St- . - '7hê Cartidian C afpbnuodgy MaY2, 206--$ SO UR READERS WRITE This year's Milton District Hospital fair at Milton Mail went quite 'weII' Dear Editor: The 1Ilth annual Wellness Fair presensed hy Milton District Hospital entitled 'Passpors to Wellness' took place Saturday, Apr. S as Milton Mail. The event was supported by thse Milton District Hospital Foundation. There were more than 500 visitors to the maIl to visit the 33 exhihits. Participants that visited the interactive dispîsys left with lots of informa- tion to help them make informed healthcare decisions. There was someshing for everyone as this annual event. Healthy lifestyle information was available from the Halton Regional HealtIs Department, Halton Diabetes Program, Cancer Society, Milton Leisure Centre and Heart and Stroke Foundation. This information indicated tIsas hy making smart choices around nutrition, acsivity, stress management and smoking cessation, many dis- cases could he prcvented. Wellspring was a new exhihitor thais year. It wilt open a cancer support centre in Oakville in the near future. New moms and moms-in-wait- ing enjoyed visising tIhe La Leche League dis- play to learn more about breassfeeding. Seniors enjoyed leamning about communfity organizasions that support tlseir desire so live independently in the community. Thse Milton Seniors' Activity Centre demonstrated some of the activities shat are available. Many hospital departments pro- filed their services including obstetrics, the oper- ating room and rehahilitation services. The Halton Diabetes Program was on hand to moni- tor visisors' blood glucose. Participants who vis- ited thse displsys using their passport were eligi- bic to win great draw prizes. Appreciasion goes to the husinesses and orga- nizations tIsas kindly donated gifts for tIse draw prizes: Milton Mali, Royal Bank, Bootlegger, Black's Camera, Milton Photo, Shoppers Drug Mart, HealtIs and Weltness Store (OTMH), Hears and Stroke Foundation of Ontario, Dr. Paula Cassin, Canadian Red Cross Society, Canadian Cancer Society, ConnectCARE, Upstairs as Lohlaws and Dr. Erika Ristok. Cindy Popp Milton District Hospital Take a look in the mirroir, lady Dear Editor: 1 am writing so the lady who parked in the handicapped spot at Tim Hortons Saturday, Apr. 22. Actually, you took up two parking spots. 1 watched as you threw a handicapped permit onto the dash. Speaking of dash, I was quise impressed with thse one you made to the front door (despite your "disability"). Speaking of impressed, I was, when you told me with a straighs face that you had flot taken up two, parking spaces and you were hsndicapped. You then further degraded yourself by cursing as me for stating the obvious. You really served as a positive role model for the young lady sitsing next to you, when you childishly performed numerous three-point tums backing out of the handicapped space. Your physician totally misdiagnosed your condition. Being rusde, Iazy, sellish and inconsiderate does nos qualify you for a handicapped parking permis. If you happen to be one of those people who are always asking, "What's wrong with young people today?" I suggest you take a good, long look in the mirror lady. Paul Wilson Milton The only responsible choice Dear Editor: Re: Hunser safety manual. Any child who watches television or plays video games knows how to load a gun, point it at someone and pull the trigger. They see it 10 times a day in prime time and about 10 times a minute in a sypical video game. God forbid that they should have access to information that actually shows themn how to safely handle a firearm. Giving kids accesa to reliable safety information about any acsivity is the only responsihle choice. 1 applaud shis initiative. Steve Morris Milton Preaenta MU4A'1T1ME« P446VGH A clown east celebration with Maritime songs, Highland Dancing, a live band and an audience sing-along. Bring your spoons and clogs for a tos-tappin' lime! i 7:30o Tickets May l3th, at 7:0pm ate door may The Farm beBrnmited. Get Museum 's ahead Gambrel Barn of time! Guesta: Jacqueline Smith Highland Danoe Studio Danoers Live Band i Food/refreshmeflts: Cash bar Snacks to nibble on Adulta $15; Saniora/studentS $13; Children 12 & under $FREE TIckets at peggy's, Delacoutt or catI Robain ai 9054876-3307