitaied ne iii,. (isl. Goniok Building Producin Limilti, Ourlinglon Plant, manufacturer af vinyl siding han oponings for: GENERAL LABOURERS To qsaliiy, you must hune a Gr. 12 educalion and fa fluent in Engtish. Plastic extrusion and sbift-work expadience wouid fa an essai. We csrrentty ofier $12.58/lsr + shift premiums and a generous fanefils package inctuding n dentl and dmug pian. Interexled candidates are invit- at ix mail or fax ineir résumé fafore May i Sth, 200010o: Ganiak Building Producin Limiied 1001 Corporae Driva Burlingion, Ontario L7L 5V5 Fax: (905) 319-5600 PMonna no phone calta Gentek Building Products îs an E..E. Best Prices Everyday! GEORGETOWN NOW HIRING FoodBasics is seeking customer service oriented individuats for the fottowing fuîltiUre positions. PRODUCE CLERK NIGHT CLERK DAIRY CLERK Appty in person with your sexsmre to 235 Guelph Street Georgetown MOFFAT Auto Wodus, a largo auto ietniiing asp roquints fuit Uime wuduorn. Witt train. Guai siartiso sntnar. Cuit Mac Mottat. 87e- 0660. POSITONS avaitablo. Ouaiitiod truck drivor euib truck mounfiti crans oxponoence to cul- tact aid tond treon ix tht nusery/. Poison lu nas- nit shippor to servce cuatomais knuwteigo ot plants praterreri. M.1Puiztr Homby Nuras Ltd. Phono ~77-3f63 Fex (906)878-9745. 00EM M e UNIVERSITY etuients and rettrees noodori for islltimo und part-Uime (npaciniizod) aummor ompioymoni ut An- droes' Sconic Acroa tarni. Applicanin maxi ha onthunianiic, poison- able, and lont tht oui- dooru. Ceit (905)878- 5807 and pick up an ap- plicetion. Positions ho- gin wreod nue and me- Juno. WANTED AZ drivoni, fat bod wreod for South- ono Ontario and Mati- r .Als 2 tank drivea. onepretorredi Hote wotsnd. Cati Bani Trniar. (519)853-5773 or 1- 800-862-1470. WANTED: Mature indi- viduels who ant inler- entai in wodding wlith ciidren or oisifs wiuh iovaiopmontla disabiti- lion. Provido a parent meief or loach a chiti flOw akitin; Pari-lima contract pouitions in tht Hallon Rogion, 4-15 hours/woak. Parent di- rectai. Fax rosume: (905)049-6980, cati (906)849-81000. YARD poison ntquirei toi opoe tencder and madiinery. Muai have previos exparlence rein tha oparation ut macbinoi>c Pleae catil Taylor Nusry, 876- 4100. FULLTIME Bookkoop- ti AccI. Payable/Rt- otivabto doduk roquirod la anrs forea huay trmxx- t rilon hicompny. oncod voithti rerncas. Pionne forwreur rsmo to0(905)693-9272 or cai (905)693-1143 ails Ju- CERTIFIED Denial Au- naieant reqsirei. Mition office. 20-30 boums par wook. Mon-Thu. Cai (905>878-6482 or las resumoe (905)878-0664. DENTAL ASSISTANT- Wo are senrching lor n spociai parson t0 foin our busy goaom prac- tico in Mitlton 4 dlaysAwook. Candidates nbouid ho parxonabio uni highiy motivatti. Muni ho HARP cerlfiit. Fax resumn o 0905-876- 3278. PART-lima ouporincai Dexna Assistant ro- dentl paclic, PDA certificalion an ensat. Dr. Pata Cannes, 106 Wakefield Rd. Miton, ONd. Fan 905-878-0657. "The bsinessî inn mien îîsetfimmmn la die seceaaùy ieadilemume auNOW(o Lw pal>tui f immune o: business." Derby Oniwo The Canadin Champion, Fniday, May 5, 2000-29 fC.stmer ServiceI F~~'caWeodi7 Iriclass maulctre o alvfr tihe global ExWencsd Sales Assoclate Fuiltime salariai position for an entbusiastic prutessiona steeing a cameer ix fint jiitlry. ,Sirxxg computer skilis art ai assai. Resame and cuver tetter can be faxtri lu tht afin oft: Todri H. Williams, <(0) 815-SO Advertisng Company Seeks PROFESSIONAL SALES PERSON We are taokrngfiir a long-terni relationship with an ambîtnius self-motivated Account Ma=ae fa suork prmmarity in then avitte/ Burtingfxn area. Pald training *An escalatingbase satary Excellent commission structure... andi a If you lhave a reliablervhide and fit this profile, pteaseforxuard your resume: Fax: (416) 321-5286 Aten: Mark Burden Serious Applicants onty please Hadrman Manufacluring Inc. bas immediaie xporings for tht ixooing positions flollfom GperatorlSotlnp * 10 stand roiiiuesing nperation * requires bnuwtedge ut overbead 11h cmanes, vernier micromneter * Min. ut 5 years eoperitnce CNC Turnet Press Operatsrlrrogramer *requires basic "i3 code ability, aui lorklit ahiity *5 years esperiexca requirni Pieuse 5end resumre by tan ai <905)333-9M34 or via -mail ix bci.ketlodd-bI..e Imprinting Supervisor Requirei lus a groreing Screen uni Pari printino comn- pany. Must bave 3-5years printing experience und fluent in tht Engiisb Ian u age (read/rite), erergetic, self starter and motivatei to e d a crew ut operatons. Cempetitive reoge uni gnod hours. Fan rouf te: Huy Impr.t Servies nt <90)823 7 er Enuil: h__ .p@Ieteleg.ce, Administrative Assistant/ Customer Service Rep. Travet accossory distribution company tocateri ix Oubvittu ix iouking for an tsar- gotic individua able 10 mutti-task in a faxi- pacori environmont. Minimum 60 wpm uni esporionco with Windows 95/98 andi DOS applicatIons sx required. Fornoard rexumos bofore May 1i7/00 ta Fax: (905) 829-9942 whoitsalt harmaceulical comany seelu an BILINGUAL ACCUPNS RECEIVMDE CILE Must hav collecion expesiiee Communicatin & castrnts senice xbiis & tht abiltiy. lu work ix a campouteizei mitonntl. Tbis entiy lea posiion niters a empetiive compensation packrage. Fa ro im te 909-59-703 inuastrîa anda petuumnuru marks rias an iiie- diate requirement for a high tntgy, ttam orient- tri individua in Costumer Service. Idea appicants shut bave a ttchnica backgroand weuh 3-5 yeans taies expedience ix valves, pressua nessels or milaer indostiy. Computer iiteracy essentia. Compensation bast opon txperieroe and capabability. Forward resomne by FAX ti (905) 842-1785 or, E-MAL 112663.316@compaserve.com PAT-Tmu BLOCK OumK This poailion ta tant pacad and raquiran an indivouarto woic Tueaday durtng the day, nd Thuraday avaninga. If you poaaeaa atrong intarpernonalilMs nd the ablity toadapt quclytocinwibaaions ploaae cati or fax reasume. FULL TiM OFFMC CLERK Il you would liko ta, work In a buay but ploanant envoironment and have aupelor interpernonal alle with tha ability to adapt quicidy pleat fax reaumne ta: lCathy MacDonald (905) 875-2910 (905) 875-3522 NO TELEPHONE CALLS ACCEPTED ON TUESDAY'S FOR THE AIOVE POSTIOS The Halton Region Federation of Agniculture Requises n Secretaryffreurer Dusses ta commence ioly t, 2000. This is a permanienu pars-sime position for an individual velu is organized, computer literate, has excel- lent communicationsiwriting akilîs, financial management capahilities aid a knowledge of agriculture. Mast have access to a computer and entait. Serioos candidates contact Debole Braindier or june litans (905)873-2143 (509)856-S9827 ny May 16 GERIE ELECTIIIC WIIOLESMIE UIi. A leadlnq olectrica distibutir iocated in Oakvilte as currenliy ooeking experdonced individuals to tii the ioltowing posilions FuIItIms ORDER DM*/ COUNTE SAMI FIIjPrt-tl.e RECEPTIU 1 OFFICE ASSISTANT Pleane mail or fax your renumne ta: Atta: Jodl Karam 1110 Spear Rd, C"sII, M LII. 2X(4 No phone calta pionne ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE SUPERVISOR Milton Ares. Large Disiribotor requirts a minimum ut 5 years accounto receivabie & supervisxry topurience. This intennediatte position requires tht abiiiy ix bon- die very bigh volumes und be a seit-motivatti team pauyer. Eceitent commuoicatiooo ukitis combinti reti a thorough knowlertge ut computers ix a must. Faraud reae & .Ia 'w eaet ttm e: Accounting Manager P.OBox 70 Milton, Ontario L9T 2Y3 or fax to, (905)875-4744 Immediete Nursing Opportanitien Pnivate Duty Long Terni Cases Gurnfeed Full-Tirno Hourn enfh Boxants! so RN privait duty for cilir ni schoo- Brampton so RN Pnivato duty nights shits -Brampton - RN/RPN privais duty case in Hafton His Exjoy Uie teamn perspective of cornmunisy nursing with the stabiltiy of guaranteed tours. We offer benefits and ungoing educutional opportunities. 11:b Fax ren tes oMgIt'.r- Sumn Aah H"toutSEMvces (905)896-8353 MLOVING Day eCaro pinh my ffhnie, JMD yen aea. Delly ealun, nubitona me. Reginterai with ina Haillon Chil Cae Regiatry. Cali 87s.3153. REUIABLE dayenro provided in my homne age 2 ap, loncai yard, pinymoon, nutrilioue meale. Cod 876. 09w9.

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